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Everything posted by Seat68

  1. I hope so, him and his wife split up last year, his appearance doesn't seem to be deterring my wife though.
  2. I don't get Jonathon Pie, or at least I don't find him funny, or even interesting. I understand why people do, but as a character its not something that works well for me. I get sent his videos a lot, but like Hayseed Dixie people assume its up my street but is not at all. @bickster what's the live show like, it can't be him ranting for an hour could it?
  3. If my wife has anything to do with it, it will be her.
  4. Going to woke lefty Stewart Lee's Wolverhampton date on Sunday.
  5. The trick I suppose is to be inoffensive and bland. I really don't want Harry to win as Jaz to me has been the best player. The only problem is Mollie and her loyalty to Harry. If it plays out that Mollie and Harry are in the final then I would take him winning
  6. It's safe, it's a comment on the democracy we have enjoyed electing the last few Prime Ministers. Of course we aren't a Presidency but it's not a bad little skit.
  7. Started watching Our Flag Means Death a few weeks ago, only really watched an episode and then other things got in the way, and remain in the way, but I needed something fairly light hearted so had 4 episodes of it last night. It is excellent, great cast, good script, different. I like it. Tonight its the start of the last episodes of The Traitors, hopefully Jaz and Zach banish Harry, unlikely, but its a hope.
  8. Seat68

    General Chat

    I am not in the habit of keeping petrol around the house in clear containers so I dont think I have seen it either, my guess is it looks like cider, probably tastes like it too if you are desperate enough.
  9. Producer, and singer Frank Farian has died. he was responsible for Boney M and Milli Vanilli amongst others.
  10. I have worked with different clients and they have forced their build laptop on me, some who should have done this haven't. I am working for the NHS for the next few weeks, on my own laptop.
  11. Are Americans really obsessed with skillets as Youtube would have me believe.
  12. As a fellow shit driver, any lane change is indicated, pulling out and pulling in.
  13. During the Tango campaign you could get a tango figure, I sent away for one, they addressed it to Bursting udders and I still have it to this day.
  14. Also just finished Wonka, really enjoyed and not to be contrary, really liked the songs. They were penned by Neil Hannon so that helped. Good film, different of course to the other 2 Wonka films.
  15. It's a complex one, you need to know about Steamed Hams and Rogans podcast and his willingness to accept unfounded bullshit
  16. It's an interesting one, never a Ride fan, my wife was and all apart from Twisterella in this house are owned by her, but this, well I wonder if the people who might buy the new album might be put off by it. If you compare it to Kisses by Slowdive, a band that know their audience, it's weak. Very weak.
  17. Rocka-buy Records of Oakham Rutland. I have never bought anything from them, but they have a large social media presence so I see their videos, it tends to be favourite albums, tracks, guitarists etc. The guy who fronts it owns a well stocked record shop but his selections are always so bloody pedestrian, it's like his favourite album is the best of the Beatles. I think at times he is a divorced dad that is just discovering vinyl again.
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