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Everything posted by villarule123

  1. I can't see it being a huge difference until at least the PS5, because I don't think enough games will support it.
  2. So how was it when you used Oculas? I take it you still use a controller to play the games? It sounds quite good actually, football games could be incredible by the sound of it.
  3. Can anyone explain this VR thing to me? I'm not a fan of gimmicks (Wii, Kinect), is this just like a TV but on a big headset? Will all games be able to be played on it? Will it be a gimmick or is it a genuine game changer?
  4. Infamous is out on Friday. Tomb Raider if you didn't play it on the old consoles
  5. Incest videos come pre-loaded on the headset.
  6. Can't believe this isn't on the new consoles
  7. Such a simple solution; give a player who dives a three match ban. Why something like this isn't already in place I'll never know. Also, a player who goes down holding his face from a slight flick should get a 1 match ban. It's bad for the sport
  8. Haven't been able to get on at all today as it keeps getting stuck on the loading screen with Messi in the background. Why does such a big company produce such shit? **** hate you, EA!
  9. GRRRRRRR! He also threw the ball at Sagna when he was about to take a throw, I think he's brilliant. I'd rather have him in the PL than another boring Mark Hughes type.
  10. He threw his jumper down to the floor in disgust in the 25th minute.
  11. Who's jumping on this then this week? Looks incredible, I've never played an Infamous game though so I'm not sure how the gameplay is. My first proper next gen game (all others are multi plats)
  12. Bennett was very good yesterday, good on the ball, fantastic positioning for once and he even showed strength against their attackers. There is a player in there somewhere.
  13. I can't handle all this cyber bullying, I'm leaving VT
  14. A big HA to everyone that wrote off Albrighton by the way, he seems to have got his confidence back now and it at the very least proving to be a good option off the bench. Shame on those who wouldn't even give a Villa fan-player a chance.
  15. If Messi scored that goal it would have 2 billion hits on YouTube
  16. Did he mean it? Even his passing was good tonight, immense performance.
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