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Everything posted by Robtaylor200

  1. I also remember being in the Holte, Bozzy had caught the ball and was going to kick it out of his hands. Shearer was pulling his shirt. As Bozzy went to run Shearer pulled him again. Bozzy dropped it and Shearer scored. The three officials didn't see it and the goal stood. Shearer one of the best ever but was a dirty player. Was good to see him get sent off at VP some years later (this action brought about the famous head rubbing by Ian Taylor
  2. Jimmy Rimmer for me I seem to remember every time Bozzy took a goal kick, every player had so stand on the left hand touch line . It was like when your home pool table wasn't set up right and everything ended up on one side
  3. Agree about Kodja he really didn't seem to give a scooby, but Davis wasn't injured every game that Wes played in and failed to be involved and not only I thought that one of England's best midfielders played better in the middle than as a winger, I lost count of how many commentators were saying the same . This goes back to my first post. That It is not clear to everyone in our club felt that the tactics and coaching was not a problem. If all the VT members got together we wouldn't pick the same team, we wouldn't play the same tactics and we would all have different ways of motivating our team, Which is why we all have conflicting views of what is wrong . This is why some one is paid to Manage. The league position, goals for, goals against and all the other statistics are without feelings
  4. I dont think that is clear to every one from our club that the problem isn't tactics or coaching. Sticking with Wes for so long, playing Jack on the wing cant defend a corner, this is tactics and coaching . This is the argument that we dont all agree on. But I do agree you could beat a moped in your M1, there again my mates M1 is always breaking down
  5. As one the elderly fans on here, I am struggling to think of a manger that got us into a mess like this (constant losing and dropping places) and yet survived to turn it around and make us great again. In my experience if a manager cant win games even if he is a thoroughly nice guy, then normally its because he isn't quite good enough and doesn't have a plan B. I would like to see Deans love affair over, but agree with many on here. If we do change manager we need to aim for better than Dyche. Yet controversial to my above post I would like to see Big Sam on a short term contract, save us and then aim higher. I guess I just want change, as IMO opinion change is a must
  6. Me and Mrs T stopped 3 years ago next month, We still vape (although have cut the nicotine down to 0.3) Even buying the vapes. maintenance and liquid we have saved 10 grand.. I worked out that Mrs T worked a day and half a week to pay for our tobacco. After a year she dropped down to working only 3 days a week. Keep it up @LakotaDakota Well done
  7. By not going to work, saved £20 a week petrol, £10 a week coffee from the machine and probably another £10 on crap snacks.
  8. Three conspiracy theorists walked into a bar.---- Now that's no a coincidence OMG walked into a bar, that sounds good
  9. every one of them is baaaaaaaaaaaaaad, so bad so very very very bad
  10. Donald Trump interviews, what an absolute Moron. You need to watch some of them on the red button Sky Q especially as to why he is not wearing a mask. Also that his Covid test was so negative, the doctors had never seen a more negative test He really really winds me up
  11. My Uncle was actually Chief Inspector of Cannock police force in the 80s, He was also Worshipful of the Uttoxeter Free Masons (no surprises there) My dad and mom went to two or three of their does. My dad used to tell a story of how my Uncle was so pissed he would be driving with his feet on the steering wheel (my old chap did exaggerate) But he got my old chap off with a couple of speeding tickets too.
  12. I dont think he does. Wishing him well in his mansion in Cornwall though. Hope he is well
  13. Most neutral fans are not in the bottom 3 or top 4, So it makes no difference to them or the fate of their football club
  14. He is sorry. That he got caught ? or that he went out ? Every one is very very sorry when that have been caught. I guess it will be forgotten by us. But by commentators I doubt it. By someone who's relative has died. I doubt it.
  15. Get rid I for one have stood in the Holte and at Wembley chanting Super Jack and know how important he is to the club. I now hope we sell him as soon as possible, if some one is willing to take him on. He has lost all the respect I had for him. As a football fan of course I am fickle but not when he is out there potentially spreading a virus that kills people. It threatens my family and friends. I have fell out with friends posting pictures on the beach in Wales last week. I cant forgive him. Be gone
  16. My mom is 91 and doing so well self isolating. I went to see her yesterday. Took some shopping, I didn't go in. I am so proud of her. I see everyone flaunting the stay at home rules as a threat to my mom, my friends and my family. He should have stayed the **** at home. Like every other sensible caring adult
  17. What would be saying if this was Wheelan or Wes. Would we be thinking differently
  18. According to latest news. He was pissed, smashed into 20 cars, had white powder a over the seats a shotgun in the back with 2kg of weed. Joking apart if this is true. What a moron. Super Jack to idiot and potential virus spreader
  19. The Invisible man - good take on the old ones
  20. If this is already a thread please take it down Pause your sky sports - stop paying until sport returns - Can be done on my sky app - saved £32 yesterday If you pay your council tax over ten months - call them and ask for this years free months to be moved to April May or when best suits you - saved £240
  21. I only found out yesterday that I can pause sky sports and stop paying until the sports returns If you didn't know, Do it on my sky app
  22. Interview with the first Russian to get the virus, Ivor Chesticoff is doing fine
  23. Day 1 of working at home. My wife has already registered a complaint for sexual harassment
  24. all this talk about loo rolls reminds of when I got caught short in Cannock I just got to the cubicle in time dropped my kegs and sat down' Some one in the next bog said Are you alright mate, I said ye, just made it in time. He said what are you doing, I said mmm I'm having a shit He said I'm hanging up now call you later, there is a nob in the next cubicle
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