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Everything posted by fruitvilla

  1. I must admit I struggle to argue whether something is good or bad when I don't believe that something is a coherent possibility. Having said that people can believe strange things. Take 74 million people who thought Trump was worth a second go as president. All the conspiracy theorists, flat earthers, etc. People are gullible, and I wonder what trap I may have fallen into.
  2. Being gone forever is OK too. Some people, in my case, might argue it is better than OK.
  3. Emi and the team had a difficult day at the office. Generally nothing seemed crisp ... our passes were off, read and intercepted, or to nowhere in particular. The first goal was well taken, but no one was marking the space or the man drifting in. That's a team mistake. Emi in goal did well considering the score line. 7 Emi ... he did what he could. None of the goals were on him. 6 Cash ... OK but was going to have a hard time. 8 Konsa ... my man of the match, he kept the game vaguely close 6 Carlos ... I hope he is not too damaged 6 Pau ... ok a generous six, but like Cash had a hard time as well. 6 Digne ... not terribly effective today, glad he did not touch that ball when he tried to grab it. He did not have clear targets for his crosses 5 Bailey ... more for his huff at being taken off but like most of the team, not terribly effective, but not all his fault. Stingey five 6 Kamara ... did OK (stingey six) 6 Luiz ... surprised he was subbed 6 Tielemans ... definitely was not better than Luiz 6 McGinn ... his magic was absent today 7 Diaby ... Did alright, but sadly no magic 6 Watkins ... Was effectively snuffed out by Liverpool 7 Zani' ... promising cameo, looks a good addition to the team Look forward to seeing more game time 5 Duran ... probably the most disappointing performance for me, wasteful and greedy. Maybe even a four. The problem is a large bunch of "six" performances against an on-form Liverpool is not going to cut it. Referee, not a problem.
  4. Should not bother me ... but it's not the bookies who think Villa is going to win (they don't really care so long as people are betting), but it's punters who think Villa is going to win.
  5. I usually go to VillaTV | AVFC But the highlights are not always up quickly.
  6. One of the interesting things was Villa ... one moment was playing at a slow pedestrian pace and the next moment was at a breakneck abandon. A joy to behold.
  7. Same here too. In reality, it was very much a team performance ... men-of-the-match
  8. Short answer, No! He would have had to go through Carlos to get it. We then would be berating Olsen for recklessly leaving his line.
  9. Olsen, I thought, was fine today. The goal was not his fault. I think the difference between Emi and Robin is, that when Emi stays on the line he does it with authority, and similarly when he comes off it. Whereas Olsen looks hesitant, and I suppose that sends a mixed message to those around him.
  10. I thought Ollie might have been a little off-side at that point.
  11. Just a quick comment there is little chance from a commodity point of view. The mineral is a calcium titanium oxide. The mineral is relatively common. When solar panel people talk about perovskite they are referring to the crystal structure and pretty much does not include calcium or titanium. So when making these solar panels it is more a technology issue than scarcity/commodity.
  12. You'd better ask who he was looking at when he was hugging Duran?
  13. I don't think you did, and I don't think DakotaVilla suggested you did. But now the question has been asked can you have a pop at it, please? Of course, you are allowed to discuss what you consider his limitations are. Of course in the next decade or so all the players will be replaced.
  14. Last two days it has reached a little over 40 °C. Currently, it is 38 °C and it will reach a maximum in an hour or so.
  15. Did ours (patio) ... Mrs FV asked if had it rained?
  16. I think, someone on this forum, with some influence, should write to the powers that be and ask players to stop pouring water over themselves. This will be particularly important when temperatures start approaching zero or below.
  17. I must have been about seventeen when the house we lived in got a landline.
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