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Lichfield Dean

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Everything posted by Lichfield Dean

  1. Think the ref has been reasonably fair. Digne was absolutely clattered several times, but to be fair, he let Digne take his man out too one time. One of the more consistent refereeing displays I've seen of late I'd say.
  2. How are clattering Mings to the ground, or elbowing Digne in the ribs not fouls?
  3. As I say that, they played four songs and stopped. Seems the rest is going to be an "after show party" which is only available to YouTube Premium members. I am as it happens, but it's not exactly the most generous move really....
  4. Don't care what anyone says, don't care that they have no "credibility", don't care that they are the most overblown band ever, this is just soooooo much fun and so perfectly put together. Loving it.
  5. Because he's good at telling people he has done things, and only later does it transpire that he hasn't at all. They'll find out in a few weeks.
  6. So, I can sort of see why other teams are a bit unhappy with the Merc. Those wing mirror mounts do look suspiciously like little wings... Presumably though they got the go-ahead from the FIA and there aren't any actual rules against that?
  7. "We were told Ukraine is ours" Hmmmm.... I can't believe anybody would be daft enough to say anything like that to Russia, I mean, you'd have to be really stupid and have absolutely zero idea what you were talking about, and I can't believe anybody could get into a position of power where they could say something like that without having a good understanding of world affairs and which territory is owned by Russia in that region, and, oh wait, hang on...
  8. Just turn Wales into a giant solar farm. Nobody would miss it. We'd have to do something about the rain though....
  9. I really can't bring myself to listen to twenty minutes of his annoying rambling, but assuming he has valid points, can anybody summarise them? I'm guessing he's going to be partially blaming the US for all this?
  10. So it sounds more likely that they will be sanctioned next season. But if they go down this season.... Would that sanction be held back for when they get promoted back to the PL?
  11. My Kona electric has terribly squeaky brakes when reversing off the drive, I'm guessing because they are hardly being used.
  12. Tomorrow: I have seen a lot of reviews of Impera stating things like "album of the decade" and other hyperbola. Not sure myself, the songs released so far have veered from decent to poor imo. Still, I'm excited!
  13. There are those who point to a certain western country for continually interfering and instigating regime change in these nations. Presumably totally coincidentally.
  14. I think the key phrase you've used there is "really mardy"
  15. Hahaha! My electric car isn't costing me any more to run. Hahahaha!
  16. Bing? BING???! BING!!!!!!?????
  17. Oh no... This is going to be really embarrassing isn't it? Is Liz Truss going to be allowed to speak?
  18. To be fair, the last thing we want is to make it easy for this government to confiscate people's assets...
  19. All day long, looking at that on MOTD. I said to my wife "that's offside if it's Ollie Watkins, bet it won't be for Mane"
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