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Everything posted by spiezels

  1. He was the only one to play any attacking balls up the channels yesterday.
  2. Agreed. This Jan is bloody inportant. So is the Wigan game to keep a cushion on those teams below.
  3. spiezels

    Fan Power

    Warnock has been stuck in the reserves by more than one manager now... There must be a reason. Hutton was a completely moron thug who was shit in both an attacking and defending role. Vlaar needs to get back soon.
  4. We all knew it was going to take time. We've got injuries to key experienced players. He is building a brand new squad with players that want to play and appreciate the position they're in. I for one was fed up with a bunch of rocket polishers on £40+ a week not giving a toss for the most part. How long have the baggies been shite but building now look, they're in the same spot we were a few years ago. This is the start of a new era at villa and its going to take longer than half a season. Hiring and firing managers doesn't work and you're a simpleton if you can't see that. Lambert needs backing and time.
  5. Really really need him back. Too many silly mistakes at the back.
  6. Cheers boss. Rining now.
  7. Left my tickets in London... Now home in Brum. If I ring the office will they sort me a couple to pick up at the game? Anyone had any experience? Thanks.
  8. I live with 2 nose brothers. If we win this cup it would destroy them. It's all they have over me so taking that, aah! 'm salivating just thinking about it ffs. COME ON BOYS!
  9. A back 3 of Clark, Vlaar, Baker looks damn fine. Would allow Vlaar to make those tubs forward too,
  10. I think that's our remit from now on tbh. I'm sure it's written into his contract, budgeting etc. Especially with FFP coming in, this is the way things will be done from now on.
  11. He's a beast. He seems to have no fear either when jumping in to get the ball which is great. If someone's silly enough to challenge him they get flattened and then stared down. LAD!
  12. Shittest High lights in the world on TLCS. Just the same short footage as SSN showed. No build on Bentekes and neither of the off sides. **** BBC rocket polishers. 20 mins if highlights on the game that was televised and 5 for us.
  13. Lower north it great for away fan abuse and atmos.
  14. I know for a fact Westwood is on £10k rising to a few more with appearances so i'd say yeah we are sorting it out.
  15. I'm going both Arse and QPR so won't be down until after Xmas now. Hopefully we still pull in some Villa boys for next year!
  16. Southampton looked like they had both upper and lower full.
  17. I'm in visitors school upper - silver, row j... Wherever the **** that is
  18. Just bought 2 tickets, she said there were a few hundred left and that only limited view were available. **** knows!
  19. Sounds about right as Westwood is on £10k rising to around £15 with appearences if met.
  20. This, we can't keep changing managers, we've got a long way to go and aren't anywhere near where we used to be. He needs to be given time. More than 1 season! I'm still behind him.
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