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Everything posted by Sulberto21

  1. Re that list : look at number 5 , 16 year old. Number 7 Baptiste Santamaría, number 35 John McGinn he’s missed a few games recently too.
  2. It’s just his fitness. He was always going blow out of his arse after ten fifteen minutes.
  3. His passing at least was crisp when he had some energy. It’s not his fault we lost today. Should have come on in the last fifteen minutes unless our standards of fitness are so poor that he looked good in training.
  4. We didn’t play 3-4-3 today. It was a 5-3-2 the 3-4-3 has worked for us because initially it meant the wide players got closer to Wesley. Against Leicester the front 3 kept swapping positions. Also today we didn’t play with a defensive midfielder. Drinkwater was in the middle of the 3. I agree with most of your post though.
  5. Pep Guardiola teams ‘struggle’ against teams that have two defensive midfielders. I use the word struggle because Pep usually finds a way around it . However his defeats and draws in Spain and Germany usually came against teams with the two defensive midfielders. Dean Smith has to set up his team like this and we need to get closer - we have conceded 50 more shots than the opposition. Whilst against Burnley it was fine because the shots were from 30 yards + , against teams with intricate play they have too many shots from 15-20 yards.
  6. Our strength and fitness still hasn’t improved enough imo. I mentioned this in the match thread against Tottenham that it needs to improve sharpish.
  7. He has found a formula which works for us 3-4-3 and then he changes it again. Trezeguet works hard and would have kept their defenders back, Nakamba and Luiz work well together defensively if not the best going forwards. Instead he plays a lightweight Hourihane and two years out of shape Drinkwater. Oh and Elmo is awful.
  8. On a side note watching Liverpool and Man City and previously Man Utd it comes from the manager. The desire their players show is incredible. 5-0 up and they were still chasing back.
  9. Very disappointed with the team selection and subsequent defensive performance. We weren’t going to win but once that team selection popped up I thought how many will we lose by. Drinkwater is two years out of shape. Kevin De Bruyne was bought off because he felt drunk because of the fumes from Drinkwater’s sweat. At least we won the last five minutes 1-0 whooo. Dean Smith needs to stop having brain farts. 3-4-3 is the way forwards as we aren’t good enough to dominate.
  10. If he comes on ill take anything less than 9-0
  11. I said it after Watford’s first goal against us Elmo should never play for us again. James Bree has potential he should be ahead of him.
  12. Man City love teams like us because we are so dumb and brain dead collectively.
  13. Nakamba and Trezeguet might not be the most technically gifted players but they work hard. And Guilbert should only be out the team because he is injured. Lol ‘chocolate wrists’ Nyland. Graeme Souness with a rare gem.
  14. I just want us to kick one of their players.
  15. 3-4-3 was working defensively because Luiz and Nakamba were getting stuck in.
  16. We are so weak and slow mentally it’s unreal. It’s not just this game.
  17. OMG ! Yet again Smith goes back to 1 DM it’s not good enough. FFS.
  18. What the f u are El- Mohamady and Drinkwater on the pitch for????
  19. Whilst I agree in part that in some quarters that would happen I also believe in Europe and South America that will not be the case.
  20. The point isn’t whether they come or not, it gains attention. Other players and agents from other clubs will also take notice. It causes curiosity at the very least. Grealish is easily a top 6 player with room to improve. Grealish has the ability to play and improve for the ‘top 6’ , Barcelona, Real Madrid, Bayern Munich, PSG et al. In fact I’ve undervalued him at £110million. He’s worth more to us. Breaking News - Manchester City reject Aston Villa Sterling bid. Aston Villa have had an offer of £125million rejected by Manchester City for Raheem Sterling....... imagine how you would think as a footballer from another club. You’d be like wtf! Who are this Aston Villa? ‘They can offer me diplomatic immunity too.’ - once Prince William becomes king you know... .
  21. It’s what they have been doing for years. We used to do it back in the 1890’s and 1900’s when we were the Mightiest club in the world. Whether we get those players or not we will definitely unsettle the scene and serve notice of our intent.
  22. Grealish in the current market is worth no less than £110 million. However to stop bids coming in we need to start bidding for their stars. So offer them £110million for sterling. £50 million for Aguero. £45 million for Jesus. Etc etc etc. With Man united we should offer them £ 60 million for Martial similar for Rashford etc and then their bids for our stars will soon end. Edit - this is how you unsettle the sky 4 or 6 however they are now known. Bid for their best and most prized assets. Soon other players from other clubs will realise that a new ‘player’ is in town.
  23. All season it has been obvious that Wesley has needed another striker in the squad to push him. We should have pressed for a January 1st signing. He got injured and now we’re totally in the crapper. We’re not competing with Liverpool our business is going to be done in a different market.
  24. Excellent presence to have in the changing room. People like AEG , Trezeguet et al will all benefit from him. Naturally the keepers will definitely benefit.
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