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Everything posted by Jono62

  1. I reckon the reaction he will get will be similar to when the players take a knee.
  2. What is frustrating is if Kane does leave, he will still get his loyalty pay off or whatever it is these prats get because he didn't request a transfer even though it is obvious he wants to leave.
  3. He had better be ready for a huge backlash if he does even half the stuff he did at Villa.
  4. It's not something that I even considered to be racist, but it seems some people have that leap. Does this mean that the Rugby team will no longer be called The All Blacks and the cricket team will no longer be The Black Caps?
  5. Scored again. Should swap him with El Ghazi.
  6. No, he must be excellent now. Through ball after through ball, you know like a machine.
  7. Exactly, you don't that from YouTube highlights.
  8. I love this tweet. Galatasaray - We would like to sign you. Harroui - I DON'T LIKE YOU! YOU SMELL!
  9. The only way that strike could be better is if it went in off the crossbar.
  10. Is there anyway we can bring Anwar on for pens only? He was poor again today but he's the man for pens.
  11. https://video.avfc.co.uk/video/dm9kJTdDMF9kbjlwNWp4byU3QyUyRnNlY3Rpb24lM0ZzbHVnJTNEaG9tZSU3Q2hvbWUlMkZjYXJvdXNlbHMlMkYzJTJGZmVlZA%3D%3D?lang=en
  12. Next week, 'it's up to Ollie'. Then, boom, sold for £101 million to Man City in January as he had a release clause.
  13. Watched both goals and the co commentator is trying to be Sid Waddell.
  14. Jono62

    The NSWE Board

    This and the Dunkers thing is very worrying.
  15. Jono62

    The NSWE Board

    Don't shoot the messenger but I heard Wes Edens likes Dairylea Dunkers.
  16. Thought Spurs looked decent without Kane.
  17. Where's the outrage? Oh right, he's not Pogba.
  18. We need to have official partners Official Noodle Partner Official Patty Partner Etc
  19. Tbf I've done a few tweets where the words don't make sense, sometimes autocorrect catches you out.
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