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Everything posted by sparrow1988

  1. Of which you were never going to drink in any case. Definitely just becasue of the defeat.
  2. It's a bit early in my opinion. He's only 18 in October, keep him here and teach him "our way" of playing, giving him minutes here and there, and then send him out on loan in maybe 12/18 months. Loans can be dodgy. I'd rather develop him here a bit longer than send him straight out and end up being managed by Neil Warnock or similar. I know we have a loans manager and so on but things can change fairly quickly with the turnover in managers in the lower leagues.
  3. He is actually playing a different game to most of the others on the pitch. Great video.
  4. Because, and I say this as someone with absolutely no experience in the area, let's assume Arsenal have a valuation (we don't know this number) of their player, and we want said player. We have bid 30 mill, Arsenal say "nah, you're alright thanks but we'll take 40 million". Arsenal are more than likely not naming the price that they would sell him for. It's probably somewhere in between those two numbers. It's just a standard negotiation tactic.
  5. I'm pretty sure that he's not. I made the comment in jest.
  6. He's probably been signed in preparation for when one of them depart.
  7. Summer pints bulk me up no end as well if I'm telling the truth.
  8. and also have too much time on their hands
  9. She can spring over a gate like Kauto Star over the last fence at Kempton. She'll be fine
  10. I mean how long has it been since we've had a screenshot of flightradar24 in the transfer window thread? Too long is what it is.
  11. Yep. Stick two in behind them, Watkins in front of them and just say to the three of them "go out and enjoy yourselves".
  12. No it was just the usual football-related analogies at MP questions as is the norm anytime England win a game at a tournament to try and relate to the general public. The attempt to do so using football usually results in them just strengthening the point of view that they are further removed from Joe Bloggs than Joe thought in the first place. I think this time it was a reference to Savid Javid being the super-sub for Matt Hancock akin to Grealish versus Germany. Grealish replaced Saka though and I don't remember Saka being taken off for boning one of his aides so I falied to understand the reference.
  13. Probably becuase he's the best performing English manager at the moment.
  14. Young and hungry you say? However, they've also proved with the Young signing and the pursuit of Mandzukic that older players with something to offer are not off the table. There won't be signings like Lescott or Joe Hart or similar but signing or trying to sign players who've been at the top of the game for a sustained period such as the two mentioned will happen from time to time. It's just not the main strategy.
  15. East London is only about 4 hours away from Calais to be fair.
  16. He was very good under Pochettino. I'd give a player like him a pass under Mourinho, he has absolutely no use for a player like Winks. I wouldn't be against signing him if the price was right. I'd rather a midfielder with more bite and ability to press and win the ball higher up the pitch. I'm not sure if that's him though.
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