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Everything posted by Brumerican

  1. Could spending such money on a low priority position indicate that we have a few quid. ? Maybe I just want that to be the case.
  2. There will be plenty of footballers, of all ages , passed out abroad right now . Let he without sin cast the first stone.
  3. The Runaway Mine Train is actually pretty decent for what it is . The Big One at Blackpool is my favourite because it feels as though it was knocked up by Blue Peter and then given a safety certificate by FIFA. The perils of being a suicide bummer.
  4. But think of the compo ! 1 hour at Alton Towers and you'll be driving a Phantom.
  5. If you don't think you could manage a sky dive then why not just go onto Google earth and zoom in really quickly !
  6. There will be players ,far senior players to Jack, doing this type of thing if not worse. They just know how to play the game or the media just couldn't care less about them.
  7. I wouldn't listen to Demitri anyway . Look at that profile PIC ! The guy's catfishing us silly.
  8. You hardly have to provide a sperm sample to open a VT account either, ya know ! (I gave one anyway)
  9. Imagine it was your job to slap price tags on players ! "Oi you !..yeah YOU !, Mr £7.5 mill , get your arse over here. Now turn around..."
  10. I have tried cocaine and I have skydived as well as numerous bungee jumps. Your own body's adrenaline is much more potent than doing Charlie.There's nothing like those few seconds before your chute snaps open.
  11. To get a buzz. How do YOU not get that ?
  12. To be fair I had an advantage . I was born in September.
  13. My confusion lays solely on the fact that you chose to use the term THE year rather than SCHOOL year. THE year = January to December. SCHOOL year = September to August . A. People born at the start of the year have an advantage over their classmates. B. People born at the start of a School year have an advantage over their classmates. Which one of these is true ? Which one did you use ? It's really not worth all these replies though and I get that older kids have an advantage .(Did anyone not know that ?)
  14. Not true at all . School years start from September to August. Check out Wiki - Relative age effect The link = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Relative_age_effect The quote: I agree . I was born September the 4th so I benefitted from it myself . I just think you worded it poorly the first time around . If you had said born earlier in a selection period rather than THE year I doubt I would have even replied . People born at the start of THE year are actually at a disadvantage to people born in September to December of the previous year . It is better to be born in the last 4 months of THE year rather than the first 8. You said the opposite . I can only go on what you wrote .
  15. And you shouldn't have been in a school year with people born in Jun,July and August of 1982 either . They should be a school year above you .
  16. Not true at all . School years start from September to August. What's that got to do with a kid born in January being 10 months older than a kid born in November? They would be in different school years . Not necessarily. For example, I was born in May 1983, yet I was in the same class as kids born in June-December 1982, and Jan-April 1983 They were all older than me, but same age group for any school sports Exactly. The people born in the last 4 months of the year have the advantage . MMV said people born in the earlier part of the year have an advantage which just isn't true . you even proved it with yourself as an example ! !
  17. Not true at all . School years start from September to August. What's that got to do with a kid born in January being 10 months older than a kid born in November? They would be in different school years .
  18. Not true at all . School years start from September to August.
  19. There are loads of very good American sitcoms.
  20. I am deep inside SPECTRE's Volcano. This is their mannah...pwoppa nawty.
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