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Everything posted by Sulberto21

  1. I thought we signed Hulk Hogan brother but whatcha gonna doo.
  2. https://www.health.harvard.edu/a_to_z/posterior-cruciate-ligament-pcl-injuries-a-to-z “The posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) and the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) are two tough bands of fibrous tissue that connect the thighbone (femur) and the large bone of the lower leg (tibia) at the knee joint. Together, the ACL and PCL bridge the inside of the knee joint, forming an "X" pattern that stabilizes the knee against front-to-back and back-to-front forces. In particular, the PCL prevents the lower leg from slipping too far back in relation to the upper leg, especially when the knee is flexed (bent).”...... Article from Harvard on PCL injuries...
  3. I wouldn’t mind if the links with Jed Wallace come to fruition.
  4. I called it at the time it was a calculated nasty challenge. When you ‘t- bone’ a player you know that the chances of you getting injured are very low whereas the player on the receiving end is likely to get hurt. If it was a head on 50-50 Wesley would have flattened him. Wesley has incredible pain tolerance it was clear it was bad as he was trying to suck it up . Even if he tackled him with proper technique he would have damaged his ankle as Wesleys foot was planted at time of impact. Such a shame as I believe he would have turned a corner and got about 8 -10 goals with 5/6 assists from now and the end of the season .
  5. We should bid for De Gea and Rashford.
  6. I believe if we stay up he will stay depending on what we do in the summer transfer window. In the summer we will only need 1-2 players of higher calibre than what we have bought in this summer.
  7. BT sport have got some right idiots doing their punditry and analysis. I still believe that the club should be seeking compensation or at least initiating a grievance. It disgusts me that it wasn’t even referred. Mee knew what he was doing. Getting the ball is regardless. McGrath, Bobby Moore, Baresi et al never had to make dangerous tackles to win the ball.
  8. I would absolutely love it if we got one of those and get rid of Kodjia ..... oh wait you’re referring to Chelsea getting them ... make it clear man I nearly opened my box of kleenex that I reserve for special occasions....
  9. I remember speaking to One of the Jordans at the end of that horrible season amongst the many things we spoke about the one thing which stuck out was this ‘’ the club is a mess, some players come and go (to training) when they please and nothing happens to them, yet one of the gifted youngsters is a minute late or stays out for a little bit longer he is punished.’’ He was of course referring to Grealish, and one of two of experienced ‘local Villa fans’. When Dan Crowley was at the club I actually thought he had more ability than Jack, but it shows at the highest level hard work, desire and application will get you further than talent alone.
  10. I believe there is a cruel irony in this. When he tried to make the save had he saved it i think his knee would have hit the post and the way his leg planted wouldn’t have happened. He seemed to be moving backwards in a diagonal way. I also wont trust anyone until it’s made official by the club.
  11. On Hause’s chance she bleated ‘he got between the defenders there’ when the replay played she said ‘he got between er oh erm yeah should have scored’
  12. Tactical changes today and we won. The end.
  13. Thierry? I didn’t realise you were a Villa fan. What’s the Renault clio like?
  14. Pedro would be a useful signing in any formation. I think we need to sign a couple of strikers looking at Wesley’s injury. A winger and maybe a centre mid or defensive midfielder will be ideal. Continuing with 3-4-3 I would get in Luke Woolfenden from Ipswich. I think he looks a special talent. Brilliant young centre back. Even though he hasn’t tore up any trees that Jean Kevin Augustin would have been very good for us as he can cover the wings and up front.
  15. Improved as the game wore on. Did a lot of good defensive work in the second half.
  16. Totally agree. We need to make a complaint anything about the referee that challenge on Wesley is what ends careers. Mee knows what he is doing there.
  17. Douglas Luiz was tactically the best player on the pitch along with Grealish some of the one two’s between them and Wesley was a joy to watch.
  18. Dear Premier League and beyond, If you want Jack Grealish please have at £130million of your English Pounds ready. We’ll weigh it up and end buying your best players instead. Also VAR kindly f ... off. I mean that in most horrible way possible. thanks.
  19. If they want to shoot from ridiculous parts of the pitch that’s their problem.
  20. What that doesn’t show is 10 of their shots were aimless hacks from 30 yards.
  21. Absolutely shocking performance by the officials. That Mee should have been sent off, he has probably broken Wesleys ankle, blatantly scissored him yet not even a check. There was a push on Trezeguet in the first half in the box too that wasnt even checked. We played well attacked brilliantly especially in the first half second half we defended well and should have scored on the counter a few times.
  22. Everyone to a man has played very well. We’ve bullied them! I haven’t said that all season. We’ve worked brilliantly off the ball. Nakamba improved as the half went on, Wesley has been the player we wanted all season. Luiz has dominated the midfield and Hause and Konsa have played solidly well. Trezeguet has shown good chest control and ability to get in between players but his touch let him down a few times. Grealish £50 million? Try £125million minimum. Special special player. Now anyone know the way to stockley park?
  23. On a serious note VAR is used differently in every other country. We’ve tried to clever and have ended up looking stupid.
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