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Everything posted by A'Villan

  1. Preston missed out on playoffs by 2 points last season while Leeds and Norwich finished 13th and 14th. Goes to show how competitive this league is and how fortunes change. I suppose it also shows how far making a good coaching appointment can take you. Leeds have made a great coupe in Bielsa and Farke seems to be working for Norwich too. Karanka at Forest has taken them from 17th to 7th in 6 months. Let's see if Smith can take us from 10th to playoffs in the same amount of time. It's doable. Stoke are another example like us of a team with all the talent and calibre player to breeze through yet for one reason or another haven't taken the league by storm. I mean Krkic was touted as the next Lionel Messi at one point. Joe Allen played nearly 100 games for Liverpool, both players still in their prime. Berahino is not even in his prime and has a deserved 100 PL games under his belt. Butland is only 25 and en route to some degree of international career with England. Shawcross is 31 and has 10 years as a PL mainstay regular to his name.Diouf 100 PL games to his name. Fletcher over 200 appearances for Manchester United. Williams won the PL with Leicester just 3 years ago. Adam, Affelay, Ince. And we think we're stacked? I personally don't think we've played anyone outside a fiercely competitive top half of the table under Smith except for Bolton and QPR, maybe Preston but if you go by last season they're another promotion candidate. Won 6, drawn 5 and lost 3 in that time. Not bad. Perhaps not what we'd of wished for in an ideal season. I'm not sure I expect us to slaughter teams as a divine right but if it were to be against anyone in the division then in my opinion we haven't really played them yet under Smith. So you might be in for a pleasant surprise against some of the lesser teams when we meet them. We have already done it to Derby and Middlesbrough. So it can be done. Bruce got Hull automatically promoted with 79 points once with a total of 15 losses, and 18 of his 24 victories came from 1-0 wins. Hull had a GD of +9 that season. Goes to show you don't have to dominate opponents, but you have to be adequately competitive consistently for most of the season. As it stands we are on course for 71 points and that's without facing the teams that I expect us to beat. So who knows how our fortunes may change, with a bit of consistency we might just go on a run and surprise ourselves.
  2. Fair enough. I disagree, in part. I see us as stronger this season than last. So if we nearly went up last season, why not this one? Terry was absent for a third of the season in 17/18. We had defenders like Samba, Elphick and Baker in the team. Grealish was absent even longer than Terry was, Josh Onomah played in his place, playing over two thirds of the season. Davis played over half the season for us. Now we Abraham, Kodjia and Hogan all ahead of him. Yes Snodgrass was great and Adomah scored 14, though Green was the backup. Now we have Bolasie, El Ghazi and Adomah. Improved. At least it should be. We now have McGinn who adds impetus and dynamic that previously wasn't there. I agree the keeper situation is less than desirable and god knows why we opted to take that route. Apart from that though I see no reason why promotion was possible last season but unobtainable this season.
  3. I think it's a bit of a misconception to say that under Smith we can't defend. We've kept a clean sheet in over a third of our fixtures under him so far. We conceded just a single corner to QPR, kept their pass accuracy to under 70%, allowed them only 3 successful crosses and 3 successful dribbles all match. We had the same number of tackles as them, despite having one-third of the number of clearances, a clear indicator of us pressuring the ball both with and without possession. QPR played 95 long balls making up for nearly a third of their passes, another indicator of our pressing. Closing down is something we do a lot of under Smith. We won over 55% of duels. Yes, the emphasis is on attack and pushing forward, which compromises the teams ability to have players behind the ball and ready to stifle an opposition threat. Yes, individual errors will be exposed more both on and off the ball, whether it be allowing an opponent too much time on the ball or over committing when we don't have it, or misplacing a pass or touch when we do have it. The way we are setup leaves the lines of defense to scramble back and also leaves space for the opposition to run into. So when error prone and using this tactic you can find yourself lacking composure and solidarity but also exposed by the space you've allowed the opposition by pushing forward by pressing without the ball and committing players forward with the ball. This is something we have seen at times under Smith which have cost us valuable points. I don't think it's trademark Smith to be poor defensively though. With the right coaching and cohesion from the players on the pitch at any given time I think we can play the way Smith intends for us without being a guarantee to concede each fixture.
  4. Midfield did a good job of winning the contests, ball retention and in build up moving the ball forward so that it was received by the wide men or Tammy in a position that should result in an opportunity to threaten goal. The job in midfield was always going to be dogged if we were to be in the contest and they were. Unfortunately no one had the finesse today to make the most of the space we occupied and the chances created, but that wasn't really the main responsibility of our midfield 3 today anyway. I thought they did their part. However unspectacular. The only criticism I have of midfield was we were often clumsy when playing someone in with a tunnel pass, whether direct and long or with a simple push pass. It was nearly always mishit and nullified any chance of the receiver being through on goal. Our overlapping runs and wall passes weren't sharp and penetrating like usual either which added to our difficulty in penetrating QPR's defense. I don't know if we're particularly fatigued though either. I thought we had the engine and ran well but lacked the poise required to execute when it called for it.
  5. We took double the shots, commanded over 60% possession, were fouled twice as much, had 9 corners to their 1, completed 150 more accurate passes, we had triple the amount of crosses, over double the amount of successful dribbles as well as nearly double the amount of attempted dribbles. If that's not a good attempt at creating your own luck, I don't know. Watching the game I thought the only thing that we lacked was potency in the final third. Bolasie and Adomah were poor from a supply perspective and Kodjia also didn't have his best game. El Ghazi made an impact but 3 of 4 of your wide men off their game over 90 minutes then you're limited in approach. Our midfield 3 spent their energy winning the midfield battles (56% of duels went our way) and ensuring the ball was pushed forward from a place that left the wide men and striker free to receive the ball in favourable positions. I think it's easy to rue the absence of Grealish or Tuanzebe but personally I thought it was the wide men on the pitch who were sorely missed, despite being present. Our obvious go-to men for creativity and potency in attack were always going to be the wide men today and they were off their game except El Ghazi, who only saw 30-40 minutes.
  6. In 14 games under Smith we've lost 3 times. Of those 3 losses 2 were to the teams currently sitting 1st and 2nd. We've won 6 and drawn 5. If we continue as we are, which currently sees us picking up 1.64 ppg under Smith, we will finish with 71 points. Last season that would've got us 9th. If our average ppg under Smith was for the entire season so far we would be on course for a 75.4 total. Last season that would have us 5th or 6th. Bruce in 17/18 pulled in a 10% higher win rate than Smith has so far for us. That still only equates to 0.15 more points per game on average. Narrowest of margins. I know the mood is generally that of disappointment having dropped points we feel we might've gained recently, it's hard to overlook. So is the start to the season. On the flip side, Smith's got a record for losing games so far that on average, only Fulham, Cardiff and Wolves enjoyed last season. All 3 gained promotion with that record. If you look past the disappointment of results we feel or hoped might've gone differently and search for a balanced view, you'll see we are very much in this. From where I sit, I see enough signs and potential that I believe it possible that we will take the necessary points to be in contention for promotion come seasons end. And let's be real here. Smith is just getting started. He's had 14 games in charge. Yet we see a distinct shift in play from before. Maybe the next 20 games has us reach new heights. Yes, it's possible he won't manage to implement enough for promotion this season. It's also possible he will and in my opinion, with the help of players hitting form, that is a chance.
  7. I would agree that the squad is on par with last season. Better this season actually. Apart from Terry at CB we've only upgraded. Terry was absent for periods too, and we included players like Baker and Samba in our starting lineup. I don't see Davis or Onomah who played a significant portion of last season getting in to this side for an extended run. So I see where you are coming from in saying that Bruce was beaten with the same stick that defends Smith. However I am not as concerned as you are with recent showings. I think we are showing some massive potential which if fulfilled could have us promoted. It's not established yet, otherwise results that might've gone our way only to slip our grasp would have gone differently. They didn't and we have a long road ahead.
  8. I hope no one minds me posting a copy of this in here. I think it belongs. Progress and regression come and go, sometimes subtly and gradually, at other times, evidently and exponentially. Plateaus make up the most part of any endeavour where a skill or craft is concerned and football is no exception. For example, Barcelona won't win their first game of the season 1-0 and then continue in cumulative form to win their 38th game 38-0. There are just so many variables which makes it difficult to assess in a short amount of time how something is developing. Despite the results being disappointing at times and there being obvious need for change if we want to occupy a promotion place. I think Smith deserves patience. Why does Smith deserve patience? He has come in an almost instantaneously transformed a side struggling to impose itself on games into a side that can match it with the best teams and even beat them. The run of games we have endured since Smith took over have not been easy. We've basically played the teams which will or should occupy the top half of the table. I'd even say credit to him, I think we look a proper side, compared to the team that started this campaign, we can at least have promotion aspirations now.
  9. Progress and regression come and go, sometimes subtly and gradually, at other times, evidently and exponentially. Plateaus make up the most part of any endeavour where a skill or craft is concerned and football is no exception. For example, Barcelona won't win their first game of the season 1-0 and then continue in cumulative form to win their 38th game 38-0. There are just so many variables which makes it difficult to assess in a short amount of time how something is developing. Despite the results being disappointing at times and there being obvious need for change if we want to occupy a promotion place. I think Smith deserves patience. Why does Smith deserve patience? He has come in an almost instantaneously transformed a side struggling to impose itself on games into a side that can match it with the best teams and even beat them. The run of games we have endured since Smith took over have not been easy. We've basically played the teams which will or should occupy the top half of the table. I'd even say credit to him, I think we look a proper side, compared to the team that started this campaign, we can at least have promotion aspirations now.
  10. We did a decent job of moving the ball through midfield and getting players positioned to have an impact. Unfortunately there was no end product, we were short of any cutting edge today. Had all the territory and the ball where we wanted it in build up for the most part. So it's a shame that we've let in another two goals. We lacked any impetus where it counts for most, in the final third of the pitch. It is fair to say we let ourselves down here. We occupied the space but didn't have the calibre of supply needed to ensure that our attacks penetrated their defense. Unfortunately it was no where near good enough to threaten their goal and to surmount the 2 goals we conceded. I personally don't think it was as dire as people are making out.
  11. We've been doing a good job of playing through the middle and into the final third. Our problem is that there hasn't been a quality ball played once we get into attacking territory. Fortunately we only need 1 to come good. Here's hoping!
  12. Our play in the final 3rd is not going to get us where we want to be in this game if it continues as is.
  13. We need to have the quality to produce something that is going to actually challenge QPR for our 3rd goal. At the moment we are getting forward well enough but the end product is nowhere to be seen.
  14. There it is fellas. I told you not to fret. Let's go on and win this now.
  15. Yes we are facing another disappointment. Though with 20 minutes to go, we look like the team that will make more chances and have barely let QPR have a decent spell on the ball.
  16. We are all feeling the pressure that comes with needing the victory in this fixture. Conceding is always deflating but especially when the game is in the balance. We are still doing a decent effort of playing it on the floor and I just hope that we go on to produce the quality chances needed to win this. Making sure we don't allow QPR anything easy or opportunistic is vital. Today is about making it count.
  17. Can't help but feel this is going to be one of those matches where it'll be a slog right until the end. We need a win. The fellas are going to have to dig deep and tough this one out. There's no room for complacency. Failure to be in each and every contest and fight for every possession and interception will mean we invite QPR to have a go at the 3 points.
  18. Disappointing to concede and go level but the response hasn't been too bad since.
  19. Looks like it might be thought provoking at least and profound at best. Let me know if you get your hands on a copy. From what I can tell it's only available at certain cinemas or to be purchased for viewing rights. There is nowhere to watch it online even if you pay for it just yet.
  20. Thanks Demitri. As far as I'm concerned, it's no more than he deserves. I think that's all really solid advice and I will use it going forward. Look I don't know his circumstances so well. He is Filipino by heritage, if that gives any insight into the culture at home, I wouldn't know. I am pretty confident he comes from a stable and loving home, by all accounts that seems to be the case. Though I don't know how they have reacted or are dealing with his recent life choices. I know his Mum is worried from what his friends have told me, but what mother doesn't worry unless she's 'on the nod'. He is enrolled at a good school too. That may have changed though I haven't asked about that for about a month or two. Mixing with the wrong crowd? My friends are saying that is the case. But I'm not sure my friends care enough to know. Certainly all of his friends which I know are all really good kids who have great social skills and want this guy to stop with the trash behaviour. My take on it is that he is insecure. He wants to be that tough gangster to protect himself from the harshness of the world. And because the world often glorifies it. Little does he know it's one of the pitfalls you can fall into where there is a point of no return. I mean he has already been incarcerated and he doesn't understand the system is not reformatory, it's almost purgatory. He is not even of age and yet he might not be able to obtain work due to a criminal record. I will also bring up the dangers of his fighting behaviour. You are right. All it takes is someone with a knife, or someone who he has hit having their older brother or whoever get revenge. Even a king hit and you can die or acquire brain injury, there's not really much good that can come of it. From the time I have spent with him he has an innate understanding of the consequences of certain actions, I'm just hoping that his life path doesn't change that.
  21. John McGinn is a spartan warrior in disguise. He is always busting a gut for the team. What's not good enough though TRO? Up until our draw with Stoke we were averaging the equal highest points per game average in the division under Smith?
  22. Agreed, my post wasn't all that serious. I just can't fathom how you could dislike it. In saying that I don't have my head so far up my own arse that I have prejudice towards anyone who can't appreciate it, I love them for the numbskulls that they are Heavy metal is probably the only kind of music that is something I can't stand to listen to, but even then some of the lyrics have appeal.
  23. Absolutely. Hos and guns puts it aptly. That attitude toward women and killing other people are fundamental in the divorce from all that is worthwhile. But it's all about the street cred and props holmes.
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