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Everything posted by Sulberto21

  1. Thuram from Nice CDM . Has the height too. Noticed him against PSG.: Boubacar Kamara from Marseille CDM too. Played well in the CL games. Get them both!!!!. No mofos are going to play through us with these two lions in there. They can play as a double pivot properly. Or play Kamara as the CDM and Thuram and Luiz/Sanson as the two 8's.
  2. Are you his agent? You've literally advertised him what seems like every day on this thread.
  3. It looks like he has tried to avoid contact with the keepers blades which would have sliced him on the thigh if he kept his running pattern.
  4. That's what I can't remember. We've gone ahead it seems in the last 5/6 games. Getting annoying now.
  5. We had the (joint ?) least points dropped from winning positions up until recently when we started giving up leads.
  6. I think in all dead ball situations we should just kick it out of play and give the ball back to them. When we have a direct free kick we should just let Martinez thump it as hard as he can. At the very least he'll knock some teeth out hopefully. Secondly our throw ins are shit too. Why can't we just recycle it instead of just using at as a shit set piece and throw it back to the opposition. Occasionally to slow the game down its fine. But every time grrrrr.
  7. We looked better against them after the changes because we could match them physically and in terms of energy.
  8. Won't anyone think of the kids. Just play the kids. Seriously though I think we beat them.
  9. One thing our squad is lacking is nous. I'm convinced that if Mandzuckic didn't reject us Ollie Watkins gets closer to 20 goals this season.
  10. I wonder if the bung was delivered like so.
  11. Official var explanation was that Ollie wasn't playing for Manure.
  12. Wouldn't mind seeing Brad Young do his world famous turns on the edge of the box too. Lol.
  13. I think Deano needs to get rid of the shackles and try a few different things for the last few games. He might stumble on to something. I watched the last 15/20 and I can confidently say we looked the better side and caused lots of problems. Play Chuekwema let's see what he can do at this level even if it's 15-20 minutes. Get Kaine Kesler out there for some minutes.
  14. I think Dean Smith for next season should get Vinnie Jones out of retirement for 2 games. I'm sure he'll be available after his initial 20 game ban to play in the second game too.
  15. Disgusting challenge that was. Taa raked his studs down the back of Trezeguets leg as I remember?.
  16. If the Premier League do the 'premflix' model that TIFO football suggested then hopefully it'll be sooner than later.
  17. He went in for one 50 -50 and he came out on top the ball went to Watkins from it. Little things like this will hopefully give him the confidence to move forward. Whether that's with us or not is irrelevant I just want him to have a decent career. We could send him on loan next season to build up.
  18. You're surprised because? Sky need to be removed and finished.
  19. This is where our players need to become shitbags. Hound the referee make snide comments. There's a docu film about Zidane where he tells the ref during a game he should be ashamed of himself.
  20. Didn't watch as I knew some sort of corruption Will happen. Sick of it. One thing I will say is I'd love a Cavani type, Cambiasso , Thomas Mueller etc one of these guys. The educational aspect of it will take us to another level.
  21. It could have been oh so different had MON taken him when offered.
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