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Everything posted by Robtaylor200

  1. spot on . we are tackling like a championship side , get in and get in hard , then we seem to attack like premier ship team
  2. This lad is going to score some goals for us. What a difference from Wes.
  3. Brilliant from Jack and how the hell did Ben Davies block that
  4. Each time we attack we really look like we could score. come on lads I'm enjoying this -- apart from Drinkwater
  5. They are set up foe the taking at the moment. Come on Villa keep pushing keep pushing
  6. Wasted free kick Chuffed to see the Villa going in hard and not standing back watching .
  7. Just watched the drunken Portuguese waiter being interviewed . Really cant stand that bloke. Come on Villa lets shut him up . we can do this
  8. Unless he had a DeLorean, I have one but I only drive it from time to time
  9. Autographs This thread has certainly brought a lot of joy and memories for me. I actually started digging out old programmes I have from the 70s and 80s , the voucher for cups was printed on the back or front, you had to cut them out and save them up and then queue all around the ground from 4am in the morning to get a Wembley ticket. I was looking at the teams on the back page and the players I had watched from other teams. for instance MON when he played for Forest, Dalglish and Ian Rush to name a few. Amongst them I have loads of autographs, even a birthday card signed by Brian Little and another on my 50th from MON. But (I get to the point of my post) I was watching a friendly at Hednesford park about 20 years ago me and the lad were sitting by Doug Ellis and as the players came over to chat to him we were getting autographs. Julian Joachim was one I recognise. An old guy who was sat by Doug and asked us if we wanted his autograph, we asked who he was, He said he played for the Villa in the 40s. I am ashamed to say we didn't show him the respect he deserved we were more interested in the current team. I wish I could go back to that moment and find out who he was. Any body have any idea.
  10. Robtaylor as a 17 year old Villa fan, believe it or not this was my passport photo 45 years ago
  11. Also I am sure I have mentioned this before The Holte End Named after The Holte family that once owned Aston Hall
  12. I wish my old chap was still here to add to these memories. He used to cycle to the match as a lad and leave his bike at the houses in Witton lane, before they were knocked down to increase the stand Does any one remember the Villa chip shop, it used to serve chips in pink or blue paper
  13. Whats the cheapest you remember paying to get in 40p. I remember wearing my Crombie coat with a hole in one pocket making sure I put my 60p the change from a pound into the correct pocket
  14. In the "old days" some players had a couple of rolls Jimmy Cumbes our goalie for about 4 years was also fast bowler for Lancashire or was it Warwickshire (sure one of you other old farts will put me right )- for that reason only I started to follow cricket too
  15. Every one met in the same area. The Cannock lot were situated at the back, left hand side. no matter how you got there you could meet and stand with your mates. Many times I would get there from work and get a lift back from some one with a car
  16. My memories of Aston Villa My first match with my old man was against Chelsea at Villa Park Monday 16th May 1965, I remember us getting promoted from the old Third division in the early 70s (I think it was 71) The team kicked footballs into the crowd as I stood on the bank that later became the North Stand First away match with pops was at Preston. Pops took me to every home game for years. The first match I went to on my own that I remember was at Villa Park we played Santos in a friendly it was the night Pele played what an incredible night at VP, although Pops said I had been going on my own from about 12 years old As a youth I enjoyed away games at Blackpool, wearing my Dock Martin boots, short cut oxford bags that showed my Villa socks, purple penny round collar shirt and light blue braces with my scarf tied around my wrist and hair cut to the roots (LOL I thought I looked so cool) catching The Villa special train for Villa fans to away games all over the country. arrested several times for being a nob in the late 70s. Millwall was fun, up to Newcastle and Sunderland down to Southampton or in a transit van that 14 of us went together. Hit with a bottle at QPR and had beer poured on me at Goodison park from the home fans above us. I remember running on the pitch to join in with the fighting, been to Wembley many times and seen them lift a cup or two in 1975 against Norwich I missed my sisters wedding to be there.. I could fill the pages with my memories of Aston Villa European cup winners Then I grew up and had my own kids I took my lad to every game, and occasionally took my old dad even in his 80s Now I am in my 60s and Pops the greatest Villa fan has gone to a better place passed away in hospital this year with his Villa scarf on the bed. I dont go so often now maybe 6 times a season, my away games days are over (apart from Wembley). I still wear my shirt on a Saturday, never miss a game on TV even when on holiday (left Mrs T on her own on our honeymoon in Egypt to watch a game against the Blues - still not living that down) my lad now takes me and hoping for another 20 years or more supporting the famous Aston Villa Its not easy being a die hard Villa fan Villa till I die Villa till I die
  17. Would love to see Samatta and Davis up front. One holding and one picking up the second chances. To me it would be the old style Villa. But I fully expect to see Davis start on the bench
  18. I cant see season ticket holders not getting their allocation, If they dont go I believe they would pass on their tickets to others. So 30,000 will still be taken up one way or the other
  19. Sorry posted wrong info. just double checked. return journey 20:38. Any way due to new tiers of ticket allocation, we cant apply until about 10 minutes before kick off. Pretty sure we wont get a ticket now, So have to decide if we are going any way and watch it at the Green Man with atmosphere or meet up and watch it at a pub in Cannock and sell the train tickets on line. Up to my lad really, I think he wants to go down personally I would plumb for Cannock
  20. we got train tickets Wolvo to Euston and return TOTAL £26.50 11am out and 19;30 back
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