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Everything posted by sparrow1988

  1. Aubameyang showing why he is paid the big bucks there at the end.
  2. Fair enough mate. I refuse to get into discussions with people who claim that organisations like the BBC have a bias. The BBC annoy people on the left and right with both sides claiming that the BBC are biased. If they are pissing both sides off then there probably just providing a balanced opinion on matters. I mean the BBC left leaning? This is a company who until very recently employed Andrew f***ing Neil. I'm sure that you've got examples to show that they are loony lefties but as I said it is just a fairly neutral organisation. Also, I never called Australia as a racist country. I said it has a problem with racism as does nearly every country, maybe even all. And on your last line, the racist is definitely the worst of the two people. The other person is not right and has a lot to learn but yeah, the racist is definitely worse. EDIT: And just for future reference, just how long does someone have to live in Oz before they can have an opinion on it? Is it that for the first few years people there make racist comments sometimes and then after you've served the sufficient amount of time they tell you it was just a big joke and everyone has a laugh?
  3. It's definitely there alright whether it is inside or outside the ground. There was this report from the 2019-20 season. It is not solely based on race, also sexual orientation and religion. However, it is still not a great list to be top of. I remember reading something similar I think around 2014 as well that Villa fans were among the worst when it came to arrests for such behaviour. https://www.bbc.com/sport/football/55038972 Aston Villa fans were reported for more alleged hate crimes than any team last season, according to Home Office data. Results seen by the Press Association under a Freedom of Information request showed Villa fans reported 13 times. Wolves, Leeds and Tottenham fans were the subject of 10 reports each, while Chelsea fans were reported nine times. The reports came to the UK Football Policing Unit from either the Football Association or anti-discrimination body Kick It Out.
  4. You missed the fire in the Gulf of Mexico last week then?
  5. I know that you’re trying to create balance. I was just asking how. You might think you’re trying to create balance but a black person might think you’re trying to belittle the issue. For him balance might be the enslaving of the white race for a few centuries. And to elaborate on the two way street analogy. White people would have to travel almost the full length of that street whereas the black people would only have to open the garden gate in terms of what needs to be done by the respective communities. Maybe step out on to the footpath.
  6. He was also quite good. The combination of him, Saka and Odegaard was pretty decent once it got firing.
  7. You don't see Getafe putting in a bid for him then?
  8. Nah, it’s a lad sitting in a flat in Clapham watching ABC on an illegal stream. Anyway, what is even the difference between ABC and BBC? One position in the alphabet? Coincidence? I think not.
  9. To be fair he was probably right. That could have ended in murder. Arnautovic is a kitten comapred to those two.
  10. Maybe he is stupid enough to be so blatant in the public eye?
  11. How do you create balance here though? Does the prime minister come out and say "Alright everyone, the other world leaders and I have decided to take all the money out of everyone's account and shared it evenly amongst all citizens. In order to rid all prejudice, we all start today from the same point." I'm being facetious here before anybody accuses me of being a descendant of Vladimir Lenin. Do you allow black people to control a slave trade for the next couple of centuries build up their wealth over centuries with white people working for them and then roughly 200 years after that say "right, now we're roughly at the point of where we were in 2021, carry on as you see fit"? Again - facetious. How can you create balance when an attack by a muslim on London Bridge or in Woolwich is described as a terror attack, and when an English man in his van drives in to a crowd of worshippers outside a mosque it's not? You are right in your last two sentences. It is most definitely a work in progress and any sensible thinking person would distance themselves from discrimination or racism. As for your two-way street analogy, that may be true to an extent, but the white people have a much longer distance to travel on this street than the others.
  12. There are so many holes in your post that I don't know where to start but here we go... ABC are left leaning? Seriously? They are the equivalent of the BBC in the UK, a fairly centrist organisation who do a pretty good job of presenting the news in a neutral way. There is no way to present what Fraser Anning said that doesn't come across as leftist to right wing lunatics. And hold on, did I misquote him like you said or did he word it poorly? Calling for a final solution with regards to the problem of the amount immigrants coming in to the country is no way racist? Fair enough mate. His party still got voted in by people of that state, marginally or not. Here is what it says on the Australian government website. You know the process already but the votes of the people of that state got him elected. Senators are elected by a system of proportional representation which ensures that the proportion of seats won by each party in each State or Territory closely reflects the proportion of the votes gained by that party in that State or Territory. You said that she was interested in helping the women that were oppressed. If that's not women's rights then I don't know what is. Strange that she is only interested in the women that are Muslim women. I know that they weren't enslaved but to say that the country wasn't invaded is just bullshit. You even mentioned that there has been no country in the world that hasn't been invaded and now your saying that the country wasn't invaded. Make your mind up. There was a literally a law introduced to say that the land belonged to nobody at the time of occupation and the land then taken from the people who were living there. The British anti-slavery stance? You're talking through your arse here. They stopped trading slaves in 1807. The first penal colony was established in 1788. Before this they were among the biggest if not the biggest slave traders in the world. Granted it was probably on the wane for the previous hundred years or so but anti-slavery? Come on. And for something worse could have happened, that's all conjecture. We are discussing what did happen. Not what might have happened had Captain Cook's ship sank in the pacific in 1770. I know about the attempts to integrate the Aborigine community in the last half a century or so. That is obviously very positive. I never denied this or said that Australia doesn't try to rectify it. You asked me about racism in Australia and I gave you my opinion based on facts. I just said there is a problem with racism in Australia resulting from policies of the past. My point is and has been that there is a legacy racism and in the last few years, as is the trend globally, this racism has bubbled up again. For example with the rise of parties such as The One Nation Party in Australia, UKIP/ Brexit Party in the UK, AFD in Germany, Le Pen's party in France, the rise of Trump in the US. If you can't see that then I don't know what I can do to make it any clearer. Anyway, this is the racism in football thread not the racism in Australia thread so I'm just going to leave it now. As for your BLM and black lives matter comments, maybe mute/block the term because you're obviously triggered by it and have serious issues with it.
  13. He was very good. He was a big part of their late season turnaround. He would be a great signing IMO.
  14. I don't know a billion quid rise in one day would have been a 14% rise. That's a fair leap in a day.
  15. Balls of steel though. Didn't even wait it out a week before posting his next exclusive. You've got to love that.
  16. It was the same century at that time. Hell, Hennessy's was even in a different millenium.
  17. Yep fairly similar. Rolled along the top of the ball and caught him straight in the shin. The refs were all in all fairly lenient I felt throughout the Euros when compared to the PL.
  18. You missed the Kalvin Phillips tackle against Germany then where he tried to do exactly what Jorginho did, misjudged it and went straight in to the shin of the German player's standing leg?
  19. I have read about it before (books/newspaper/websites) and thought it was a good idea to fact check it before I posted it as you had asked me to share my thoughts on racism in Australia. As opposed to writing unsubstantiated bullshit. As for the comment from my sister in law, I have no reason to doubt the veracity of what she said, why should you? That's like me doubting that you saying that you have a friend that is an Aborigine. I have no reason to believe that it is not true so why should you doubt what I am telling you? If we're not going to take what we're saying to each other at face value then why bother discussing the topic? I'll try again anyway. She was standing up for muslim women? If you believe that then you'll believe anything. Why, if she is so interested in women's rights is she not campaigning against a catholic nun's uniform? Anti-immigrant is a common theme throughout her politics. As for Fraser Anning, here is the article I read a few years back and an excerpt from the article. Please tell me where I said something that wasn't in this article. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-australia-45191315 - Remember people voted this guy in to the senate and therefore he is representative of a portion of Australian society. An Australian senator has been widely condemned for a speech that invoked the term "final solution" in a call for immigration restrictions based on race. Fraser Anning, from the conservative Katter's Australian Party, called for migration bans on Muslims and others in his maiden Senate speech on Tuesday. Political opponents denounced his speech as "disgraceful". Mr Anning said he did not need to apologise. "Final solution" was a term infamously used by the Nazis during the Holocaust. In his speech, Mr Anning said "the final solution to the immigration problem is a popular vote". On Wednesday, lawmakers across the political divide moved to pass parliamentary motions censuring Mr Anning for his "racist hate speech", noting in particular his use of the phrase "final solution", and his "false, misleading and hurtful statements" about Muslim Australians and other immigrant groups. Also, there are many parts of the world which were never invaded by a different race. Ireland for example was invaded a few times. Always by white people (the Vikings, the Normans and then the British). The UK by the Vikings, the Normans and the Romans (all white, granted the Romans had a bit of a tan but they are from the Mediteranean). Re the aboriginal people - of course they have challenges due to being oppressed, vilified and discriminated against for centuries. And of course they have trouble integrating. Is it possible that they have trouble integrating because their country was invaded, taken away from them (terra nullius) and they were forced to completely change their way of life or face not being allowed become part of this great new society? And just because Australia has relatively recently started to fund these communities doesn't mean they are going to automatically flick a switch and all of a sudden trust their oppressors of the last 200 years? But how wide of the mark was I by saying that they were displaced and that there is an anti-aborigine rhetoric in the country caused by policies such as the White Australia Policy of the past? Is that not true? I know some of the facts. I know that there are low rates of literacy and numeracy, high rates of alcoholism, suicide, crime within the aboriginal communties. I know that Australia funds these communities through reparations or some similar system. I also know that they are very poorly integrated in to society. And for the racial abuse that you suffered, I am sorry to hear that. IMO, the root cause of that is also the white people's treatment of the Aboriginals in the preceding 200 years and the fact that they don't trust the white man but seriously why would they?
  20. For that money, he'd be worth a punt. He was good in a struggling Schalke side where he was trying to catch a tidal wave in a bucket but I think he could be integrated in slowly and allowed to develop a bit before being thrown in. One concern that I would have is that he looks very slow.
  21. Jesus, don't tell @nick76 Other than that. Thanks for the tip.
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