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Everything posted by Villan_of_oz

  1. Comparing those two teams is ridiculously silly, you are finding anything you can to justify your stance that anyone concerned about our situation is over-reacting
  2. The only thing nearly as bad as our crosses, is our heading on the rare occasion we do put a decent cross in.
  3. Yeah looking at the table that game doesn't really affect us, with our goal scoring threat our competition is Norwich....
  4. If Grealish scores another 40 goals this season we might stay up!
  5. I wouldn't be confident beating Ipswich the way we go about things..... I guess you'll just stick until its impossible not to see what is going on!
  6. The definition of madness, is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result...... Thus watching Villa is madness
  7. Yeah ok mate, I think you're TOO fired up... I'll leave you to it
  8. Hang on here I think you're going to far in the opposite direction. The poster put a question mark, clearly asking for opinions. It was not OTT post in my view. Whilst Watford might be 2nd in league form they are definitely in the relegation battle and a victory for them would take them further from this battle, when we want as many teams around us as possible. Even better beneath us! You sound a little fired up on this subject, that post wasn't as bad as you're making it out to be, but just my opinion.
  9. So was in a car accident on Friday, not my fault. Everyone is ok. My trailer took all the impact.... Short story is, I'm gonna lose income & there are costs the insurer won't pay for and I'll only be getting half of what a replacement trailer is worth. Because my beautiful and reliable trailer is 25 years old it's worth not much. My argument for how much it's worth to me fell on deaf ears. I was not at fault yet I'm being severely punished! Gotta love this gig called life!
  10. How does that chart indicate taking the piss..... You gotta understand the difference between doom n gloom and concern. I think it's very appropriate to be concerned right now. Doesn't mean we've given up!!!
  11. It's still early, but this is how I feel.....
  12. It's not his fault but he is no where near fit and playing him till he gets fit is luxury we can't afford, imho.
  13. Sorry mate but in no way dos Drinkwater get a start in the next match
  14. Glad we didn't buy Maupay, a massive word removed we could do without. Tiny Tim syndrome
  15. Wolves completed the comeback against southampton, that was paying $18 at HT
  16. Cmon Villa make me eat humble pie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. Just put $20 on Crystal Palace to get up, might make staying up worth it
  18. Look what Pearson has done with a worse looking Watford, they're gonna maul us....
  19. It's 225am what am I doing with my life .............
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