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Everything posted by tinker

  1. tinker

    Energy Bills

    The only thing a tax will help is the government by giving them a bigger slice of the pie to waste on crap projects. The fuel crisis is masking a cartel run by the fuel companies, the price of a barrel of oil isnt being represented by the price at the pump.
  2. Villa win, Burnley will go down this season
  3. His ego won't allow him to lose this war and if he has options it's my belief he will use them. I hope I'm wrong .
  4. My guess is he will go nuclear if the losses continue, might be a battlefield nuke..I can't see him just withdrawing or losing, he will give it everything they have. If we see a sudden withdrawal of Russian troops then we know it's coming.
  5. I can't understand why people can't see what was wrong with Gerrards appointment, it's baffling to say the least. He's a 'Liverpool legend' managing our club, he will always be a 'Liverpool legend' no matter what he does here. If he does well then hes off to manage Liverpool, how can fans accept that? It's baffling, like we have a bunch of Liverpool fans boys on here. It's why the ground is flat and many fans have lost the connection wih the club. I just can't buy into it, he needed to be an exceptional manager. No one can watch us play and say he's been exceptional, not even Carragher or any other Liverpool fan could say it.
  6. No stats needed, basically we're just boring to watch despite having more creative talent than 95% of the other teams.
  7. How many did he score last season? He's a great player, not world class but he's work rate exceptional.
  8. Yeah shit player , only thing he can do is score goals
  9. great to see him start and not get lost in the game, love seeing our youth players break through, the best part of this season .
  10. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-02-07/u-k-approves-chinese-designed-nuclear-reactor-amid-controversy Think we had crossed wires , I was referring to big nuclear stations that we have confirmed we are actually building.
  11. Maybe the gaslines into Europe are legitimate target to disable the Russian war machine.
  12. The early stuff is a bit wild , they had a girl from Leicester on there, Lisa...... I think , visiting small villages and participating in there local drug hooch.
  13. God help us all if we lose, could get very toxic. We won't though.
  14. Boris at it again and he's seen as stable and in charge of the situation , the guys dangerous. Boris Johnson ‘tempting evil’ by revealing Ukrainian soldiers trained in Poland, the guardian
  15. I didn't sweep it under the carpet I gave options Gerrard could try. Sansom offers something different and so does Tim , like wise Beundia. Their not the answer to all of our problems but they are an attempt at a short term solution. The fullbacks bombing up the pitch is also further weakening our already weak (defensively) midfield. These are areas you are ignoring to suite your point of view that Gerrard will succeed, one you have had from the start of his tenure. I hope you are right but I'm not one for ignoring what's happening right in front of us all Gerrard is a beginner, he has to learn quickly but he doesn't seem to be flexible enough. Even if he gets his players to work this system he wants to play he will still have to adapt to cover for injuries, suspension, forced transfers and other managers who know how to expose the high full backs tactics. I see your point on a DM, I have been asking for one for a couple of seasons, not sure why our recruitment team hasn't highlighted the need but that area needs addressing as well.
  16. It's all very well blaming Smith for this season's performances.......Smith finished higher with more or less the same squad, bearing in mind we lost Jack but gained Ings , Coutinho , Beundia , Bailey and Digne. There's no argument in my mind , Gerrard has underachieved with this squad. Your point on steel in the squad is valid , but we had Tim on yesterday and he should be starting if Gerrard wants that steel, same with Sansom and Nakamba. Coutinho offers no steel , Beundia does. He has options and he's not using them . I hope he can improve on it next season but if it quacks like a duck l.........then it's a duck
  17. Great player just the wrong player for us. It seemed a strange signing at the time and plenty of us saw the issue just a pity whoever signed him didn't think the same. I suppose an injury to Watkins early in the season could have led to a near relegation experience so maybe it wasn't as strange as some of us thought, we needed another striker , just a younger one who was at a stage in his career where he was willing to fight for his place.
  18. I won't dispute that parts of his game are world class, my point is he's a luxury we can't afford . We need strength in other areas far more than we need him. We have about 5 players who can play where he's playing and while none of them have his vision they are better at other parts of the game and they won't monopolies our budget either . It's been fun but let's not get to carried away with him. Be interesting to see if he starts the next game after today's performance and Beundia's cameo , will say alot about Gerrard if he does.
  19. Surrounded him with quality players ........
  20. Why basis , have you seen the signings we have made in the summer, they were close to being stupid . Plus the £100m release clause , it was a massive mistake.
  21. Analogue growth rather than spinning the wheel of fortune ( or misfortune) in the hope of a quicker but less sustainable growth is what we should go for.
  22. Would love to see chuck, Tim and Ramsey on the pitch together this season , the more minutes the better , in fact give them a whole game once we safe. They have played together for a few seasons, I think this is very important as they know how each other play , where they run and how they react in certain situations, none of them has looked out of place when they have come on in the premier League.
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