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Everything posted by AlwaysAVFC

  1. That's another thing I like about him. We know he can score them and he knows he can score them, but he's not like lesser players who would be having a crack frequently, trying their luck when it's probably not really on. He's very aware of what is happening.
  2. No idea what the situation but it's got to be too early to write him off just yet? He's only played 16 games! Upto the Liverpool game at the start of November, there were some very decent performances in there. That game was our wall in terms of our season, one we smacked straight into, one too many losing points from a winning position. The whole team lost a huge amount of confidence after that. There was talk about him being called up for Belgium (in October?) but Martinez said he was not in the squad because he was injured, then played for us a couple of days later. There was talk of injury, illness and just not being thought much of. Hopefully he's come through whatever it has been and can be there as cover for Mings and Konsa.
  3. I think there is quite a delay before they are published as sold on Rightmove etc The most recent showing near where I was looking was June/July but I'm aware of one that was definitely completed, possibly the same period as the ones you were looking at or possibly earlier and that's not showing yet.
  4. My Solicitor seems pretty in the ball, and had raised it with their solicitor before even letting me know. That was also before I told them about the estate agent co firming that she had said they were included. Just waiting to hear their response. I think she has just got a bit carried away when filling in the contents and fittings form. Seeing carpets on there and thinking she can out a price down for them. I think the lounge, hall stairs and landing are relatively new (within last 2 years) and forgot she had already said they were included.
  5. Slowly starting to see things happening now. Our mortgage application has gone in so just the nervous wait. I've seen so many articles over the last few months about how hard it is for first time buyers to get a mortgage at the moment. The rate has jumped up a bit since we got the mortgage in principle in July. The solicitors initial searches have been done. Glancing through the email there were 2 things that stuck out. The one that got me most annoyed was that it said that she had a price down for the carpets in fixtures and fittings. Luckily the agent have said that they have it down as included. It varied on the room but £700 in total. The solicitor said they thought it was unreasonable and had questioned it with the other solicitor before emailing me anyway. Even without the agent confirming they were included, no chance am I paying that. The second was that there is a sinkhole near the property It's 230m away so hopefully it is just something that the searches have thrown up. The survey is being done in a couple of weeks. So all being well that will reassure us it isn't an issue.
  6. Does anybody have any idea of how often developers meet their completion dates? We thought we had got lucky with our chain as the lady we're buying off, found a place and they wanted a new build that was ready to go. They couldn't reserve it until they were proceedable, they just missed out. The next available one is due to be ready in December. I've been having a look to see what is out there but it's only horror stories of delays. Just trying to work out how likely it is we could move before Christmas.
  7. One lesson I've learnt this evening, is don't underestimate how much stuff you've got especially if moving it yourself Our jobs start next week so moving into my parents until our house goes through (hopefully this side of Christmas) Even though I'd say we have a lot less crap than most, and have been pretty ruthless clearing out. I have a Van for a couple of days. It's going to need 1 extra journey than I thought, and I should have got more help. First Van loaded for the 1.5 hour journey in the morning.
  8. Hopeful that he's correct but for all his Villa contacts, they couldn't confirm this and what Man City do. Very possible there has been no contact yet or maybe they have told Villa up to now that they no intention to do so but as we know things change. Anyway enough pessimism, hopefully he's with us next season, as keeping a core of the side is important in us having a good season (plus a bit of extra quality)
  9. Cheers, I will be getting a structural survey. My brother ended up pulling out of a house after the survey showed some serious issues. Not worth the risk, especially being my first.
  10. Good timing and all that with the recession announcement But... Had a bid accepted for first house this morning!
  11. Not that's its worked out yet, but my brother has become an estate agent in the last year or 2. It's been really useful keeping me up to date with houses that we're interested in and able to offer us some advice. If the houses we've looked at aren't with his place, him or someone else has usually been there when the vendor has been choosing which estate agent. I do find it funny when it's him doing the showround and he falls back into work mode though when he's talking to us
  12. Went with the paid one in the end, who has been really helpful. Got our mortgage in principle a month ago, but since we've been in a position it's seemed like there is a lot less in our price range available. We're moving back to the Midlands (well back for me, not the Mrs) Mrs has a new job and I've got a transfer. Bit if a crazy time to move but it's been in our thoughts for a while but needed the jobs to be able to do it. 3 house viewings tomorrow but not feeling them too much before we go. One possibly too small, one might need too much work and the other a bit of both and think we've pretty much ruled out completely. Did put a bid in for one a couple of weeks ago which wasn't accepted but kept on the table. Someone else bid an extra £5k, think we could have matched it but felt it wasn't worth that much.
  13. My gut feeling is that it is going to go down right to the wire and probably between us and Bournemouth. I don't think Watford will beat Arsenal but I do fancy Bournemouth to beat Everton. Then there is our game, will West Ham be a bit flat with nothing to play for or will the pressure be off and nothing to lose. Hopefully I'm wrong and we are 3-0 up after 20mins and there isn't any late drama.
  14. A few drinks on a school night. Beavertown Gamma Ray & Lupoloid IPA Wild beer Nebula And Bristol Beer factory Southville hop. Might have to get the same selection for Sunday now.
  15. Guessing there might be something somewhere in this thread but is anyone able to offer some advice about mortgage advisors? Is it better to go for a paid one rather than free? Does it make a difference, are the paid ones likely to have access to more possibilities? I've been recommended one who is a couple of hundred quid but no charge if you ever use them again.
  16. How did that go? Doing one this Saturday, as we were meant to going to one this weekend. Not at all comfortable if doing video calls, but had an interview yesterday and the stag on Saturday. Anyway back on topic. Since I moved out of Bath the amount I spend on a load of random beers has massively reduced. So i'm limited to what the supermarkets have. It was a Friday after work ritual plus the odd other day, even if I was working the weekend.
  17. Member with 5 games who missed out should check website at the moment. I haven't got the 5 but it keeps changing from coming soon back to sold out, which would indicate that are few are going for sale but they've held eligibility at 5 games.
  18. My ticket is still available, free to a good home.
  19. I've got a ticket available if someone wants it. My great Uncle died yesterday, so on a flight to Ireland later for the funeral in the morning. Its Lower Holte L5 at the back. Its a student ticket, but I've never actually been questioned so if your not a student, risk it up upgrade. It's an E-ticket so can forward ticket.
  20. Like Tottenham, I came away from the game pretty positive. Which obviously can't keep going on like that without us getting points but I liked a lot of how we played. I thought Douglas Luiz looked like he's got an enormous amount of quality and potential. A bad error bit grew into the game loads. Wesley again showing potential, without losing to much of a goal threat but had limited supply. El Ghazi I thought had a poor game, which doesn't worry me too much, as wingers especially can have off games. I also thought a big part of the problem is Taylor behind him offers nothing in assistance offensively compared with Elmo and Trezeguet the other side. I'd personally get Targett in asap. It would be nice to see Guilbert too, but I'm less concerned about Elmo. I also like Trezeguet and think he could be really good. Lost the ball a few times but asking as it's in the right part of the pitch and not leaving to much space behind. I'd rather a winger that tries things but doesn't always come off, than keep it safe. Which was sometimes an issue with Adomah & Green. Grealish has seemed to have got a lot of over the top criticism on social media too. Thought McGinn, Mings and Engels all played well. Let's get a couple of wins under our belt and I think we can put on a good show in the league.
  21. Wasn't it Harry Arter a couple of years ago who shouted leave it for Bournemouth a couple of years ago against Palace. Maybe similar happened. A silly place to leave the ball anyway and we got punished.
  22. I decided when she was born, I wasn't going to push Villa on my little girl, so haven't bought her any clothing and stuff. If she wants to like football and Villa then I'll let it happen naturally. A tough one possibly though, living in Wiltshire. Well I say that, I have subtly being planting the seed. I've made sure she likes lions and she started roaring when she sees the badge. The last couple of nights she has gone to bed with a blanket with the badge on and has added to her very limited vocabulary and said "Villa" Looks like that seed is starting to grow
  23. I'm not particularly against getting Heaton but I think the days of a keeper being in their prime early to mid 30s has gone, and there are very few keepers that stay at the top of their game a few years beyond that. The fitness, reactions, speed etc are so finely tuned now that using their experience like keepers previously is less of such a big factor in a keepers success.
  24. Yeah, my guess he's see the Heaton talk yesterday and made up the medical thinking it might coincide with Villa completing the deal to 'prove' his ITK credentials.
  25. They apparently wanted £15m for him back in Jan according to Laurie Whitwell (not sure how reliable he is?) So given how he did for us, it's not surprising they raised that.
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