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Everything posted by Villan_of_oz

  1. No further comment from the one claiming that Trump never said these words
  2. As with everything mate, it will be the minority who ruin it for everyone else.
  3. I will always love Aston Villa, I will always care about them and when football returns I will still follow them. On the whole though, sport and everything to do with it at the professional level makes me sick. When our lives return to normal, or whatever the new normal is, I will spend more of my time following local teams in my area.
  4. They were his exact words, you saying it's clearly not what he meant is your opinion.
  5. Now that all Star Wars movies are on Disney+, I have started watching them in chronological order. Watched episodes 1, 2 & 3 now I have to watch Solo then Rogue One before going back to a New Hope.
  6. All installed and ready to go.... Going to just go for it and take on Death March! Hopefully this afternoon I can get in a good few solid hours to get immersed in this new world.
  7. I have never played any of the Witcher series but I have just got my hands on Wild Hunt and installing as we speak....
  8. It took me a few years of finishing 5th-9th, don't get too disheartened. You can do it!!
  9. Fantastic..... I don't agree. Let's move on.
  10. I'm sorry mate, but what your saying is pure speculation.... If AEG was that good, Holland would pick him, he isn't so they don't, pure and simple.
  11. Again you're glossing over their whole history to suit your argument. The facts are El-Ghazi was capped at a time when Holland were picking from their lowest talent pool in probably 50 years. I'm not saying AEG is crap, he is is just no where near as good as you're trying to make him out to be. If he is so good why isn't he getting picked for Holland now??
  12. If he's playing well, I would keep him until he shows signs of decline. I usually always have at least one player in my star studded team that is only a 2.5-3 star player, he's in because he's playing out of his skin and earning his spot. Also these types of players usually don't kick up a fuss if they miss a few games and don't ask for stupid wages. I've definitely felt at times you can have too many demanding players in your team and you can never keep them all happy. If Conor has a 7.51 rating over 27 appearances, he would be a lock for me next season.
  13. That isn't a logical comment sorry mate, maybe we just need to agree to disagree.
  14. You're talking about their whole history, but the fact is El-Ghazi made 2 appearances during a time when Holland were a terrible team...
  15. The same Holland that didn't qualify for the last world cup?
  16. What was he lightly disposing of? And what does it have to do with his fitness
  17. Thanks, Ive been waiting for someone to post the response I wish I could write. Id get in trouble for my response.....
  18. I was scared to watch After life season 2, after loving the first season so much. Wife and binged watch season 2 the other night and I thought it was nothing short of brilliant. Gervais proving he is no one trick pony! My wife thinks Tony is closest she has seen to someone like me. Still sorting out if that's a compliment or an insult If you liked S1 and you'll love S2.
  19. In Adelaide, but a proud Aussie Villan!!
  20. Haha this thread has brought back memories.... I use to keep my stash of mags underneath the bottom draw of bedside table, most bedside tables have a little gap between the bottom draw and the floor. One day I came home from school and thought I'd have a gander at some lovely jubblies and they weren't there. A quick through the draws and there they were in the top draw. I knew I hadn't put them there. At that point my Mum pops her head around the door and said she was vacuuming under all my furniture and found my magazines. I awkwardly asked her why they were in the top draw, and she replied "well because they'll be easier to get to, you silly duffer" Ambivalence followed thereafter, caught between stoked she didn't throw them away and completely weirded out that she didn't throw them away.
  21. I concur, for the same price you can buy a new (but cheaply made piece of shite) from your local hardware store. Someone out there will be selling a 2nd hand petrol mower that's better quality for around the same price or even less. The new mowers I buy for work cost around $1200 but my back up one I try and grab for around $250 2nd hand, which I think is around £150. As long as they have been serviced they'll last for ever.
  22. Have been utterly impressed with Ozark! My wife watches more TV than me, I'm more a YouTube/doco kinda a person and I do watch the same shows over and over again (currently watching Red Dwarf, I have no idea how many times this makes it). Ozark is really quite good, and after the first season I'm very intrigued to watch the 2nd.
  23. I listened to an interview with him the other day... He said he was open to another season but only if the demand for it was undeniable. Said he had no interest in putting out another season just for money. Yet to watch season 2 but I was a massive fan of the first season. Watched it about 4 or 5 times already.
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