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Everything posted by AvonVillain

  1. Can't help but feel they are both low on confidence, and in Tielemens case felt that coming to Villa was actually a step down from Leicester, so wasn't expecting to sit on the bench.
  2. Dare I suggest that this is where a youth player comes in. We play Dendonker and Tielemans (both decent on their day) and when the return is zero they could be dragged off for youth, guaranteed to give everything and learn. What do we learn playing a sulking Tielemens and an out-of-form (maybe forever) Dendonker? As you say, and most of us understand, we cannot keep playing the same team in each competition. We'll be dead by March, as we know from the MON era.
  3. I know nothing about how the game went, so thanks for this, TomC. It's worth scrolling past the ridiculous, scathing hyperbole for something measured and informative.
  4. So you're telling me I caught all the action with seconds to spare!? Get in.
  5. Can anyone say what the 'best' lion is that we've ever used from the lot?
  6. Could certainly get on board with the one on the right!
  7. Thing is, what's the alternative: ask the fans again just as before. They obviously feel that didn't work, so why not try with a more single minded approach.
  8. I'm already exhausted by reading the same things once again... this is like a Match Thread! Agree that the lion should face left again.
  9. It's incredible that we're going to go through this whole thing again.
  10. Hmm, that's sort of saying that nobody knows or cares about William McGregor, for example, so why bother honouring him in any way. It's an integral part of the story of our club, regardless. You take a way the heart and soul and you're only left with a 'brand'.
  11. When? Who? What? How far are you going back!?
  12. Yeah but 50% of that was beard related.
  13. You may not. RAMSEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (ok - YES)
  14. Christ bloody TalkSport totally rubbishing us. Should be 2-2 apparently.
  15. He was POSITIVE Brighton would at least get a point, or even win, when we were 3-0
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