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Everything posted by AlwaysAVFC

  1. And just when I thought we were nearly there, our sellers solicitor has gone back to the land registry for something! that's any chance of Friday out the window. I've used it as a reason to put pressure on but at this rate it's going to be an issue anyway with school applications. The deadline was last Friday, but being able to make amendments up towards the end of Feb.
  2. I've never actually had a pair of Stan Smith's, there were some a few years ago I really liked but again I struggled getting them in my size. I'm size 12, they at least do my size it's just sometimes hard to find a pair of they are a less widely available design.
  3. We'll see. The estate agent mentioned something about 3 working days. It thought it was in response to me joking about I'm happy to complete today but maybe she meant they need 3 days from exchange to completion. Still waiting for the call to say we are going for it, so will be able to check then. It gets even more frustrating the closer it gets.
  4. Still going but well worn. Looking for a new pair of Adidas but nothing caught my eye yet. Did see the Adidas Hamburg Cordura at JD sport but didn't have my size.
  5. This morning I sent an email to my solicitor and the estate agent to say we needed it sorted ASAP due to September school applications for both our girls. Not sure if it's coincidence or not but the estate agent has said that they are starting to talk dates (a few things just need to be confirmed) and was next Friday suitable for us for completion? I said I'd do tomorrow if that was even possible So, we'll see but hopefully it will be all done next week. Presuming it means exchanging and completing on same day but there's only 3 parties involved so shouldn't be too many issues. It's not like we'll be waiting down the road with a removal van either, I'll be at work. Just need the keys and we'll gradually move in.
  6. Could be worse, apparently she wanted a covenant removed from her purchase but the estate agent told her she'd lose us if she decided to go for it, due to the time it would take to be sorted.
  7. Still waiting for our sellers solicitor to give the go ahead to arrange dates. Thought we were nearly there the other day but an update today was that a couple of enquiries still weren't answered fully Thought we'd be in, a couple of months ago. They are getting lot of pressure the other side now too, so hopefully we can get there soon.
  8. Yeah it's a pretty exhausting option, I did it with our move as we've moved into my parents while the move went through. Think I mentioned in here at the time but we are a family that i'd say keep the amount of crap we have in the house down, on top of that we were pretty ruthless on what we got rid of and planned to start a fresh (didn't take sofa, cooker, beds, TV unit) but it's always more than you think. Although one thing I definitely underestimated massively was the amount of baby stuff in the loft, just in case we have another. It took 3 trips (160 round trip) in a LWB van plus a car load and one more car load a week later when we went to finish off and clean the house. That said, when we finally get the keys with a much shorter journey this time and we plans to gradually move in as we decorate a few rooms we will move what we can ourselves then work out whether to hire a van or get do fine to do the bulky stuff, which has increased as we've bought stuff along the way in preparation.
  9. Hoping I'll be in the same situation as you very soon, still waiting for a date but think it's close now. Anyway here is the government advise. https://www.gov.uk/guidance/government-advice-on-home-moving-during-the-coronavirus-covid-19-outbreak
  10. Saw @Rugeley Villa was back and there has also been some activity on this thread. Disappointed to see no stories about cucumbers, hair straighteners, Henry hoovers or similar.
  11. You said it yourself, Traore offered no cover. Cash is still expected to defend and attack. With little cover from Traore or someone else filling in of course he's going to get caught out of position and yes he did get lucky against Shaw but that doesn't mean he's shit defensively or played shit.
  12. This always annoys me when it's mentioned about our full backs over the years (it's the same at other clubs too) Cash is great at getting forward and has some quality in what he can deliver which is what makes him such a good RB. However he is nowhere near what is needed for a top half Premier league club in a more forward role. Fill in yes but it's not his role, he has played there but has dropped back as it suits him more. Like Elmo he can puts in some great balls from wide especially 18 yards or more from the byline, which a RB is in the position to do more than a winger, even a wing back. The defensive side of a fullback in general play is so much down to the rest of the teams play with the other right sides player a massive factor in that, rather than the RB themselves. Yes there could be some individual mistakes in there but them attacking down the left a lot, wasn't because of Cash. Like against Leeds, he had a lot of pressure on him at points for a period. I think he did really well considering. It's an area we definitely need to work on.
  13. Agree with that, enjoyed it. Guess the extra is purely down to the percentage being 9% compared with the OG Hazy being 7.2%. Only going by memory but thought they tasted very similar.
  14. Back on the supermarket beers today, but don't think I've had any of these before.
  15. Not sure if it's already been mentioned but just saw this
  16. I bought a couple of bottles of a Lidl Marshmallow stout, quite enjoyed it https://www.barneysbeer.co.uk/portfolio_page/barneys-marshmellow-milk-stout/
  17. First chance I've had in a while to buy some different beers to what you can get from supermarkets. looking forward to trying them in the next couple of days.
  18. Can't do much at all, it's in the hands of people that don't have a vested interest in getting it all done. Solicitors and estate agent are chasing it frequently, but that's about all they can do. We actually went to the house this evening to do some measuring up and check it was all as we saw it back in August.
  19. Still no news on our purchase progressing. So pissed off now! Thinking it was just a matter of waiting for the new build at the top of the chain to be built, but that's been all ready to go for a while now. Our sellers purchase has held everything up. Guess it's not going to be until mid January now at best.
  20. Yeah my Mrs has had to deal with people threatening to kill themselves, had personal abuse and threats, people who are suffering abuse themselves at home, people with obvious mental health issues. It's not just residents of the housing association, one of the calls that affected her the most was from a solicitor who was pretty horrible and personal towards her. As well as dealing with lots of stupid people and those that think they are entitled to everything and expect everything fine for them.
  21. My Mrs is on the phone for a housing association. She gets so much abuse, she's pretty good and it doesn't let it bother her most of the time but there's the occasion it shakes he up a bit. Like other places they are seriously considering permanent working from home. She likes being at home but she started her current job in August so has never met her colleagues and when her or someone else has a really hard call, there's no one there to help. They have Microsoft teams and the phone but that's not the same as being physically there when they're shaking after a hard call.
  22. AlwaysAVFC

    Life Insurance

    No but that is on our to do list as soon as we've moved.
  23. Our Estate agent doesn't think we will be in before Christmas now, not ruled out but looking less likely all the time. The developer suggested a date of the 23rd, but not all the Solicitors were going to be open. They brought that forward a day, and our seller wants the 18th which is fine by us, but they have also just raised 15 enquiries for their purchase and considering how long one of the management companies took to send their pack to them. It's probably an unrealistic date.
  24. AlwaysAVFC

    Life Insurance

    There is some extra bits I can get through work but would still be paying for it and not really sure what happens if I leave can I stick with policy? No immediate plans to but would like to start looking once things settle down a bit. If I have to look again say 5 years time I imagine it would be too much a month.
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