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Everything posted by Sulberto21

  1. I've been watching a few of their games over the last few days. Our opposite winger whoever that is has to attack the fullback on crosses. Van bissaka especially seems to go sleepy bye bye. Shaw is better but Traore might get a couple of decent chances of AEG crosses towards the back post. I think Barkley might get a goal in this.
  2. We started that game well then the sabre tooth rat stamped on Konsa and screamed like he'd had his favourite Barbie doll stolen. From then on we lost our belief and heads a little and got overrunn. I still don't understand how the pundits called that a clever bit of play.
  3. Oh **** off man city. Ban the barstools.
  4. Gotta say that Leicester gaff looks well plush. Dean Smith out! Or is it Purslow in this thread.
  5. RIP Dalian. True hero. Hopefully justice is served. Thoughts and prayers are with his family , friends and supporters of which he had many.
  6. Whether we sign him or not I'm glad we've had a player of his calibre and ability in the squad. His ability is such that other players at the club would have picked up a thing or two. It hasn't worked for whatever reason but the way he helped Jack rip Liverscum a couple of new proverbials I will forever be thankful for that. However in the last 4 games his passing has been good and has helped us keep the ball better.
  7. Sulberto21

    Paul McGrath

    Motd are a bunch of morons. How is Paul McGrath not in at least the top 10?? Better than the lot of them. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/56739737
  8. The one game of the season I always want to win. Their plastic I'm so cool I support United fans really get on my manboobs. We have to stay compact and we need to match their physicality. The way we win this is we surprise them and go gung ho in the first 20. Gotta take our chances in that 20 minutes. We get 2/3 in that 20 minutes then they'll crumble. But it's all on that first 20 minutes. We should have beaten them at old Trafford but we were a little scared and allowed them to dictate play. Once we realised they're crap we dominated the game until pogba elbowed Douglas in the face kicked him and got the penalty.
  9. In two seasons time he'll be labelled as world class.
  10. If it's £100m we've woefully undervalued him. I'd actually prefer there to be no buyout clause that way can be total pricks on any negotiating table.
  11. MON did a good job and should have gotten CL but was held back by his own insistence on buying players that fitted his kick and rush football. Smith is doing a good job but unlike Mon is part of a system that's improved season on season. I'm very much looking forward to next season to see how we progress. I'd love it if we can continue to beat the sky 6. Unlikely under Mon.
  12. How does it compare to the man city complex? There's is pretty special too.
  13. It's all a ruse to lure Chelsea into selling him on the cheap. Next season he'll finally fulfill his potential. Somewhere.
  14. I'd love to see someone of the ilk of Thomas Mueller. Anyone with his pedigree in our young squad would be fantabulous. I think we'd win more games and this mystery players experience and winning mentality will take our squad to another level.
  15. For context I'm defending AEG because some seem to think he hasn't improved from last season. "He's known for missing alot" . Reality? In the equivalent minutes of about 14 games he has 8 goals. That's prolific striker territory. The point I'm making is to get that output would cost £30m+ plus. And no player costing that much is coming to sit on our bench just yet. So save money keep him as Jack's understudy for a season or two and improve the midfield with high quality as well as the rw area too. (If mbappe suddenly became a Villa fan then of course we should take that opportunity.) As for his assists last season he should have been on at least 7/8 but samatta and Davis missed easy chances towards the end of the season especially. How's that AEG's fault? Same with this season. Also @Dave-R you mentioned something about Targett working the line I suggest you watch the Everton game again. He worked the line so well because it was AEG who kept creating the space for him and was put through by the so called can't do anything except shoot AEG. And in the last few moments they worked together to block off our left hand side. You talk about constructive criticism but you've contradicted yourself numerous times by saying that goals are not important then complaining that he misses too many chances. Also AEG is responsible for 13 points with his winners and equalisers. But I agree to disagree with you on this AEG chat.
  16. This kid is dynamic and fun to watch. He has that horrible pace that I think we are lacking. Him or one of my favourite two players at Lille (two of the Jonathons) would be excellent for us. Depending on where Jack plays (left or central) we can hopefully get two of those three.
  17. You're so confusing. Goals and assists not important but then you complain about him not scoring?
  18. If AEG played 38 games 90 minutes a game the goals per minute say he would have scored 21 goals this season. But goals are not important in the game which is decided by goals?
  19. Not surprisingly really since the poster I quoted changed tack numerous times.
  20. So one minute it's not about goals then it is then it isn't again. Then it is then it isn't again. So confusing. And any left winger coming in will be a bench warmer. The reason is Jack Grealish. To improve on AEG will mean we need a winger who scores in the 10-15 a season range (goals win matches) this player will cost £30m + . Find me a player who costs that much that is willing to sit on the bench. Or we can keep AEG for another season or two and improve the biggest problem area - midfield. Possibly right wing too. Much more important for next season.
  21. Funny thing Ross Barkley had a whoscored rating of 7.2 Vs Southampton at Villa park
  22. My late mother (God rest her soul) was pregnant with me. So I probably could have made it if I had been premature.
  23. Id say Luiz has been poor since the covid breakout. Since project restart up until covid stuff he'd been excellent. 7-8/10 every game. Yesterday he was excellent. Edit I totally agree with you about a dominant CDM type.
  24. If only that left footed thunderbastard went in.....
  25. Luiz is better. McGinn is just a hard worker who likes giving the ball away. Douglas ran that game yesterday.
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