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Everything posted by fruitvilla

  1. I must have been about seventeen when the house we lived in got a landline.
  2. Not a problem ... but do we want to compare different aspects of women's and men's football?
  3. Have you noticed how players pour water over themselves during breaks in play in hot weather? Have you wondered why they might do this? Could it be just the initial relief of some cooler water? Or perhaps it is to have the evaporative cooling effect during play? If the water/sweat wicked away instantly then there would be no evaporative cooling and the shirt would be just an insulator.
  4. Thanks ... the picture quality was dreadful on the laptop too. The Lazio game also would not display but the laptop was fine. I will have to check out casting as per limpid
  5. I have some homework ... short answer don't know.
  6. In this particular case it looked like a dodgy call to me.
  7. A comeback rather than a put down ... and fairly technical. I was new to the job. Every year we had a professor or two give technical courses about applied chemistry relevant to our industry. This prof was giving a course on Eh/pH (Pourbaix) diagrams. During the morning the prof gave a couple of comments to the room, along the lines, isn't God wonderful, he gave us thermodynamics, we can work out what will be will be. I looked over to my boss who was quietly seething. I knew he was a fire-spitting atheist. Anyway at lunchtime we were taking (the) two profs to lunch and in the car, another Isn't God wonderful he gave us thermodynamics? popped out. I replied if God gave us thermodynamics then the Devil gave us kinetics. In the afternoon there were no further evangelical revelations. I suppose you had to be there.
  8. Villa TV Valencia (and Lazio) won't play nicely with my Samsung (allegedly) smart TV Works fine on my laptop; but, on my TV the game is forever black and loading the circle. Any thoughts?
  9. "Seemed" is the operative word. The old adage that you can only play as well as your opponent lets you is appropriate here. Did Lazio roll over or were they rolled over?
  10. It's almost as though players have to earn their salaries now.
  11. Was that Lazio's first team we played in the first half? They seemed almost disinterested. Villa played like they were the better team, but I found our performance difficult to judge because of the opposition's lack of intensity. I thought Cash and Chambers had really good games considering the normal comments they get.
  12. In my experience, people in general are capable of believing all sorts of weird stuff and it's not just one particular camp so to speak. I get the sense (don't have the data) but as people are losing their religiosity they are picking up on all sorts of alternative beliefs. Footballers coming onto the pitch crossing themselves etc. I suspect we are all one step away from a weird belief: eg free will for anyone?
  13. There are SI prefixes for standard multiples Prefix Base 10 Decimal Adoption [nb 1] Name Symbol quetta Q 1030 1 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 2022[3] ronna R 1027 1 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 yotta Y 1024 1 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 1991 zetta Z 1021 1 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 exa E 1018 1 000 000 000 000 000 000 1975 peta P 1015 1 000 000 000 000 000 tera T 1012 1 000 000 000 000 1960 giga G 109 1 000 000 000 mega M 106 1 000 000 1873 kilo k 103 1000 1795 hecto h 102 100 deca da 101 10 The really nonstandard big numbers are only really required when talking about Digne's salary and such. And to the original ... 190 zetta gallons or preferably 760 ZL
  14. Doesn't clicking on "activity" give all activity and latest posts by definition?
  15. I'm betting on a freak accident in the draw and we get Man United.
  16. I will withhold my opinion until I see drenched in sweat. And then I will be smart and stay the hell away from this thread.
  17. Not a great game ... but that is OK I thought the Newcastle game was more positive for us. Philogene good game but not as good as the Newcastle game (despite the goal) He took it nicely though ... great pass from Beundia to Digne for the assist. Olsen played like a bona fide reserve goalkeeper. Diaby did bugger all but score </s> He's going to be fine Pau still settling in, as is Tielemans. When Konsa and Vinicius had the set to ... I liked the fact that Carlos came over and took over Kellyman OK Archer ... getting there Chambers did OK Coutinho not bad Revan did OK The rest of the first eleven did what they had to do.
  18. We need to be inclusive of all time zones: .... kick off at twenty past the coming hour.
  19. The way he got the defender to pass it to his team mate
  20. I get the dislike of the sponsor, but as logos go ...it's not bad. Artistically I much prefer it to Cazoo.
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