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Everything posted by AlwaysAVFC

  1. My wife got the call last week to have her vaccination (today). She questioned her eligibility as she is 33. It was because she had gestational diabetes, while pregnant and they strongly recommend she did it now rather than wait. Which is fine and makes sense, they are doing some of the most vaccinations in the country here so getting well through the priority list. Today however she also got a letter to tell her to shield. Just seems strange nearly a year after people started shielding, they have now decided she should shield, even allowing for the fact we moved and changed doctors 6 months ago.
  2. Weed smokers know their ounces and fractions of. Although I've not bought any in a while so not sure how metric this is now.
  3. It frustrates the hell out of me. Not only as someone that doesn't interview well, but when interviewing too. I've often had some interview well but you just know that they are not going to be the best candidate for the job. I worked somewhere that was very transparent on interview scoring. There was one section which you could use to bump up the score of someone you felt was better for the role but sometimes it you just had to go with the one that was better at answering the questions.
  4. For the first time since I was 8, I'm now in a house with only one toilet. I should probably start planning how we can extend to include downstairs toilet before my 3&8 year old girls are both in their teens. A few weeks in and it is taking some getting some used to.
  5. If it's anything like the situation with my move. It wasn't the new build being ready in time that was the issue. In mind it was a a management company but my Mrs works for a housing association, I know they have had massive issues doing what they need to in terms of house sales. Hopefully won't be an issue for you.
  6. I'm not sure where it stands with chilled vans but I was in Morrisons and saw that their policy was, if it leaves the store then it can't be used again. Saw someone return something after getting to the car, as it was the wrong item, not sure if they were exchanging or getting a refund but it was getting chucked even though it had been out of the store no more than 5 mins. I think he said he'd have it then if it was being chucked and they agreed, so a a little freebie for him.
  7. The F-Pace and E-Pace, seem to have been a massive hits, certainly in the Midlands. Until 6 months ago I was in Wiltshire and saw the odd one but back in the Midlands now, and they're all over the place.
  8. We actually bloody exchanged contracts today! Wasn't expecting us to try today, but there was a bit of progress made early afternoon. The process started just after 4 and just got done before the end of the day. We complete next Thursday
  9. I don't know much about them at all, but think you can arrange for some to be removed but it can take a bit of time, so if you don't want any delays or it might cause an issue to the buyer of your (if you're selling) then that might be a problem. Only know this as our seller decided she wanted one removed from her purchase but the estate agents warned her she might lose us if she went ahead. She hasn't gone for it, thankfully. That was a flat so a leasehold though. No idea who would enforce it though? surely after 20 years the developer has little to do with the estate. Most modern estates have a service charge to a housing association who look after public areas but I'm not sure if that was the case 20years ago and don't know if it would be them either anyway. Did you see any work vehicles parked. I don't think I've seen an estate anywhere that doesn't have someone living there with a work vehicle.
  10. A year since my great uncle over in Ireland passed away aged 99. When ever we visited he'd always have a bottle of Powers in. Not being a massive Whiskey drinker I would say I'd have a small one, to which he'd pour half a tall glass full. I'll be having at least one in memory of him this evening.
  11. I'm not sure, you can certainly get Royal Mail to hold your mail and collect from the office. I'm not sure whether it will be an issue if your not actually at the address its being delivered to and someone else is though. The local delivery office might be able to help and do it for you, otherwise could you redirect to someone you know for a short term solution?
  12. I'm a Postie, sounds like bit of a scam going on at the moment, that we look out for. We've had a few items come through which aren't what they are supposed to be, last week there were 'shoes' in a small packet and the week before it was supposedly a 'chainsaw'. All tracked items so its registered as being delivered but then isn't the item ordered.
  13. So we are trying again today, but our solicitor is sceptical that the issue on Friday for the top of the chain will have been resolved, so not holding our breath.
  14. Yeah to be honest I was purely going on what the commentators said. Which could quite easily be their own false interpretation of what happens on a VAR check. I don't know what information they are given but clearly are given some info from VAR after a check. The commentators said that because of the touch Watkins position wasn't checked as it wasn't necessary. Whether that's their interpretation of what happened or what they were actually told I don't know. My interpretation from that was yes there was a VAR check to check for offside. They decided there was a deliberate attempt at the ball and didn't need to check anything else as it want off side. So yes there was a check for offside like there should be, it doesn't mean they checked where Watkins was. Anyway I don't care, it's a goal, we won.
  15. That's not what the discussion is about though. It's about the call on the night which didn't even consider whether he was level or behind. Yes VAR may have proven that he was behind if it was used but it wasn't. I'll start this by saying I think I was on side anyway, but.. a line drawn like that on the picture doesn't clearly prove he was on side. We've seen official VAR lines that have been given offside that we're still not sure about and don't even look straight across the pitch at the right angle, due to the camera angle.
  16. In terms of last night yes it does. VAR didn't check to see whether he was level or behind. So, it was do with Schar touching the ball. Of course, if he was behind or level it wouldn't be given off side anyway. It was quite tight, did they bother to look at it after the game?
  17. It was none until recently I think, so possibly someone in the Man City game.
  18. Would have been better timing posted the other day.
  19. It ain't no party without party rings is my Mrs likes to say. They're ok but don't come close to a custard cream. They are still better than Oreos though. Top 3! Who the hell has Oreos in their top 3?!
  20. Half expected it the way it's been stuttering in the final stages but we didn't exchange today Hopefully won't change the expected completion date, which was due to be the 29th but changed to 1st but frustrating nonetheless. In the words of Paul Lambert, We go again.
  21. Hopefully exchanging contracts today The completion date has already changed once this morning but as close we've been so far.
  22. I think what hasn't helped is my brother works for the estate agent. He's not directly involved at all but I just think in their attempts to be helpful knowing who I am, they've updated me unnecessarily, then the next day appears to contradict what was said previously. Wasn't happy today when I was told there might be a delay once we do have a completion date as top of the chain have a help to buy ISA that they need to withdraw. Baring in mind I had one, which I sorted at the end of November at the request of my solicitor as it was close. I let them know I want happy, and was told it was because their bank need to know a completion date before the bonus can be applied for. This wasn't a requirement if mine.
  23. I seem a million miles away from exchanging and completing now. It seems like every update, we take 2 steps backwards. Just most pissed off that last Thursday i was being asked whether I would be ok to look to complete on Friday. Now next Friday doesn't look possible let alone this Friday.
  24. Slightly different as my Nan (smiliar age) is pretty much confined to her room, but she got her first dose of the AstraZeneca vaccine at home today, so home visits are happening now.
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