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Everything posted by Robtaylor200

  1. I think your explanation certainly makes a great deal of sense thank you for looking into this. I am not much help. I have a problem with recognising people, in fact it is a standing joke in my family. They are amazed that I remember them every day, I struggle to remember names and faces and have done since a youth (telephone numbers easy faces no). I remember him as being old and unsteady on the feet. I thought at the time 80 ish this may well tie in to your thinking. Thank you
  2. Missed out myself . But happy that the lads who go week in and week out will be going
  3. Is this is a code that the youngsters use . Bet they wouldn't know how to use the A and B buttons on public phone
  4. I just spotted Tro @TRO in the crowd behind the goal
  5. Was any one else at the old Leicester ground Filbert Street when we drew 2-2 . Chris Nicholl our CB scored all 4 goals think it was around 1975. cant remember if I was 17 or 18 at the time
  6. I remember that one JIm (but only just) some old players names there. I had forgotten about Godfrey
  7. Why do we keep tapping it about at the back we have seen what happens - Did McGrath tap it about. No he put it out of the stadium or out of play around the half way line. We knew how Spurs can break so why leave one defender in our half so far up the field that once beaten its one on one It all started so good, dont give them space, give them a few kicks, get in hard, It was working and then we stopped doing it I am at a loss We keep doing it, we are not learning. We are now looking good up front so the whole team doesn't need to be up there any more
  8. bloody tapping it about at the back. saying here are mate have another go
  9. We are going to nick this late on. Sweet Caroline
  10. tip tap at the back and hoof ball up front . That has to be wrong unlucky El
  11. FFS get Drinkwater off, Why is he out there, what does he bring
  12. I changed my shirt at half time now have Euro one on. Hoping it will bring us luck (and I spilt my dinner down the other one)
  13. watching again Son did have a few yards on our lot. not to blame really
  14. I know its a thread of its own, But I hate VAR I would rather the wrong decisions even them selves out over a season
  15. Its emotional being a Villa fan. But I still believe we can win this in the last ten minutes
  16. I wish we would stop tapping it about in our box and get it bloody clear
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