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Everything posted by sparrow1988

  1. Is that why the sister is only wearing a flag to cover herself?
  2. I had one of them once. I don't see the big deal at all. Taste awful and ruin your teeth. Give me a cream egg any day of the week.
  3. That too. However, there were also comments on social media saying stuff like "their parents should be feeding them" and "if their parents didn't spend all their money on fags and booze, then they could afford to feed them" and so on. I don't know where this attitude comes from. My parents fed me going to school, because as far as I know there are no such thing as school lunches in Ireland, at least not where I went to school, but I can still understand that not all parents can afford to do that.
  4. You'd be surprised. Some of the reaction Rashford received for his campaign to feed underpriviliged children was disgusting.
  5. I just answered all your points with counterarguments. If you're not sure what my post means then look at what you've written in your previous post and compare my points to yours. Regarding Australia, epidemic is your choice of word, I'd call it an issue or a problem. Epidemic is a tad overexaggerated. Are you looking for a different answer than white people invaded the land 200 to 250 years ago, displaced the native Aboriginal people who had been there for the previous 5000 years or so, and still face prejudice and are integrated very poorly in to today's society, enacted a "White Australia Policy" through a set of racial policies from the beginning of the 1900's through to it finally being abolished in the 1970's, leading to the anti-Asian/anti-Aborigine sentiment that lasts until this day? Coupled with the return of the One Nation Party to prominence as a result being voted for by the public as well as such people as Malclom Roberts and Pauline Hanson, the latter of which wore full islamic dress into the Senate while later calling for the Burqa to be banned. The same party brought an "It's ok to be white" (a phrase associated with white supremacists) motion before the Senate in 2018 which was only narrowly defeated. Also in 2018, Fraser Anning calling for the reintroduction of the White Australia Policy to provide a "Final Solution" (I'm going to assume that you don't need the meaning of this phrase explained to you) with particular regard to the "problem" of Muslim Migration. And just in case the examples above feel like an attack on you because all the aforementioned people represent QLD, my brother lived in Melbourne for 3 years from 2017 - 2020 and his now wife teached in a few schools there and said that children of the age of 6/7 already have a discriminatory attitude towards Asian kids. I can't remember the exact names they call them but if it's not a problem for the country that kids of 6/7 have that type of attitude (it's obvious they're getting from the adults around them) then I don't know what is. So to summarise, above are a few points - some that I knew already, some that I researched to double check that I'm not talking bollox, and one from somebody's lived experience in Australia - that display that Australia has a racism problem (not an epidemic).
  6. They did start after project restart, because it was an underlying issue which bubbled over after the George Floyd, Breona Taylor murders and felt they had to make a stand as it became a global issue. It's not an imported issue as you suggest. It's everywhere, the US, the UK, Ireland, Australia, Germany, France, South America, Asia, everywhere. Some players have said that they find it is not having the desired effect and that is why they have stopped. They may after seeing the Euros decide to start again. Who knows? Who has said they have stopped because of Black Lives Matter? Zaha has said he found it degrading and wanted to stand tall. Fair play to him. That's his choice. Mings takes the knee as his want to protest as do other players, as did Kapernick in America before NFL games. Southgate and the players have said that because they are making an anti-racism protest. It might have started as a support for Black Lives Matter but they have explicitly stated it is now an anti-racism protest. That might be because the phrase "black lives matter" upsets too many people as they've been fed and swallowed the marxist plot bullshit, so they've made it simpler in an attempt to educate people, as you suggested they should do, as to why they are protesting. At the protest at the University of Virginia against the planned removal of the confederate stautes in 2017 (the one where actual members of the KKK were present and a white supremacist drove his car in to a crowd of anti-racism protestors), there were counter protests with people chanting black lives matter. Nobody was taking the knee that day. I'm sure the phrase Black Lives Matter precedes that day also. It is not as new as you suggest. One thing the phrase black lives matter and taking the knee have in common is that they are anti-racist and that upsets the racists in society. Regarding when you stop treating fans like they are stupid, I don't believe anyone is treating fans as they are stupid. It has been explained why the players are taking the knee. If people decide to come up with other theories why the players are taking the knee, then that is a problem created by those people. I mean just because Southgate, Mings and Rashford have opened a children's home where they take in kids from disadvantaged families and read them a different chapter of Das Kapital every night before bed doesn't make them Marxists does it? And as for your last point, it's not up to you to decide what anti-racsim protest black people should make. If they want to take the knee, then they should take the knee. If they want to stand tall like Zaha then they should do that. Similarly, for the black power salute that John Carlos and Tommie Smith made. I don't think that you or I as white people get to tell black/asian/mixed race etc. people how to make their anti-racism protest.
  7. That's no problem. They post 99% tripe.
  8. Like this lady... I know, I know. It's a united jersey, but maybe she's just a united fan who fancies Grealish so try not to flip out too much.
  9. If he says this, he should be sent back to from whenst he came. Although if he found out that he said this they wouldn't take him back.
  10. This is not meant as a dig at anyone here, but take the knee, don't take it and raise a fist, stand tall, whatever the protest against racism may be...
  11. The knee started way before the black lives matter movement. I haven't a clue when but I remember seeing pictures/footage of Martin Luther King and his supporters doing it. I wouldn't be surprised if it goes back even further. And to be fair just because someone started a website called BLM where they state a few socialist policies doesn't mean that everyone protesting for racial equality is a flaming marxist. Like the poster above said, even the "no taxes" republicans in California support the black lives matter movement because they understand it is do with racial inequality, not turning everyone into a socialist. I'm not spinning any narrative. Lilico knew exactly what he was saying by using the word submission. It in no way fits into the context of what he is saying. He's an intelligent bloke and knows what connotations that word contains. Either that or he's an idiot and tried to use a big word and ended up looking like a racist. And as for your PS, while agreeing with the second part, the first part is almost conpiracy theory stuff. You're saying that they need to keep telling the people why they continue protesting, but, at the same time when they do tell people, the normal people see the "evidence". What is this evidence? I have seen nothing to suggest that it is nothing more than a protest against racism.
  12. Watch the full video. He falls to his knees after it. Although maybe it's a deep fake or something.
  13. You start off at a fairly slow pace. You've got to make it to the end before the first beep and back before the second beep or at least reach the line at the same time as the beep sound. The interval between the beeps gets shorter i.e. you need to run faster. This continues until even Ollie Watkins falls over in exhaustion.
  14. Imagine being told on your first day you'll be doing a bleep test with Ollie Watkins. I'd have gotten up and left.
  15. They and Southgate literally did this and people still booed. I think it was after the first friendly. They were asked by reporters why they are kneeling and the explicitly stated it is against racism and to promote equality for all. I don't know how much clearer people want them to be. And of course taking the knee is linked to BLM but that shouldn't be a problem. As the poster above explains BLM is not a marxist plot to usurp the current world order. It is only linked to such because asshole politicians and their associates were afraid it would expose their nationalistic/xenophobic/racist politics that they made up some shit to try and discredit it. These lines are peddled out by the likes of Farage, Trump, Tucker Carlson and their ilk. That should be enough to accept these theories for what they are - nonsense. Futhermore, the use of the word "submission" by the guy is very dodgy when talking about what a black man should do for having the audacity to challenge authority.
  16. If he has any sense he'll going back and saying to them "So I don't know if you lads noticed, but I've just spent the last few weeks playing with guys on an average wage of 150k per week and even if I do say so myself I didn't look terribly out of place. Also, I can't help but notice there's a big difference between the numbers 30 and 150. So, what are we going to do about that?"
  17. Social media companies are only the tip of the iceberg. There are top government officials saying it is ok to boo the taking of the knee, calling it "gesture politics". Hell, the top man in the country has a somewhat coloured past (and present) on the issue. He and his party built aspects of their election campaign on securing votes from racists/xenophobes etc. in order to stay in power. This runs much deeper than social networks. Social media accounts belong to people after all, and they will find an other medium to spout their bile if they are forced to do so.
  18. We were first interested in 15/16. Long before Suso and even before we got relegated. He wasn't granted a work permit during that window if I remember correctly. Only for that he would have been signed in January 16. That still doesn't make it any less bizarre though. More, if anything.
  19. Yeah but that ceremony is always carried out tastefully and with impeccable class and decorum...
  20. Maybe the jerseys were on the ship though. That only set sail again there last week.
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