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Everything posted by troon_villan

  1. Looks like something Jim Leighton used to wear. They don't appear to have got any of the strips right this year.
  2. same as wicked or bad are also good things. Hopefully he'll have a bad season and is sick all over the pitch.
  3. Striped socks = Christmas elves.
  4. Allan McGregor was Hutton's best man at his wedding, so if Lambert is looking at keepers and McGregor was a target then it shouldn't be difficult to get him considering he's almost a dead cert to leave Rangers with all their troubles.
  5. But what is it you don't like? I don't like the collar, the blue looks too light, the yellow at the bottom is completely unnecessary, the macron sign looks plain and boring and I loved the subtle checks in last seasons which are gone. Do you like it? What is it about it you like?
  6. Ukraine's No. 2 Gorghen Zhola would be a good shout!
  7. Don't like it, disappointing after last seasons which was really nice.
  8. I played the demo aswell, enjoyed it but I got the feeling it wouldn't hold me for long. I need a storyline a la COD to keep me interested.
  9. How did you get so much money to spend?? I got £3m in my first season!!
  10. The new Maximo Park album is pretty good, only had one listen last night but I liked it!
  11. Jake Forster-Caskey from Brighton - Centre-mid(DLP). Think he's only 17 or 18, tidy player.
  12. Yeah, along with insomnia, depression, anger management issues, anxiety and becoming increasingly popular is a severe addiction to the seasonal transfer speculation thread.
  13. Hoilett is class, not too consistent though.
  14. It's a funny old game, if Holland don't win this they deserve to go out. Hopefully they stop trying to be so fancy and just put the ball in the net. P.S. Boooumaa!!
  15. I really hope he gets a managers job soon. Lol, he's what 16? Not to take anything away from KMac but how managers has he played under?
  16. This is a shame. I would assume he wants to step up to management, expect him to take up a position somewhere soon.(not sha) All the best KMac!
  17. Villa 2011/12 - 5th 2012/13 - 4th + League Cup 2013/14 - 3rd I'll get there eventually! One thing that's bugging me, I edited myself into the game as a youngster and for some reason he retired from International football after 1 call up!
  18. Impressive Milfner, what year is it in the game?
  19. Gave Gaz Coombes' album a few shots now......it's alright I guess, nothing special. The single is easily the best song on the album imo.
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