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Everything posted by Sulberto21

  1. He has to play from the left and drive for goal. When he keeps it simple he is much more effective.
  2. I really wanted us to get Rongier or Santamaria instead we bought Nakamba - great back story but this isn’t a hollywood movie we’re producing. He has really gone backwards since his first few games where he looked really good .
  3. Grew as the game wore on. Started to dominate verbally too towards the end. Good performance.
  4. Im not the biggest Smith fan, but he got the tactics spot on today. Our defensive midfield did the job of getting stuck in. He made the full backs narrow so they couldn’t play through us. El-Ghazi has got to play on the left though as he is much better from this side.
  5. People should lay off Wesley with the personal insults there’s just no need or justification. Calling him a prick is pointless. However his footballing abilities are pretty sub standard atm. He needs to stay with the opposition centre backs and keep them occupied. Even if he stands there and does nothing not even touch the ball it’s going to be more beneficial to us because the defenders will always be aware of him. In the premier league to do his current role you need to dominate possession and have wingers with 12-13 + goals season in them - we don’t have neither. Hopefully signing someone like Pedro will help as his experience and talent will hopefully rub off. Wesley is running around in the wrong areas at the moment. He was better today but he needs to do it more often and further up the field.
  6. He would have more assists if someone was in the box to cross to. He amazingly lacks belief in himself.
  7. Best performance of the season from him today. He was in their faces and got stuck in. Grealish and Mcginn are the only other ones who have been getting stuck in.
  8. Brilliant brilliant defensive performance by the team. They showed fight and guts. Douglas Luiz was brilliant. Grealish as ever the don. Credit to all of them. Especially Dean Smith he’s made the necessary tweaks and we won. It wasn’t pretty but we have to stay up. I don't care how it’s done.
  9. https://www.givemesport.com/1529716-the-fastest-players-in-the-premier-league-so-far-this-season-have-been-revealed look at number four ... how is that possible????
  10. What’s with the racism? The French btw are the current world champions in Football. If The ‘ambitious’ board decided tomorrow to do whatever it takes to bring Pochettino in would you and others accept it? We need to play 4-2-3-1 with two defensive midfielders and a diamond shaped front 4. Hopefully we can bring in a striker and a winger so the best player we have can play in the free role he needs to be in. Wesley improved when Kodjia came on so that’s some crumb of comfort. Financially relegation will be a shocker for us. Our off the ball ‘work’ ( very poor atm) needs to improve. Unfortunately we are regressing since the first half against Manchester United. The games are running out and once Villa Park becomes toxic ( in my 31 years of going) it’s rare a manager makes it out. If you can’t win make sure you don’t lose.
  11. Making assumptions about me again I see. I don't claim to have knowledge above anyone.
  12. The point was it’s pointless calling out Villa fans who have genuine concerns about What they perceive are the same mistakes our team has made since the start of the season. It is irrelevant because the majority of the players from twelve months ago are gone. And Liverpool had 73% of the ball therefore its not a false narrative. Don't take take my word for it check the stats from yesterday’s game.
  13. Still baiting I see. And I criticised some aspects of Dean Smith’s management. Troy Deeney was a suggestion to help our young Brazilian striker push on and improve which he will.
  14. Keepers today are effing amazing. I have so much respect for them it’s unreal. About 20years ago I asked some Walsall players who were training if I go in nets just to see what they are capable of. I was shell shocked with the speed and power of shots. The amount of times I wasn’t ready was stunning. I then went in net a few weeks back with some of their youth players ( they’re in league two now). Heaton is an amazing keeper. What he must have to face in the premier league I can only speculate what the absolute best strikers are capable of. Even the youths of Walsall today can kick and throw keepers off balance quicker than their professionals of 20 years ago.
  15. And yet could have gone away with two goals but for a brilliant save and a lick of paint.
  16. I have repeatedly said today and last week are free passes in terms of performance and result. So im totally vanilla about today and last week . The barometer for us should be from the spurs game. Yes in some areas we have improved ( fitness, strength) but in others we have stood still. Imo
  17. Not meant as a dig but I suppose it might be a positional thing which would mean he doesn’t have to run at full pace. If he in fact if all our players watch how the liverscum mob press they collectively will learn how to manage games with more fitness/stamina.
  18. Plus Lerner had to go through a divorce. Don’t get me started on MON’s failure to be break the top 4. Heskey... ‘shudders’
  19. I think his biggest issue is that he is either 100% pace or nothing. He needs to pace his games better. This is why he gets knackered in every game.
  20. You obviously have difficulty reading things. I didn’t mention this window I mentioned the window in which we did spend more. The point? It’s irrelevant mentioning that the same way it’s irrelevant mentioning where we were 12 months ago etc as it’s done . We are a premiership club now so fans are entitled to criticise the manager if the opposition score with a header From a corner which would have hit a defender sat on the post. Some fans prefer defending for 73% of the time others see value in trying to keep the ball better. Some of us have been season ticket holders since 87-88 and have seen many false dawns but a common theme is we did well but just lacked that extra quality.
  21. I agree with Spurs ( fantastic against us,) City and Liverpool yes. But not Arsenal they are crap! They fluked that win against us. This is the worst Arsenal team I have ever seen.
  22. I agree with what you say. But that’s to do with the constant sniping of Villa Fans who question one or two things only to be told ‘twelve months ago etc so be grateful.’ Who doesn’t want to see Smith lead us out at Wembley. Fighting For the league. Winning the champions league etc . But some of us want to see a change in his substitutions or the timing of them. In terms of this season. The fact some fans are disappointed with the defeat against Liverpool is a good thing. That shows that we are improving however those fans are saying we should have won/ drew had the manager made a tactical switch or two Isn’t reason to say they are ingrates it’s just disappointment at what was a possible chance to beat Liverpool when we apparently had them there for the win.
  23. Matt Targett is a brilliant left back. Very cultured on the ball. Defending isn’t bad either.
  24. You know it’s very irritating when someone has questioned two aspects of Smith’s management so far that they are mocked. And then you respond like you’re an eight year old boy. If you want to criticise me do it with a counter argument that I can analyse and either agree with or disagree with. Otherwise kindly move on. If he wins the league then maybe I may have retract the messiah statement but the same theme seems to be happening all season. Substitutions and throwing away leads. here’s a question for some of you holier than thou posters? Why didn’t Dean Smith instruct one of his players to stand on the post for the cross which led to Mane heading the winner.? That potential point today could have catapulted the confidence of the players. Even Klopp needs to improve some aspects and this guy is going to win the league! That doesn’t mean im saying he’s crap it means that I believe he can do some things better. Same with Smith I have not once said he is bad. I just believe he needs to eradicate the same mistakes that he seems to be making over and over again. I.E the substitutions etc.
  25. I think the players have been shocked with the physicality, speed and fitness of the premier league this season. The sooner our lot ( they are improving here) get to grips with that then 14th should be achievable.
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