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Everything posted by zab6359

  1. Should have gone in for him in January, he's only 22 and is the sort of player who will develop into a decent striker pretty much a 1 in 2 goal ratio since joining Huddersfield.
  2. That does bug the shit out of me it's like he sets a reminder that goes off when it's time for a sub and that sub was pre-chosen before the game very predictable. Or he completely forgets and suddenly on 88 minutes thinks damn need to bring Davis on!
  3. I don't think he knows how to set up a team so they are hard to beat that's his downfall! He doesn't seem to set a team up for a certain opposition it all one dimensional with him which is OK if you are a mid table Championship club, not good for a team trying to get a foothold in the PL! How Brentford have improved (in all areas) since he left concerns me a bit.
  4. Bollocks I'd rather eat my own sick end of!!
  5. That makes sense have to admit I don't know the full in and outs off FFP but aren't the basics you can't spend more than you earn over a three year period?
  6. God no rather go down with Smith, the mans a dinosaur there's a reason he's out of work!
  7. All five would make it into our first team! Highly likely Farke will bring Norwich straight back should he stay with them, completely agree he will get picked up by a bigger club at some point can easily see him managing a top 4 Bundesliga side in time, probably end up back at Dortmund.
  8. I've enjoyed the experiment of having a Villa fan as manager but I don't think DS is a PL level manager, he's done nothing this season to show he is. Not a single shock result, not a single game I can look back on and say well done Dean you worked out the opposition and set up the team to beat them and achieved it. It's actually a bit concerning that Brentford have improved since he left particularly in defense. However I have said earlier in this thread I think the board will stick with him when we get relegated, and I do think he's good enough to get us back up but that's his limit, we won't improve under him. It's not just him though player recruitment has been very poor especially the forwards, having to play one of the most creative English midfielders since Gazza on the left of a forward three is just shocking, I bet Jack despite being Villa through and through can't wait for the summer and to get the **** out of dodge! I still remember that interview pre season where Jack was asked favourite and least favourite positions and he spends all season in his least favourite!
  9. Better players to a man simple as! Only Jack and Mings would get into that utd team and that's being very kind to TM!
  10. Only one of those games we should win is CP, we will need something expected to stay up and those below us to do worse.
  11. McGinn 40 mil? Have word with yourself no chance!
  12. Well the teams around us are sticking to the script, back in our hands now winning these two games in hand is a huge ask but if we want PL football next seaon we need to pull off a couple of shock results.
  13. We are well over due a shock win over one of the top 6 could this be the one?
  14. Just read the last few pages and was going to quote those I disagree with but really can't be bothered. For me DS did brilliantly getting us promoted although the 10 game run was a bit surreal at the time and I definitely don't put it all down to good management but fair play he was the manager at the time. However for me he's the Trez of managers....says all the right things, works his balls off but in all reality he's never going to cut it at this level! He has shown nothing this season to say he is a PL manager in the making, no shock results same mistakes week in week out. I have a feeling the board will stick with him though, and if we go down he will probably get us back up in a season but I think it will be same old same old with another relegation battle. Just don't think he is good enough at PL level.
  15. I wouldn't be bothered one bit if he moved on in the summer, no mental robustness at all not a Villa player long term. Smith showed a weakness playing him Sunday and used Hause and Konsa as scapegoats for his comments regarding players playing themselves out of the final!
  16. I very much doubt we have four wins in us, just can't see it! Two tops.
  17. So a move back to the team that we did so well with before SJM was injured? Admittedly samagoal is a huge upgrade on wesley.
  18. zab6359

    Louie Barry

    I thought his mum cut his hair?
  19. I've got us down for another 8 which will leave us short unless those below us do even worse.
  20. Checking out next seasons opposition?
  21. Fair enough if you feel we are on the right path all well and good, I don't right now and feel we need some changes to get to that right path
  22. Fair enough I don't think they have improved as I believe results would also have improved, you feel individuals have improved but have also been unable to back it up as results haven'y improved. Interesting topic indeed.
  23. Not sure you know how it works, if he as good as we are led to believe as a gifted and talented athlete a temporary work visa is not a problem it happens in the championship and league 1.
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