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Everything posted by wishywashy

  1. I'm not against a new stadium but we really shouldn't take what's happening down the road very seriously. Right now all Blues have are two things: a plot of derelict land and a hilariously unrealistic idea. It's Xia's bizarre theme park on steroids and is a collection of massive red flags, I'd be shocked if they ever laid a single brick and it would be daft for Villa to react based on their pipe dream.
  2. I assume you're talking about the League 1 Playoff final here?
  3. The link to the press release doesn't show on Chrome for me but it appeared when I tried it on Firefox, so I assume it's just an issue with their website rather than anything foreboding. The Atairos thing is definitely the most interesting piece of the Villa Park redevelopment puzzle, though. The European Commission approved the deal back in February. I hope we get some light shed on what the plans are for the next steps for Villa Park, and whether it's something that Atairos will be getting involved in. Presumably any sort of news on that front will come in the summer.
  4. This sort of talk is in the realm of fantasy. The only two conclusions you can draw is that they're either incompetent with no understanding of football or football finances (which would seem about right given their actions in the footballing department so far) or they're just outright selling a lie. The summer will reveal all.
  5. Daly has retired from international football.
  6. Xia's theme park on steroids. Where's the demand for all that they're promising? So many ways this can go so horribly wrong for them in the next few years. Lovely.
  7. Need to continually remind that this is the same club that had to run a several weeks long campaign consisting of publicly begging and selling tickets for dirt cheap, just to fill their relatively small stadium for the first time since we played them over 5 years ago. And they stand a pretty good chance of dropping into League 1. This will be interesting.
  8. The Labour Party's stance is now to actively mock *checks notes* the left wing.
  9. I think there's a mixture of favouritism and incompetence at play, but probably not outright corruption. Clattenburg, for example, has openly admitted that he heavily favoured United when refereeing them under Fergie. Pretty sure they were mates too, which seems like a conflict of interest. Referees aren't helped by the rules of the game being incredibly unfit for purpose and vague either. As for a conspiracy theory, McTominay and El Shaarawy are still in their early 20s. There's no way McTominay is 27. I'm not buying it.
  10. Compared to United's grand total of 0.
  11. Six years ago Villa could have quite easily gone down a path where they ceased to exist. Now some (mostly on other platforms tbf) are treating the (still unlikely!) prospect of only qualifying for the Europa League as some sort of doomsday scenario. It's hilarious. We're 12 points (effectively 13) ahead of 6th place (who have worse form than us) and we'll probably know in 1/2 weeks whether 5th gets a CL spot. It's pretty chill.
  12. He's inherently a player that makes teams that are playing well even better (the ceiling): he's a huge threat in these situations and can unlock teams. But he can't really make the team play better (the floor) by himself, and he's definitely a liability when the team's on the backfoot. I think Emery made a mistake keeping him deep in the pivot with McGinn higher up the pitch once we went 2-0 up. It worked well enough in the first half against the low block, but that was never going to end well once Brentford started going for it and throwing everything at us. But that's just hindsight, really.
  13. I assume he's playing through an injury tbh
  14. Great player, but he's always had a moronic streak in him. Today's incident was the worst offender yet, sums up our luck in the 2nd half of the season that he's decided to go and do that. Maybe a rest (at the worst possible time) will do him some good. Some of his play in recent weeks has just seemed so casual imo: as if there's some fatigue at play. Crazy how that's the third time this season that a midfielder has gotten themselves an unfathomably stupid card at a pivotal junction. Joins Kamara in the reverse fixture and McGinn a few weeks ago. Please don't get any ideas, Tielemans...
  15. 12 points (effectively 13) ahead of United now. As long as 5th is UCL it'll be fine. Bayern lost again...
  16. Literally 30 seconds until you're not banned for 2 games and you lose your head like that. Luiz you moron.
  17. But spending the summer playing the likes of Czechia and Israel's U21s instead of resting was critical for his development...
  18. Antony is vile. Not a very good footballer either.
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