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Everything posted by troon_villan

  1. Leemond get yer pic up in the rogues gallery with as many 'birds' as you can muster!
  2. Is that a some sort of joke or ... ?? Hope not - there's a separate thread for them. Rules is rules!
  3. He's picked the wrong club then Where does this myth come from, that if you buy an Asian player you suddenly sell a shitload of extra merch over there? Most football goods in Asia are bootleg for starters I'd love to check Bolton's accounts and see how much extra they've made from having Chung-Yong Lee on their books You can't really compare the two clubs in which both players have made their name though. Pretty sure Park id idolized over there for playing for the biggest club in the world.
  4. On behalf of my brothers from Birmingham, we don't need tests to determine which half of the City is the more intelligent. It's fairly obvious.
  5. Ja-Jay Okocha is probably the best coach in my save in the whole game. His stats are crazy. Trezeguet for shooting, Luke Young defending, Benayoun ball control are all good.
  6. Meh to both Given and Guzan as 1 and 2. A big fat meh.
  7. Uploaded with ImageShack.us Only a pre-season friendly - but **** me that's a drubbing, look at the shots!
  8. Did you go to Heaton Park? (Going by your sig as a clue!) Was an incredible amount of Scottish people over the weekend. Would say there was as many Scots as Mancs there! Yeah, I was there on the Saturday mate(not on my own ) and I agree, there did seem to be some sort of invasion on that particular day. It got to the point where I was expecting every person I spoke to, to be Scottish!
  9. I quite often go to gigs on my own and I always feel like i'm the only person there on my own. Hardly any of my mates are into music like I am.
  10. I completely forgot about this, that's the only reason you won.
  11. What's the photo of the postbox all about?
  12. I was at The Roses on Saturday night, just incredible, the crowd were on top form aswell. Highlight of the night was This Is The One! Also, aside from the main event, i'm not a fan of Beady Eye but Morning Glory was class.
  13. troon_villan


    Sounds good, if only I could pronounce most of the words, I would order it!
  14. troon_villan


    How's it the countries fault?? Eat whatever the **** you like.
  15. There's no way i'll last another 6 seasons on this save, i've started to holiday a few weeks at a time just to get through the season. Although, i've just finished my 7th season and after winning everything possible apart from the league cup, my budget is at £50m for the coming season and Villa are now number 7 on the rich list and board have started building a new stadium.
  16. Nah, i'm glad they played these warm up gigs. To go from nothing in 20 years as a foursome to playing to 75,000 three nights in a row could have been disastrous! I'm going on the Saturday night, cannot wait!!
  17. Im now in my 7th season with Villa, in the champs league for the 4th season in a row, won the league twice, couple of domestic cups and last season won the champs league and finished 2nd in the league. As a result the stature of the club has gone up, value is up..etc.. but my transfer budget has gone down by a couple mil every season. At the start of the season the budget was £18m and although i'm spending £1.4m a week on wages my budget is £2.1m so yeah it,s pretty hard to make Villa a rich club. The stadium doesn't help, and sponsorship money is shocking compared to other clubs. I'm determined to get them in the top 5 richest though, I won't stop until I do I tell thee!!
  18. Im now in my 7th season with Villa, in the champs league for the 4th season in a row, won the league twice, couple of domestic cups and last season won the champs league and finished 2nd in the league. As a result the stature of the club has gone up, value is up..etc.. but my transfer budget has gone down by a couple mil every season. At the start of the season the budget was £18m and although i'm spending £1.4m a week on wages my budget is £2.1m so yeah it,s pretty hard to make Villa a rich club. The stadium doesn't help, and sponsorship money is shocking compared to other clubs. I'm determined to get them in the top 5 richest though, I won't stop until I do I tell thee!!
  19. Triple post! Wowee, not sure what happened there!
  20. I'm with Woodytom on this one. Bent, Ireland and N'Zogbia are all passengers when they want to be, the other 3 unproven at this level.
  21. troon_villan


    I read that as though the cat from your avatar was was saying it.
  22. Rotation, Rotation, Rotation! Also, getting in decent fitness coaches and physios help, anyone who finishes a game under 75% gets a rest the next day.
  23. troon_villan


    I work in a building squad with my mate and his Dad. My mates Mum makes up 3 flasks of home-made soup every day for the three of us, absolute legend! I make up a couple of ham/chicken sandwiches every night for the next day and there's usually a chocolate biscuit involved! I fill an empty Robinsons bottle with juice and the litre does me for the day, I save an absolute fortune compared to most folk I know!!
  24. Not been a bad year for music so far: The Cribs Richard Hawley The Maccabees Maximo Park Django Django Pond Jack White All releasing top notch albums IMO
  25. The whole interaction between players, staff, media, agents...etc.... needs to be completely revamped imo. Fair enough when it starts to get repetitive after a few seasons, but within a few weeks is ridiculous.
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