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Everything posted by villarule123

  1. I've been behind him many times. In the queue for a Big Mac.
  2. Never going to happen, this was why Holt was signed. It's horrendous news whichever way you look at it. He won't leave, we won't get money. He won't play, until probably after New Year. He needs to get back to full fitness, which takes even longer. He might not even come back as good as he was, might lose confidence etc etc. Literally the worst thing that could have happened team-wise. They say he'll be out for 6 months - so if all goes well he could be back by October. At least 6 months, of course the club will make it sound as positive as possible. I'd bet he won't be back until at least New Year.
  3. Never going to happen, this was why Holt was signed. It's horrendous news whichever way you look at it. He won't leave, we won't get money. He won't play, until probably after New Year. He needs to get back to full fitness, which takes even longer. He might not even come back as good as he was, might lose confidence etc etc. Literally the worst thing that could have happened team-wise.
  4. Can't say I'm gutted for him personally, as I don't think he really cares about us given what he's said and done whilst being here. But I'm devastated as he's a quality player and we can't even sell him let alone play him
  5. Cool. I want you to draw up the Stoke dressing room when Beattie and a butt naked Pulis were throwing handbags
  6. Are you putting on a gig for people on Benefits? Either way, I think me and DK win the competition. We should both get a paint job, maybe me giving him the Postma treatment.
  7. A fantastic choice Gareth. Lets start with a few of the features of the Vita; Screen. OLED. A work of art, easily the greatest handheld screen of all time. The Olof Mellberg beard of handheld screens. Don't buy the new OLEDless version. The headphone socket. Don't want to interupt your missus whilst she's watching some ITV shit like Splash! ? Then plug your headphones into the intelligently placed headphone socket. You can also notice in the above picture that there is an SD card slot. You can only fit an official SD card from Sony, or should I say $ony. Models range from 4GB - 64GB, prices from £10 - £60 depending on how much you want to get ripped off by. Games. PS Plus. You have to sign up to PS Plus to make this awesome purchase even more awesome. Free games (if you forget that you paid £30 in the first place) every month = happy. Gimme that paint now.
  8. Nice dive Rooney. Football is such a classy sport.
  9. Another diving pussy there. There's no way that hurt.
  10. I should just stop gambling. Leeds, Bayern Munich, Barcelona, all favourites. My backing is some sort of curse. Put £50 on Fulham for Saturday.
  11. 0-1 Atletico Welbeck is a modern day Emile Heskey.
  12. You should have watched this whilst you had the chance. She will end up watching some ITV trash tomorrow anyway
  13. My God Fellaini is shite. I used to really rate him whilst at Everton but he's being shown up in this team.
  14. Reminds me of another team.. You can say that again.
  15. United need to slow the game down a bit, every time they somehow get the ball they just rush it forward hoping for a miracle counter attack. They're playing like a kid who's never played FIFA before.
  16. I hate how footballers roll around, wait until a card is shown, then get back up with no expression on their face. Such a sad sport at times.
  17. The BBC haven't got any of the CL have they? I thought BT has ALL of the European rights (CL, EL) but they will show free games themselves?
  18. VT was TOXIC that night when he did that
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