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Everything posted by Enda

  1. Enda

    Joe Bennett

    Doesn't necessarily mean he's left though does it? Think he's still around. No announcement from the club afaik and was training with the squad at the end of last season. Can't imagine he has much of a future if we get Amavi in though.
  2. I was there for his debut. A pre-season friendly against Fiorentina on a lovely sunny afternoon. I think Heskey got the winner for us that day. I brought a girl who'd never been to a football match never mind not been to VP before. She asked why he got a big cheer when his name was announced. I explained that he had just signed for us. She moved to Scotland, and I moved to the US a year or two later. I've only seen her a handful of times since. Anyway, Fabian Delph is a prick.
  3. VT'ers really sink their jaws into puns when they get their chance, but the real problem is the choice of topic always leaves a sea of options. It's just wave after wave of puns all day long until we reach our quota. But at least at the fin we've all had a whale of time, but not before some mod has completely jumped the shark. Mods have a habit here of thinking things have gone off the scales.
  4. Boring fish puns by the boatload.
  5. Bit of a roll of the dice, that.
  6. Yesterday I noticed that Luna was not listed as a squad member on the official website. Joe Bennett's not on there either.
  7. Gone back to Spain. (Link) I'll never forget wondering what the hell you were doing in such space against Arsenal. Best of luck, Tony Moon.
  8. Joleon Lescott-Bon-LA-whore?
  9. Love the change of the crest in the away. Looks class.
  10. Sometimes sorry isn't good enough. I'll take that as a warming. (it's taken me about 7 minutes to think of that) Your brain just didn't turnip this morning.
  11. At least 15% of posts on this site are absolutely insane.
  12. http://www.the42.ie/footballers-haircuts-2177459-Jun2015/ Solid 8 out of 10.
  13. Well then she wouldn't get no love from me. I'd hang out of her passenger side.
  14. Not the only thing she's put on display for all to see either. Very honest and open girl, that one.
  15. ------------------------------1. Bosnich 2. Charles-------4. Mellberg-------5. McGrath-------3. Staunton -----------11. Milner---------7. Taylor----------6. Downing---------- ------------8. Angel--------9. Saunders---------10. Yorke-----------
  16. Agreed that Sidwell wasn't as bad as people made out. But the same goes with Vlaar: he's far better than his reputation on VT currently suggests. Sidwell was nothing on the player Vlaar is.
  17. Bennett wore 3 and was worse than Warnock. Sidwell wore 4 and was worse than Vlaar. N'Zogbia wore 10 and was worse than Weimann.
  18. and not one of them had them squad numbers
  19. There is a special level of bad reserved for Gabor Kirarly....
  20. 1. Gabor Kiraly 2. Didier Agathe 3. Tony Moon 4. Zat Knight 5. Rob Edwards 6. Yacouba Sylla 7. Sasa Curcic 8. Eric Jenga Jenga 9. Grant Holt 10. Bosko Balaban 11. Alexander Tonev
  21. Despite it not having worked out, I don't think Randy is a scumbag. I trust him enough to pick the best of the (possibly bad) bunch.
  22. I think there's a decent chance we'll see him in the Premier League again. I'd say the odds are about even stevens.
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