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Mark Albrighton

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Everything posted by Mark Albrighton

  1. One report I just watched added that today’s march was watched “by just a few remainers”
  2. Hadn’t heard of them previously, but a band from Liverpool called “Her’s” have died in a car crash while on tour in California. Both band members and their tour manager died.
  3. Whenever this thread is bumped for whatever reason I always think of that Quentin Crisp quote - “When I told the people of Northern Ireland that I was an atheist, a woman in the audience stood up and said, 'Yes, but is it the God of the Catholics or the God of the Protestants in whom you don't believe?”.
  4. So for someone who tries to follow this but has a hard time doing so, which of these options (if any) has a fair chance of receiving a majority?
  5. Yep hopefully Purslow knows what he’s doing, as you say, if it was left to us on here to sort out it would most probably look like -
  6. Depends if the golden goal rule is applied, I think.
  7. Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so.
  8. A tick from me for The Sopranos. I haven’t watched it in about ten years though. There’s a good chance I’d enjoy it differently now, I might pick up on some of the character nuances that missed before as when I first watched it I more interested who was going to killed off next rather than Tony Soprano’s state of mind. And a big tick for Breaking Bad. Think I may have said on here previously that’s probably my desert island box set. Too many platitudes for that one, so I’ll leave it there. Not watched The Wire (yet). I hear little criticisms like it takes six or so episodes to get into it, the dialect/dialogue is hard to follow initially and the final season isn’t great and consequently I don’t find myself rushing to watch it. But I’m sure I will get round to it eventually.
  9. Yeah, the saving on releasing all these players has to be offset with the wages on the players that will have to come in. I suppose one plus is that we don’t really need to bring in a replacement for Jedinak, Richards, RDL, Bunn, Gardner or arguably Hutton. We don’t use five of those players at all and we’ve managed ok since Hutton’s injury. That’s probably £150k a week there.
  10. Could be wrong but I suspect there should be an “etc” there in Dem’s post. The likes of Richards, Elphick, RDL would bump it up to that sort of number...the quote of £250,000 a week or £13 million a year seems to be doing the rounds a lot.
  11. Over the season as a whole so far, I believe it’s a 48% win rate with Jack (12 wins from 25 games). Without Jack it’s 15.4% win rate (the 2 from 13 games you mention). Looking just at the time since Smith took over, the win rate with Jack increases to 69.2% (9 wins out of 13 games). Obviously the win rate under Smith without Jack is the same as before. On the goals front (as that Derby stat has included it) - Across the season - 52 goals with Jack (2.08 ppg) 16 goals without Jack (1.23 ppg) Games under Smith where Jack has featured has yielded 32 goals (2.46 ppg). Based on the 26 games with Smith, we score twice as many goals when Jack plays and our win ratio more than quadruples.
  12. I think if blues can point to Redknapp and Zola and say “well it was them too”, then should we find ourselves in the same predicament we’ll be able to say “Yeah, but Dr T & Keith...”. That presumably would hold up more to scrutiny than blaming the previous managers*. *I was going to say “it would carry more weight” but I couldn’t face the inevitable deluge of Wyness weight related gags.
  13. This doesn’t add a great deal more to the subject but it gives a reasonable overview*. Interesting to see that Kieran Maguire thinks that the Pedersen signing was the catalyst for this but the official line is that it wasn’t an aggravating factor. They do seem to be of the opinion the deduction has been deliberately chosen to be a fairly stern deterrent but with also the smallest impact as possible (e.g. not a strong likelihood of a real relegation battle). *If you’re not distracted by the host’s luscious locks of course.
  14. So has the Pedersen thing been covered in this points deduction? I kinda had the impression that was a separate issue to the overspending. Anyway, 9 points, meh. At least we most likely don’t have to worry too much about our own position as it comes across that we’ve been making efforts to comply with FFP. Edit - having had a little look at the report, yes it does seem to cover the Pedersen transfer.
  15. I’m kinda gutted as I was in Budapest for stag do that I’d organised in 2014 and either it hadn’t been unveiled or we just didn’t know about it. Would have definitely been on the to do list. Wonderfully “random” as the kids may or may not say.
  16. The intro with “the times they are a-changin’” playing as a soundtrack is fantastic. The film as a whole is a bit of a mess. But it’s very watchable (no pun intended).
  17. In that case to make absolutely sure, they may have had to put it in reverse for me.
  18. How many attempts would it take for me to successfully conquer the travelator on Gladiators.
  19. Five grand a piece - BBC link
  20. Just about I think. It would help massively if one of those wins was against Bristol City. Edit - there are only 4 more home games, I hadn’t realised you’d essentially covered that already. Basically if we beat Bristol City, I think we’ll do it.
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