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Everything posted by villarule123

  1. He's right and it just makes it dawn on me even more how depressing our situation is
  2. If we go to war I'm buggering off to Australia
  3. You could say that about your first touch on FIFA
  4. No, not yet. The club are doing what they did last year. Talking about the accounts before they're available to download on Companies House. That way they can put their spin on a set of numbers, which on the basis of the limited headlines so far, sound very, very bad indeed. I know you explained it before with blandy but would you mind explaining again? What does this £90 million thing mean to us? Surely it means either he; 1. Loves the club dearly and has wiped out £90m of debt out of the goodness of his heart or 2. Wants the club to be debt free to make the club more attractive to buyers. Probably/certainly number 2.
  5. That worries more than anything then... We must have one of the lowest wage bills in the PL now surely, yet we still lose £42m Bent + Ireland + Hutton + Given add up to about £12.5m a year combined, how the **** are we losing £42m??? Without those players we have a Championship wage budget.
  6. Had to skim through it all... so we made a loss of £42m last year?!
  7. He's incredible on FM13. Started the Villa revolution for me, and scored in a CL final win. Hero
  8. These guys are in their 30s FFS. It's like being back at school. Grow up
  9. OT but I'm related to this guy in some way or another. He's my Aunt's sister's husband
  10. I also missed one about the bottles of water, I stupidly put 4.5 and realised as soon as I clicked next
  11. http://www.free-iqtest.net/ Supposedly I'm gifted @ 135. Shame my school results didn't show that!
  12. Anyone in Brum on Three? Is the signal OK for calls? Decent & consistent speeds on 4G/3G?
  13. Trials Fusion announced for PS4! Its one of the games I was really going to miss from the Xbox, I'm delighted
  14. I notice Miss Jones has been to No. 10 today. Do me a favour and break Dave's nose for me.
  15. No matter what help or practice they get, you cannot recreate the scenario, it is purely down to bottle. We should stop wasting time with penalties and just try to win the game in the 120 minutes.
  16. Voinjama in being a total freak shocker
  17. Only a 1-60 server would solve it, I really hope they do it someday. Time is running out though
  18. In a weird way I hope they release it on the PS4 and start from scratch, as I do miss the glory days. Then again, I'd probably quit after a week.
  19. I don't think they will be happy with everyone buying their multi-plats on the PS4, the console already can't play a current-gen game (Tomb Raider, MGS etc) at the right settings If they had it their way, I reckon they'd release a new console next year as ever since the XBO was revealed it's been a disaster. Pretty pissed off still as the 360 was probably the best console I've ever had.
  20. Don't renew, it's the only way Lerner will listen or go.
  21. I don't think it will last more than 4 years. I don't think I'll end up buying one, every multi-platform game will be better on the PS4, and Halo is the only exclusive that MS interests me with, and I can see Destiny taking over that.
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