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Everything posted by Brumerican

  1. Player Manager at Boro according to teletext.
  2. Villa were OK in the early 80's . Synergy.
  3. Looks more like a Weedol advert. "Tired of unsightly weeds ruining your beheading ceremonies... Weedol"
  4. He is in some crap undoubtedly, but he must have one of the most impressive resumes of all time.
  5. He is contractually obliged to be in 87% of all movies.
  6. I could probably swallow Benteke to Man Ure if we landed Austin.
  7. I think he will have Gana on his shirt IIRC ?
  8. Of course you can't blame religion for all of mankind's wrongdoing. You can blame it for the religiously inspired wrongdoing though. Yes you can. But I believe if those same people weren't using religion for their wrong doings it would be something else. The issue is mankind. Not religion. For some,possibly, but for others religion is most certainly the only reason they are able to carry out heinous acts.
  9. Of course you can't blame religion for all of mankind's wrongdoing. You can blame it for the religiously inspired wrongdoing though.
  10. I don't understand your point at all. Someone wrote Harry Potter (one person, several editors). People wrote the Bible (many authors, many editors, many translators). What's the difference? One of them has flying broomsticks, the other has a seven headed dragon, both have witches. There are facts in both. They are both books of stories. written by people. But the bible is based on publicaians from many 1000s years ago. none of us know what is true and what isnt. Harry Potter is a made up story (a tale if you like) based on fantasy Exactly, we know the stories in Harry potter are fiction because the author has said they are such. We do not know if the stories like Jesus rose from the dead are true or not, you and I presume they are and would be near certain, but the authors etc havnt said they were not. Do you know there were lots of other writers around at the time? Even the gospels are contradictory about Jesus rising from the dead. There isn't a single contemporary report about zombies in the streets of Jerusalem as reported by Matthew. Even though we know how much each Roman soldier was being paid and fed, no-one thought to mention many dead saints walking about a bit. Both books are fiction in historical settings. There is nothing special about either. I'm pretty sure that Tolkien never stated that his works were fiction and I've no idea whether Rowling has. I don't see what difference that makes to the discussion either way. But thats your belief that it is fiction, not a fact. Many people believe in the bible until its proven its not true and "fantasy" Harry Potter we know for a fact is a tale and completely not true "I mean, you could claim that anything's real if the only basis for believing in it is that nobody's proved it doesn't exist!" J.K. Rowling
  11. I imagine future humans would read a Potter novel and declare it as preposterous. Especially when they get to the bit where a ginger kid has 2 friends.
  12. Of course this isn't just an Islamic phenomenon and I am well aware that good people can do bad things because of lust,politics and greed etc but this thread is about religiously inspired acts of violence.
  13. That doesn't really stand up to much scrutiny does it? Good people have never done evil due to betrayal, or love, or lust, or economics, politics, flags, land, oil, or mental illness, or lies, or booze, or drugs or any one of another million reasons? Or perhaps you think that anyone that acts out of character out of desperation was evil all along, just biding their time? Come on, there are stronger arguments than that against 'god'. I am not arguing against a God . I am just pointing out that Religion can give otherwise sane people justification to do insane things .If you can make people believe absurdities then you can make them commit atrocities.
  14. Religion is an insult to human dignity. With or without it you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion.
  15. I don't doubt that there are "nice" believers who cherry pick which parts of their faith they adhere too. My point is that there seems to be this view that these fanaticals are ruining an otherwise "OK" belief system. If you were to remove all the homicidal believers you would still be left with the dangerous ideology.
  16. Even moderate muslims are homophobic and treat women like dogs. I am not sure I would call that "Good" .Really? Please expand your post more. Why? My point is clear. It's a disrespectful and absurd claim. To say the 'moderate' muslim treats women as dogs and are homophobic is disgusting especially since Islam gives women more rights than men. Disrespectful ? I would say the sexist and homophobic verses in the Qur'an are far more repugnant than me pointing it out!
  17. Even moderate muslims are homophobic and treat women like dogs. I am not sure I would call that "Good" . Not sure where you gathered that information from. The Qur'an and real life . How have you managed to avoid that info ?
  18. Still doesn't mean it's good does it ?
  19. Even moderate muslims are homophobic and treat women like dogs. I am not sure I would call that "Good" . Really? Please expand your post more. Why? My point is clear.
  20. Even moderate muslims are homophobic and treat women like dogs. I am not sure I would call that "Good" .
  21. That could be the case . I just feel that everyone at the club knows that they need to up the spending significantly. My gut feeling is that they will.
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