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Everything posted by Rds1983

  1. Could really do with Burnley Spurs not getting cancelled as I've got Son and Regi. It's just a little snow, no worries, play on.
  2. 11 points above average for me but still a red arrow. Have 6 players left so hopefully rack up some points. Be very happy if Muembo finally comes good.
  3. When I hear that quote, I'm reminded of the three kinds of people line from Team America. However, I think I'd get banned if I dared post it in on here.
  4. Nearly 2 years into all of this and the same arguments are still rumbling on without conclusion. I ordered new face masks yesterday. If I told myself that this time last year or even 6 months ago I wouldn't have believed it.
  5. I've had Luiz for ages. Purely as the 4.5m enabler and last sub. Our fixtures aren't great for the next few weeks after Palace, with City, Leicester and Liverpool. I'd be hesitant aiming to start one of our players.
  6. I wonder what Jodie Whittaker feels about the fact that she's driving all these young men into a life of crime.
  7. If you still want to eat some dairy but on reduced calories look into Eatlean cheese. https://eatlean.com/?gclid=Cj0KCQiAhf2MBhDNARIsAKXU5GRVtHT9Szl6KgFeLANjQrBQjjiNU7aN-0U60cSvhSenpjT_SsnZEOQaAv-0EALw_wcB Half the calories of cheddar (169 per 100g), low fat (3g), high protein (37g) and lactose free. I've only tried the blue one so far but it's actually still tastes nice and goes great in an egg white omelette. From a macros point of view it's basically as good as chicken. I buy it from the supermarket but looks like the website has a sale on right now.
  8. Lloyds has been privately owned again for a few years now. RBS (Natwest) is still majority publicly owned.
  9. Lean into the protein completely, it's what I have more of than anything. But having the carbs in there to provide the fuel to actually exercise effectively is a key for me. You can definitely feel the difference in energy and strength levels between low and high carb days when carb cycling. This let's you have longer and more productive workouts and burn more calories. But whatever works for people. Completely agree on calories in/out and people not knowing enough about how that works.
  10. Carbs are 4 calories per gram, same as protein. Fat is more then double that at 9. That doesn't mean that fats are to be avoided though. Not going crazy on carbs is 100% beneficial but I'd still aim for at least 40% (200-250g) of my macros from carbs (45% protein and 15% healthy fats). They're the best fuel used by the body to function and exercise. I wouldn't recommend keto as a long term food plan. But if it works for people and they're happy on it then fantastic. That's the main point.
  11. What was your daily calories allowance? Your maintenance can't have been that high to begin with.
  12. About that. 500 calorie deficit usually equals a pound a week weight loss. 20kg is 44lb so losing that over 11 weeks is 4lb a week so 2000 calorie deficit. It's not an exact science though. It's an extreme loss but doable if you have a high enough BMI to begin with.
  13. It's next on my list after Arcane. Your post doesn't inspire confidence.
  14. If that's what you're into bud, I don't judge.
  15. Yeah I've tried a few high end ones but even those I wasn't keen on. Each to their own though.
  16. 20kg in 80 days is one hell of a weight loss. That's 3 and a bit stone in about 2 and a half months. Did you manage to keep that off or did you rebound at all?
  17. I'm holding him too but whilst they're good fixtures on paper his returns against Brentford and Leeds don't offer much confidence.
  18. The 4 year old was playing with his toy tool set telling us about all the things he'll do at school today. He then moved on to the subject of after school club. At this point he picked up a large black screw, thrust it towards us and announced "I'm going to screw all the ladies at club". My wife's now trying to figure out how to ensure he doesn't repeat this at school.
  19. Guy my wife works with had one fitted and after a while just started blending all his food into smoothies so he could still eat them. He'd 'drink' cheeseburgers, pizzas, chips and whatever. Bizzarely he wasn't quite big enough to have the band fitted as the Dr said his BMI was slightly to low, so of course he went on a doughnut diet for a few weeks to qualify.
  20. My brother's birthday is just after this and we did similar growing up. I think it's why I like them going up later.
  21. Nothing controversial as people are free to do what they want. I'm just curious what the norm is as having moved house this year they seem to go up a lot earlier than where we used to live.
  22. When do people usually put their lights up? We'd usually put them up about mid-December (12th to 16th), but have done a week or two earlier last few years due to covid and our son. Three of our neighbours put there's up this weekend which seems crazy early to me, Christmas is still over a month away.
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