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Everything posted by Seat68

  1. Seat68

    U.S. Politics

    Won't December be a little late?
  2. Yeah I know right, like Josef Fritzl, no one ever talks about his great skills at secret dungeon construction and how he never left his bin out.
  3. My god thats bad, imagine mistaking it for a normal festival
  4. Katie Hopkins in the healing field, needs a little Matt Le Tissier I think.
  5. Victoria Coren Mitchell is pretty poor on Only Connect, not when she is asking the questions, just all of the other things, but I wouldn't want the host changed. I can tolerate her dreadful jokes as I know she does a good job at being a quiz master.
  6. Margo Smith, the Tennessee yodeler has died.
  7. I would love to visit that place. You Welsh with your quaint train stations.
  8. Seat68

    General Chat

    Do not go down the English route. @rjw63 said sneakers this week, after a holiday in Santay Monicay and due to his infirm years @mjmooney didn't say trainers.
  9. I intend to watch this, not yet but when the time is right I will. It looks phenomenal.
  10. Have you considered collecting Butlins Skegness Postcards? As an investment it produces very little in return, but the pleasure from it is immense. Results may vary.
  11. Have you seen that TPain cover that's doing the rounds? An artist that has used auto tune dialled up in the past has done a covers album and people are astounded.
  12. It is particularly good cheese though
  13. Not one hundred percent on what this means if I was being honest. Economic Left/Right: -6.75 Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -3.79
  14. Some new rules were introduced in December, all very interesting. https://www.cbssports.com/soccer/news/new-mls-rules-explained-five-new-rules-from-the-board-of-governors-might-change-how-soccer-is-played/ Clearly a case of **** about, find out. I have limited NFL experience, but this sounds like what they do in that game.
  15. This was the first video I saw by Billy Strings, its quite amazing to see where he is now. Dust in a baggie remains his best for me at least.
  16. The first film that mesmerised my grandson was Toy Story 3, so there is a pattern there. My daughter it was American werewolf in London, I blamed my mother in law for that one.
  17. Seat68

    General Chat

    now??? Happy birthday Mike.
  18. This is interesting and worth watching it all if you have time, its a discussion on bias and if the government has captured the BBC. Talk of Robbie Gibb is very insightful.
  19. I watched Wish at the weekend, the latest Disney offering. When my grandson was born, I thought excellent, a continuation of watching Disney films from my daughter. No, if its not a roblox creator on Youtube he isnt that interested and so when a new Disney or similar comes out I watch it with my wife and not my grandson. Wish was pretty good, a little different but it worked. Songs were ok, not classics, but not awful and on the whole I thought it was a solid offering. Some good Disney easter eggs in it as well.
  20. Seat68

    General Chat

    Stood in the wind with no top on holding an american flag?
  21. Started the night in Rodeos, a country music place near Wolves train station. That was excellent before heading to the Grand to see a 2 hour set from Stewart Lee. He remains the best stand up you are likely to see touring. He was excellent, on terrific form and following his usual routine. He absolutely isn't for everyone but for me no one comes close to him.
  22. Watching Sunday Brunch and Gruff Rhys is on it. Never in it's history has a man appeared to want to be somewhere else more. It's quite funny.
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