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Everything posted by villarule123

  1. I'm sure I read that they might be doing a Netflix style doc under the new owners. Please make it so.
  2. We are no longer under the radar. I've seen a lot of people talking about us being title contenders
  3. I can't see why we can't do this. We all agree we have one of the best keepers in the world. We all agree that Luiz is one of the best players in the league in his position and is the most inform midfielder at the moment. Kamara is a DM we wouldn't swap for anyone bar Rodri. Watkins is probably the second best striker in the league right now and you could say is the most complete striker given his assists etc. We have 2/3 top class players to return from injury in the coming weeks/months and we've been smashing most teams for fun without them. To top it off, we have a world class manager who has been qualifying for European competitions in every year of his managerial career. I think it's happening.
  4. I thought he was awful and the total opposite of his nickname
  5. It's incredible what we've achieved so far with our first choice left side missing all season. Most of our play last season came down the left side after Moreno joined and now that our right side is so good too, having both together is mouth-watering.
  6. It was a brave challenge as well. Put his body on the line to get us into Europe.
  7. Can't believe he wasn't sacked after those Chelsea comments.
  8. I'm getting used to waking up in a good mood on a Monday morning. Thank you Sir
  9. If Mings comes back the same player, and that's a big if, Emery has some big calls to make at CB. I don't see him getting back in, he certainly won't be getting in ahead of Torres. Carlos waiting in the wings too, I suppose it's great to have 4 great options!
  10. He was good today, a bit wasteful but you can see he's built for this league. We don't have to rely on Ollie to hold the ball up now. It was crying out for Bailey to replace him though, and it paid off.
  11. Better defensively than attacking today. Which is quite reassuring in a weird way.
  12. I love this man so much. Every player has bought into what he wants and it's so good to watch.
  13. It's absolutely insane that we're heading towards 2030 and you still can't legally watch every game in this country. Every game should be shown on a PL-ran app/service, every game should be 4k, replays of goals and matches, ref cam, VR in the stadiums, there's so much potential and so much money to be made from it. The argument about the blackout is total bollocks too, it won't have any effect on the lower league attendances. Everyone knows where to watch a PL game if they want to.
  14. I hope he is cleared of all this. Not just because we are struggling with injuries, but because he looks like he's built for the PL and he's shown positive signs so far. I reckon once he gets his first goal he'll be flying.
  15. Not looking forward to the set pieces against JWP and Antonio to be honest. And with Bowen, they'll be winning plenty of them. I think we need to blow them away in the first half like we've done many a time, to get a win here.
  16. I have converted to sitting down to wipe since this thread was started.
  17. Will the government's offer to appease Andy Street/the Northern rails get us the Witton improvements over the line which have already been pledged by Street?
  18. We have the Euros then, now let's get this new stand built.
  19. Just as they were threatening to be a normal club for the first time in decades, they do this. Madder than ever.
  20. If we can get to 30 minutes without conceding then I think we'll get the job done.
  21. The best part of this news is he will become a proper legend of the club when he breaks the fake legend's goalscoring record.
  22. That hatrick probably earned him another £50k p/w
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