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Everything posted by spiezels

  1. He is our best and only decent long ball passer. Doesn't help that our squad is shit but he is and the stats show that.
  2. Can't get mine until 22nd and I know alot of other lads the same so if expect a sell out but not extra allocation.
  3. People need to forget about QPR signing these players, they can out spend us, they're doing what we did a few years ago and throwing stupid money at over priced players. It's a floored business model and can't last... We're in the shit we are now because of that kind of transfer policy.
  4. You don't see the top managers constantly waffling about transfer targets to appease fans ffs. He's said he's after people, so he's after people. I'd much rather he concentrate on that than worry about what some blokes on a forum are whining about.
  5. Us drowning out the city fans is huge for the players in this game. Need to get out the blocks quickly and shut em down otherwise we'll concede and heads will drop. Having Vlaar back will be huge!
  6. Yep, been told to get wages down to just under £50million.
  7. We turned it around against Blackburn! We can do it against these ****! If we got Vlaar back or maybe another CB/CDM in with experience we can stop concedeing and let the lads up too worry about scoring. We came close enough in the first leg. UTV!
  8. We pissed away easy chances, it could have been 4-0 at 30 mins in. It's the defence is fcuked, we need experience, it's quite simple. Lambert HAS to stay, 1 transfer window and half a season is rediculous. Surely people know hiring and firing doesn't work. He's been told to get wages down to £50mill and this is part of it. We won't be buying expensive high wage players anymore. Early days, it's gonna be a long road. People need to see this.
  9. They had to go because of their wages.
  10. There's a thread in the VT section mate. Search it. The Baring pub
  11. Can't say exactly but trust me its a fact. I also have nothing to gain from lying and I think it's an important factor that people should know about the job PL has to do.
  12. He's been tasked with getting the clubs wage bill down to just under £50 mill. FACT
  13. For those of us that have to wait until tomorrow to get our tickets anyone know if we can do it online or purely over the phone and will it be from the office opening hours?
  14. My bluenose flat mate says london bridge is the best spot then tube down. He said its always been dodgy down there but when you hang around with scum as he does you attract it. Just got to have your head screwed on and eyes open. Can't bloody wait!
  15. Apparently it's "not too bad and he should be ok for Southampton" Coming from a source close to him.
  16. Only on VT can you find someone still pissed off at Villa after a win.
  17. Think tickets for the semi are on now for any BH hist if you can get down to there. Up for phone and online tomorrow.
  18. People reading too much into thing shocker! There's alot of games over this period and I think that is Lamberts priority. Chill the **** out.
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