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Everything posted by Robtaylor200

  1. We cant defend corners, we dont score off corners. Any for a round pitch ?
  2. we can score goals, we score in most games. We do not need every one in their half. we have to cover the break away
  3. 10 game winning streak to come. LOL and finish 5th We have had a rest, had chance to try something new in training . I honestly expect a loss and wont be bitterly disapointed. I have supported the Villa so long that I dont expect a lot. But every now and then we win one that is not expected and get ourselves into a good position, before we throw it away again Head says loss but heart is always thinking we could nick it
  4. a couple of cheap ones for me this year Mojacar Playa Spain (free) we went last year in June Mrs T tripped over a raised drain in the forecourt of the hotel twisted her foot and was on crutches all week. I kicked off and we have a free holiday there this year less flights Then Calella Spain in October Pretty sure it will be back to Gran Canaria next year for 8th time Maspalomas Centro area
  5. Read the whole thread this morning, pretty much we are all on the same page. No more comments from me about the match, I think it has all been said. I know I bang on about this. But it concerns me again that some posters struggle to post their comments without having to slate the opinion of others. We are all passionate Villa fans or we wouldn't be on this forum. Can we stop and think will my post offend someone before posting and not retaliate to something we dont agree on by becoming personal
  6. Villa fans had a ball out sang the Citeh We had a good go at it. They had to beat us this time we didn't roll over and let them win as we did at VP. Loss was what most of us expected. But they knew they had been in a game well done My only moan was subbing Matta for Davis when we needed a goal. Why didn't Dean leave both on ? Personally I think that was the wrong decision.
  7. Spot on lets enjoy the day. We are not expected to win. No one gives us a snow balls chance in hell. Enjoy the day. We dont need to be positive but lets stop with doom and gloom and have some fun. There are dark days to come. But hey ho we've been through them before. Enjoy the good days when we have one.
  8. To all you lads and ladies off to London this morning, safe journey, enjoy the game, the day out and safe trip home.
  9. After wins by Norwich, Wham and Watford lets hope its a full week end for the under dogs
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