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Everything posted by Villan_of_oz

  1. Sorry SGC but I'm gonna disagree with you here, he is utter trash now that his confidence has been smashed to pieces. He would cost too much and be on too high wages for his output...
  2. I love sports betting, and I like to think I know a bit about odds etc. I'm astounded (but very happy) that Villa are 18/1 to win the match in 90 minutes. If they pay on my Liverpool bets before the cup final I'm going to put a nice wager on those odds. Gamble responsibly On a different note, I found a AVFC supporter club in Adelaide. I will be heading in at 1am to watch the game at the casino. So I won't be alone! Kick off isn't till 3am so if we win I should be nice and drunk by the time the first train leaves to take me home...
  3. She has let me play Xbox all day and brought me lunch so she is forgiven like I said my wife is a handful but in general she is pretty awesome
  4. Butland wouldn't be fit to to Orjan's laces..... Bet Stoke wish they sold him for the 20 odd million they could've got.
  5. I'd go to far as say that if it was only kids then I'd be for it but how the hell would you police that. Unfortunately it is like many things, the minority ruin it for everyone else. The minority make players and refs.and coaching staff feel uneasy so they all have to exit to take no chances. The minority ruin everything in just about every aspect of life..... It really grinds my gears. If everyone felt safe you could run on to the pitch to celebrate, but because of percentage of oxygen thieves over time it's called an 'invasion'
  6. It ruins it for fans overseas too, instead of getting to watch the team on the pitch clap all the fans and soak up the moment all I got to watch was a few minutes of hectic chaos. As a kid I might've done it but as an adult I'm thinking GTFU and let everyone enjoy it. For all we know the team and DS could've stayed out there for 20-30 minutes!
  7. If Nyland is our no.2 keeper going forward then we will be doing very well as is young enough to improve and doesn't seem the type to cause a fuss if he isn't playing. Trez hasn't got the greatest touch but what I love is he gives us everything everytime he is on the pitch. Grealish, well I don't need to tell y'all about Grealish. He's one of our own and I don't care if I'm going early, he is world class to me! Targett and Grealish seem to forming a very good understanding of each other. Numerous crosses and at least 2 goals have come from their interplay. Luiz seems to have shifted up a gear lately and he will always cause us panic but I think he's worth it for what he can offer going forward. Mings, ah TM ...... If Paul McGrath was God, then you may well be Jesus! Absolute legend and if he can grow a beard, I may hold in the same esteem as Mellberg. Konsa and Hause, young and there are mistakes in them but they seem to be getting more solid as time goes on. If I can offer some advice to Hause ..... Pass it mate, your mazy runs that end with you running into 3 opposition players scare the crap out of me. Nakamba, again he will get more solid as time goes on, and I love that he always seems up for the battle. He might not be that big but he doesn't mind using his body to protect the ball or win a 50/50. Samatta, Ive already praised in him in his thread, I was impressed with his debut and he seems to have a bit about him. I hope for his sake and ours that he scores his first relatively quickly so his confidence can blossom. AEG, my only negative player summary. Barely noticed him and when he did get the ball seemed a yard of the pace. However! I will counter the negative with the positive that I know that's the type of player he is, he is the quintessential hot/cold player. Today wasn't his day but I'd put money on him a scoring or setting up a few important goals if we are to survive. I want to play Man United so badly, I would love to beat them in the final and then get justice for them cheating us out of it in 09. I still can't work out who the bigger word removed is, Vidic or the Ref Being a supporter in another country, in a town where I know no other fans bloody sucks. If we win this cup then someone on here has to FaceTime me or something (I know nothing of the technology) I'll pay for it, and just stick your phone in the corner so I can watch everyone celebrate. Even for a few minutes!
  8. That stat might be deceiving as Davis is more of a target man and (I only got to listen to the 2nd half) but maybe a few more balls were lumped up to him hence so many touches in a shirt period of time. Samatta didn't touch the ball much in the first but was continually in good positions when balls went in the box. I was very impressed with what I saw, I like what you said earlier .... If he misses two chances and we win then that's two misses we can live with. I hope by the end of the season he is being hailed for scoring at least a couple of winning goals.
  9. Yeah mate that's how it is and I'm married haha, but for the most part I love her and she is awesome. Just as long as I don't get upset about anything ....
  10. Nope, I didn't even say one word of my sentence and she assumed what I was going to say. Which was the complete opposite of what I was going to say. I called BS and walked off (me trying not to lose my shit) as I walked off she said "grow up", then when I got upset and had a go at her she had a go at me for saying the sentence she assumed I was going to say but I NEVER ACTUALLY SAID ANYTHING This is a common tactic with a lot of people. It goes like this They get upset ...... You apologise You get upset ....... They get upset ....... You apologise. She knows damn well it's the truth too
  11. I freely admit that my anger can flicker pretty quickly, through my 20's I let it run riot but after seeing the hurt I could do I have spent the best part of 10 years trying to be a better person. I still run my mouth from time to time (as you all have seen on VT) but I also think I'm pretty good at putting my hand up and saying Ive been a dick. I know I'll die still trying but I won't give up, I guess I just figured if there is one person in the world who would know how hard I try, would be my wife. She also doesn't do apologies which doubles the problem. I get quite down when I act like this as I'm the type of person who you could quite easily dislike but if you get to know me I think I'm a pretty decent person. She knows this but she won't approach me she will just hold out until I buckle and say it's all my fault. I'm in no mood to make such a concession at this point though. I wish I was calm and rational and level headed but I'm me, for better or worse.
  12. Thank you, you have no idea how much I needed to laugh. I might just take your advice
  13. Does anyone else on here have something that their partner says that sets you right off..... Anytime I tell me my wife anything she doesn't want to hear she tells me to grow up.... Sounds silly but she has said that many times that I can't take it. We were seperated for 6 months last year but sorted it out and things have been really good for the last 5 months. Anyhow we just had a disagreement and as I walked off she said "grow up" and I just lost it! Now I know I'm the wrong for losing my cool, but she promised she wouldn't say it anymore. I want to apologise for the way I spoke to her but I know she won't apologise or see anything wrong with what she did. I'm a stepdad to her 2 kids and in these moments I feel really isolated as they obviously will gravitate towards her. They're inside eating dinner and I'm out the back having a beer because I don't want to be anywhere near her. Unfortunately I'm not one of these awesome humans who are calm all the time. I wear my heart on my sleeve and show my raft of emotions (as you've probably seen through my VT posts ). I know "grow up" is just two words but she literally says it everytime we argue as a way of dismissing me and my feelings. Please, can someone rational thinking tell me if I'm being a massive bellend or do I have a point
  14. The fact that you're still banging on about his apparent slow lethargic presence, shows that you're opinion of him blinds you from seeing his improvement before his injury.
  15. Maybe you could get a game for Wales and we could all learn while you show us how it's done
  16. Yep that's the one, Lescott was always a word removed. I think there should also be an amnesty on debates over our team. Everyone should just enjoy this for a few days. UTV
  17. I agree, at least it's a reasonable hour in NZ, here I have to watch in absolute silence on my own...... Oh and I remember Young's winner like yesterday too, 3-2 the end result no?
  18. Twatford back in relegation and the look on Deeney's face...... PRICELESS
  19. EAT THAT DEENEY YOU INBRED clearing in the woods!!!!
  20. Yeah but you're clearly new to VT ..... calling for sanity will send you insane
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