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Everything posted by MrBlack

  1. They didn't need him. They didn't win anything they wouldn't have without him. They needed a Haaland type player when they bought Grealish, and still did for the year after. It took Haaland's 12 goals to win them the trophy they wanted. He became a £100m cog in the machine. But that's what they can afford to do thanks to their cheating.
  2. Not like it would be the first time the rules of the game have been ignored, although this time it would be in the interests of correcting an error so you'd think it wouldn't trigger too much animosity. Sometimes common sense needs to prevail. A minute after the fact you aren't really undermining a massive period of play that subsequently happened and you're getting the right result. You could even add the extra minute to the end of the half if you were concerned about sporting fairness.
  3. They're going big on this mistake, presumably because it's a game impacting the scum 6 clubs. Far more coverage than other fundamentally incorrect interpretations of the law that have impacted us recently. Does add credence to the theory that they're actually completely incompetent, and not just biased towards certain clubs.
  4. The argument against him has been he doesn't score enough. Yet he always meets his xg every season, and his xg so far this season put him in the top 2 or 3 strikers the league. The fact he was behind it meant he would go on a steak that brings him back to or above it... before his next lean streak. The point is, his goals come and go but over the course of a season they're fine for where we are, and fine for where we're trying to be as he also brings assists and a whole lot else alongside.
  5. Possible it was a Spurs fan that breached policy to ignore the onside player. Or pure incompetence. Either way, that person should be removed from their post permanently.
  6. Reckon we'll be second by the end of October. But sadly think any hope of winning is futile. City will walk it, unless Haaland gets injured.
  7. Said it a few weeks ago he's going to be back on course with his xg at some point and there it almost is. He scores when he shouldn't, misses when he should score, but outside of that he is always exceptional at doing what Emery asks him to do. Great game today all round, now get that contract signed Ollie!
  8. Beautiful half of football. Would love a Zaniolo screamer to round it off, but I'll be happy with a cleansheet.
  9. I think that might be the softest free kick I've ever seen given. Luiz was just standing there
  10. It is a bit weird how inconsistent some of the players are being game to game. I get that we rotated, but then the players that keep their place in the rotated team don't maintain their standards. Fair few extenuating circumstances I guess, but it is strange. Almost like psychologically the players can only motivate themselves for the league games
  11. They did in the women's one; Carla kind of glossed over it saying the club doing all they can to help/support and fix the issue but they're focussing on the game now.
  12. Why does the BBC live page have press conference updates from Luton, West Ham, Tottenham, Manchester City, Manchester United, Chelsea, Bournemouth, Liverpool, Newcastle, Arsenal, and Fulham.... but nothing from ours? Do we not invite a rep from them to our conferences?
  13. That's the point of it. You can drop parts of it as needed to fit the media that's using it. The star going would make it more flexible though.
  14. F#@k me that is a thing of beauty . Wow.
  15. Beautiful... both the players and the kits. I'd welcome their return. Be interesting to know if and how much more they'd pay us for using their template offerings, rather than having to create something bespoke. I doubt we'd be in the position to accept a reduction in money, so hopefully they're template next year is less offensive than their current one. All, of course, assuming it does end up being Nike.
  16. Chances are that template will be gone next year anyway, they've already used it for two seasons.
  17. They hopefully get the message that charging premium prices for a second rate cup where they put out a second rate team will not give them the increase they expect. Half the ticket prices and they'll get a sell out crowd, a better atmosphere, and maybe the support carries over to the players performances and we don't lost so get another game to make even more money.
  18. Kind of says it all when even a club like us, that hasn't won anything for decades, has to sacrifice our cup competitions in order to try and finish 5th in the league. And the fact most of us would be happy, myself included, if we did finish 5th. But I still would love to win a cup
  19. Can't really blame him. He's been levels above everyone for weeks and weeks. He shouldn't be needing to play in a league Cup 3rd round game if we have visions of winning Europa Conference and finishing in the top 6 of the league. Unfortunately, it's clear the alternatives are not up to it. Dendonker is a huge step down in ability, and Tielemans is not putting in the effort. Seems after the Legia farce Emery realised we are useless without him, and hoped he'd be able to carry Dendonker/ Tielemans better than Kamara could. Sadly, as good as he is he's not a miracle worker, and now he hasn't had a rest at all, and we're still out. Don't blame him for tonight.
  20. Imagine this will be another modern classic high scoring villa game. I'm going 3-2 to us. That defence looks quite weird, but the attack looks strong.
  21. That cannot be the final design...I assume a temporary fix that actually doesn't look too horrific from a distance.
  22. A marque is what we call the badges on cars... like the Mercedes badge you see on an A or C class or the VW badge you see on a Golf or a Passat. The models have their own name but then a Marque that links them all to the mother brand. I have no (f)hecking clue what they mean by this though. Are we planning to have a "brand" logo that we then have separate model logos for depending on the product? It makes no sense.
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