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Everything posted by Brumerican

  1. I was 3.5 is that good or bad? We bought pretty much an entire new team . I can see similar numbers coming In this window tbh.
  2. In Charlie Work Yep, that's the payoff for the entire episode for me! Simple yet so damn effective. They smashed it with the 10th series. A return to force. 11 and 12 are greenlit as well.
  3. Yup, as the seasons go by I am always amazed at what they make DeVito do . They abuse him!
  4. I doubt I will attend as it will cost a few bob to get there and in the current economical climate I am cutting back on unnecessary expenditures.
  5. It was only near the end when I realised that it was mostly one long tracking shot. Amazing for a TV show.
  6. I have jaw ache from laughing. I hope to McGrath that Useless is being genuine back there.
  7. Just got a ticket at Moor St and walked straight onto a train and got a seat! UTV !!!!
  8. The Flying Scotsman at Kings Cross
  9. Again, I still can't get my head around why people think that seats closer to the pitch are better ?? I love that my ticket upstairs cost far less than someone down the front.
  10. Yup. It's not even the good kind of awful.
  11. Charlie rocks on that one... Dragons! Keegan Michael Key absolutely owns that episode IMO. His reactions are priceless. He is a cracking comedic actor who seems to get great little parts in nearly everything (Played Carmenjello in The League as well as being in Parks n Rec,Bob's Burgers and Reno 911)
  12. Season 10 of It's always sunny in Philadelphia is now on Netflix!
  13. You'll very rarely see a convertible in Florida . It rains there more than it does here.
  14. He's never gonna play again Gil-ty feet have got no rhythm.
  15. I heard he is starting against Southampton. It may just be a Carles whisper though.
  16. For these big games I usually get Matt Letissed prior to kick off. Not sure it's superstition though .
  17. I have no idea why the lower tier is more expensive than the upper tier . They have it the wrong way round IMO . I was on the very back row of 547 for the semi and it was brilliant !
  18. I agree that he does seem to be getting stuck in a lot more rather than pointing .
  19. He's become somebody that they used to know.
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