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Everything posted by AvonVillain

  1. You mean absolutely DESPERATE to get away at the first opportunity that came calling, and when it collapsed, would need half a season to get over it, I'm guessing..
  2. Cameron Archer gets 20 goals in all comps next season if he stays with us.
  3. Totally maddening. Club should have refused such a pointless risk.
  4. But it isn't a 'lazy link'. It's a prominent journalist and South American football expert, reporting on what he's heard coming from the Argentinian camp. I hope King Unai is waiting on Emi's doorstep as we speak.
  5. OOf. Tim Vickery confirms that Martinez would consider a move to a Champions League club, though not unhappy at Villa. Report came out of Argentina. Would be absolutely gutted.
  6. Agree. If Coutinho did go to play there for that 'manager' it's clear his motivation to play football has vanished.
  7. But that's not what we need necessarily. A fit, motivated Coutinho bringing even half the magic of old would be one hell of a substitute. Personally I hope this story can still come good.
  8. I mean, I don't disagree necessarily, but why here? I thought this was an interesting discussion. I guess in modern boring parlance, someone has to get DESTROYED or OWNED before a simple conversation becomes interesting.
  9. Amazing that this is still being discussed, but if Heck is so unhappy with the 'blandness' of the new badge then the new-new design will surely be something of a radical departure.
  10. I think the post is bang on the money also. As Mervyn King so brilliantly pointed out, we've been a bad decision making machine for far too long. Those days are over.
  11. Thanks, still haven't got a clue what the actual issue was though. In June 2021 Norwich City agreed a deal with BK8 only for the deal to be terminated shortly after due to the company’s sexual exploitation of women. - by doing what?? Forgive me for requiring evidence.
  12. I wonder if I might post something that isn't a pun... why is this on the news? What exactly was the controversy with this sponsor and Norwich??
  13. I love watching / listening to Scotland, Wales & both Irelands, but couldn't care any less about England qualifying. I don't even know what the score was or who we played whenever it was. *edit* Ah, just seen post above. Now I know.
  14. A joke mate as you probably guessed. I think it shows an holistic approach. Could the tunnel be better placed? Probably, yes.
  15. I'm going to guess you failed to get into architecture university with ideas like that.
  16. An even more inconsistent Leon Bailey / Traore-type and folk are frothing at the mouth at the potential signing? Seems an odd one.
  17. Bit gutted he won't have a proper summer rest.
  18. Bring on the 'dangerous thing', because all we've put up with for over a generation now are managers past their prime, not up to their early career promise or bewilderingly, clearly out of their depth. King Unai is none of these things.
  19. An all-time worst XI? I'm interested in this. And completely agree that Lescott is first name included..
  20. Please just lock the thread; especially if this is true. Lock it up. We'll never see him play in a Villa shirt even if we sign him. Madness.
  21. Imagine having a job that you've barely a passing interest in, don't do very often, and earn multiple millions from?
  22. His autobiography also has him in an Arsenal shirt on the back cover.
  23. It's unfair for anyone to name Micah Richards here. It wasn't his fault he was offered so much money on such a long contract and was simply unable to return the faith put him in; he's spoken about this brilliantly. His body couldn't cut it anymore for the demands placed upon it, it had nothing to do with attitude. There was simply no more football left in him, as even Steve Bruce recognised. He had no chance of a contract at any other club in any league, and it's plain stupidity to suggest he should have 'honourably' stepped away from his final ever contract as a professional footballer.
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