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Everything posted by Robtaylor200

  1. After wins by Norwich, Wham and Watford lets hope its a full week end for the under dogs
  2. Green sand any one ? I am sure we used loads of green sand on the pitch when it was very bad. But I cant find anything to back up my memory
  3. Enjoy the day our big day out If we win it would be incredible. But if we lose as expected enjoy the day out. Far less stressful than the playoffs
  4. Cold light of day. IMO (that means in my opinion) ITS NOT WORKING - IS IT? WE NEED TO CHANGE SOMETHING BEFORE ITS TOO LATE We did finish only fifth in the Championship BUT we spent £160m and were told that we were not building a team to just stay up, we were building a team to compete. and they had time together to gel. Wesley IMO a waste of a shirt, but still got the nod over Davis even when fit. - not scoring but carried on regardless Jack played on the wing for lord knows how long, when every commentator shouts out that he is the best midfielder in the country when playing in the middle - not working but carried on regardless Defence tip tapping at the back and not booting it out of play. Cant defend a corner - week after week nothing changes, The coaches are brought in by the manager, he employs them I cant agree that all, our players are crap buys, stated so many times if they cant play the way Dean wants them to then play to the strengths they used to have before they came to Villa Park - but nothing bloody changes. We have 11 games left, I know against top teams but its still 11 games left and IMO we have players that can do better than they have. If motivated correctly (what ever that takes). I feel we need an old style manager to get us enough points to stay up. It may not be pretty, surely everyone can see that presently it isn't working. The dream is over , the love affair with Dean is over. The coaching staff have failed. Would we have given any other manager this much time. Another couple of games and it will be too late. Loved him or hated him Doug would have made changes weeks ago. Thank you Dean for doing your best we love you. But your best is not good enough to keep us up
  5. Have any bodies relations ever played for the Villa My dad used to tell a story that my Grandad told him (with my grandkids we have 5 generations of Villa fans) He said his cousin was Charlie Athersmith who played in the 1890s, Famous for borrowing an umbrella off some one in the crowd, running down the wing with it and scoring a goal. Apparently they were playing Sheffield in freezing rain. several Sheffield players went off needing treatment for exposure leaving only six on the field.Jack Devey from the Villa even played in an overcoat. (those were the days) I have been looking at Pops family tree since he passed away in June. His parents were from Bloxwich where Charlie was also born so the story is probably true
  6. Bobby Thomson who played for the wolves in the 60s came to our house a couple of times, dont know how my dad knew him. He was a bird fancier at the time me and pops had an aviary with canaries and British birds He brought a canary off us
  7. I just posted before the match thread closed We have to change something dont we, if we carry on this way we will go down. We can not change the team we have its too late. Rightly or wrongly there is only one change we can make and that is the management team. Love them or hate them, blame them or not. It is the only change that can be made. We have to change something. We cant put our love for Dean above any chance of staying up
  8. Have to change something dont we and the manager is the only change we can make before the end of season
  9. The more I drink, the more I think we will get at least a point. Samatta is going to get one . come on
  10. good call lads reduced at the back. here we go. I just put a bet on us winning at 16/1
  11. We have eventually worn them out , soon be level lads anything is possible
  12. Well we got away with murder there and its only 1:0. Time to regroup and time for you lot to regroup and stop squabbling
  13. Jesus lads, stop turning on each other. You should be used to this by now. We are all Villa fans and the moment the players on the pitch are letting us down. dont take it out on each other
  14. I think we are playin bad enough to score in the next few minutes
  15. We are so crap and its only 1:0, I can still see us winning this
  16. early days, We have our best team out there. Have faith, we will turn it around 4:1 win for Villa
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