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Everything posted by sparrow1988

  1. Yeah, you're probably right but you can see he has a very big influence on what is posted on his social media.
  2. I think that this was a line in a Robert Frost poem
  3. That's the difference between a social media account operated by someone employed by the player to a social media account which the player himself uses, as in Tyrone's case. Although I dread to think what Maguire would come out with if he operated his social media account himself. Maybe the better option is to have someone in charge of it and just do meaningless advertisements.
  4. You weren’t but any credit is way too much for her. Also she’s gotten in to this position somehow. She was peddling lines like this for a long before Boris became prime minister.
  5. You're giving her way too much credit here. She is a horrible human. Her actual thoughts are probably much worse than what she has said in public. This is a woman who has said she wants to bring back capital punishment after all.
  6. Don’t worry, I’ve made a screenshot to use for future reference
  7. Stumbled upon this on Twitter earlier. Still takes time for the kid after the loss.
  8. You’d think that wouldn’t you? But no, her and countless other cretins around the globe are the worst type of immigrants. I or my ancestors managed to get out of the shit we were in so let’s shut the door, pull the ladder up behind us etc. But all I can say is; Tyrone, you f***ing legend!
  9. I accept all that but the bare minimum is way more that any of his predecessors managed.
  10. He has taken the team from being a laughing stock against Iceland to WC semi-finalists and Euros finalists in 5 years. I'm sure he's doing a bit more than keeping the lads' spirits up.
  11. Yeah it does look bad alright. I actually find it pretty pointless giving them loser's medals if I'm honest. None of them ever seem to want it. They are paraded one by one and made shake hands with a bunch dignitaries, of whom they have no clue who they are, when they just want out of there as quickly as possible. Maybe it's nice to have to look back on later in life. I obviously have no clue on that score.
  12. Southgate has previous with Keane. Maybe he'll appreciate the Grealish tweet.
  13. Happens during nearly every medal presentation ceremony doesn't it? Be it Champions league, Europa league, FA Cup whatever.
  14. Call me crazy but I think that Pickford should be in the first 5 takers.
  15. I agree with your first two paragraphs but in your third, you've used two sports which are played by roughly 8 nations to any sort of competitive level and cycling, in which the success of the British teams is based on Dave Brailsford's "marginal gains". The source of these gains are a very hotly disputed topic.
  16. Wasn't there a suggestion on here a few weeks back that he might be a bit heavy?
  17. You've not been paying much attention to Roy over the past two decades. He pipes up regardless of what he does or doesn't know and is invariably proved wrong.
  18. Call it female intuition or whatever the male equivalent of that is but I have a good feeling too.
  19. I'm going to go ahead and assume that he's not a teenager as that is a reference (a bloody good one mind) from the mid 90's.
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