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Everything posted by Rds1983

  1. I'd give you a like if I hadn't already hadn't already seen that reply in the comments.
  2. As @Genie said it's when the market surges upwards with prices shooting up and you ride along with it. Happens every few years or so and we had one recently where it shot up to £40k. People go nuts predicting it and calling it. At the opposite end is a bear market where prices crash down.
  3. I reckon it'll hit about £8k at some point and then hover between £10-20k for a few years before going back up again in the next bull. If it does hit below £5k I'm topping up again.
  4. If we'd have had 2012-15 Benteke a few years earlier when O'Neil was in charge we'd have actually got top 4 and be one of the top 6 already.
  5. Growing up in Devon I'd love him to go back to Argyle to finish his career and help them get promoted to the Championship.
  6. "Many dinosaurs were likely warm-blooded with high metabolic rates that resembled those of modern birds, according to a study published yesterday" https://www-the--scientist-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/www.the-scientist.com/news-opinion/most-dinosaurs-were-warm-blooded-after-all-70071/amp?amp_gsa=1&amp_js_v=a9&usqp=mq331AQKKAFQArABIIACAw%3D%3D#amp_tf=From %1%24s&aoh=16550185117120&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&ampshare=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.the-scientist.com%2Fnews-opinion%2Fmost-dinosaurs-were-warm-blooded-after-all-70071
  7. Have any issues using the + sign?
  8. Saw this on reddit and thought I'd share (sorry Mods - posted a screenshot as couldn't find the original post on twitter).
  9. Maybe one for the Tech Thread but curious if any of the more tech savvy if you ever use plus or subdomain addressing for emails when signing up for things?
  10. No idea how to use it but I now have two spare drives just sitting there. Is there any value in selling one? I don't really use the desktop much anymore apart from occasional gaming.
  11. Knew I was missing something. Got that out and all the old pictures are on it. Just need to transfer them off and back it all up.
  12. We are still developing players for the future, but are now supporting them with established and successful players which will help us move up the table. We have invested heavily in the youth set up, have already started playing some of them, have signed a young DM and are linked with other young players who will fill out the squad. We're (hopefully) finally going to have a balanced squad.
  13. Change surprised to dissapointed as had high hopes for him once.
  14. Surprised Bridge and Revan have been released.
  15. New backup LB incoming then.
  16. Finally got some spare time to try this but doesn't seem to have worked. I've taken the drive out and connected it to the PC. I've gone to Users and there's 2 there, a public one and one in my name with my current saved items. I feel like I'm missing something, thinking either I've not connected the cable up properly (I did wide bit into the data drive and the small into my USB port) or there's a 2nd drive in my old PC that I'm missing (pic below). Edit. Just seen both those folders haven't been modified since 2020 when we got the PC so I'm guessing they're existing ones and the old drive hasn't connected for some reason.
  17. I won't be using Manchester again anytime soon. Major staff issues across the board. Problems with delayed flights, luggage, parking and most of the restaurants/shops/bars were shut too so food was a nightmare. We ate out of the vending machines after our flight was delayed past 5pm as that was the only option available and it was an hours wait to get a pint before the last place closed.
  18. Go to King's Cross Station, get a train to Leeds, transfer across to Bradford and pick any curry house at random.
  19. Yeah, I can see how in simplistic terms it makes a kinda sense but it ignores total amount spent and doesn't consider wages at all. You also need to consider the starting point of where teams were before spending X amount. We've spent several hundred million pounds the last few years but we started with an average Championship squad (ignoring loan players) whereas Liverpool/City etc have added £100m player to an already world class squad. Hopefully that makes sense as I've been drinking all evening and had to read your post 4 times before I knew what you were saying.
  20. Finally got around to watching Last Night in Soho. Very well acted and interesting idea, but a bit mehhh in the end. Somewhat ruined by a predictable and poor ending.
  21. Liverpool fans doing this has annoyed me for ages but all I've seen on twitter today was how Digne has only cost £10m after we sold Targett. I think all clubs have started reacting this way recently.
  22. Is there a chance s5 is a bluff from them to throw people of that it's ending? When they first launched it they wanted each season to be stand alone and with different actors. Maybe they're finishing this arc and starting a new one?
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