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Lichfield Dean

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Everything posted by Lichfield Dean

  1. Those Ferrari pitstops though... What has happened to them? What a transformation into a super-slick ultra-professional outfit they seem to have had over the winter.
  2. Well, Ferrari race in Alfa's red anyway. They should be in yellow, that's their house colour.
  3. I'm of the opinion that the only reason we struggle to play them both is the midfield behind not clicking. And possibly Ollie struggling up front. I don't think the issue specifically is the two of them playing together.
  4. I've heard one it two mention that he struggles diving in one direction more than the other
  5. Was determined to make sure that he didn't give the ball to Cash under any circumstance no matter how much effort Cash had put into overlapping or running into space. Very odd.
  6. I would definitely like to see Ollie dropped for Ings now. I just think that Ings contributes so much more than Ollie at the moment.
  7. Oh no.... He said "we need to dust ourselves down"
  8. Was terrible today. Yes, some things went against him, but he was committing silly fouls, passing to nobody, and generally just not contributing in any meaningful way. I don't totally blame him tough - he was playing deep and often covering behind Cash. We saw this before when we played with the two 10s and it just doesn't work. It doesn't suit him at all.
  9. I'm in the Doug Ellis and saw it in real life. I don't understand how it was even a foul. The ball was in open play, Mings slid to get the ball, then Saka arrived after the ball had gone and collided with Mings. Not one person here could even understand how it was considered a foul let alone a booking. One of the worst refereeing decisions I've ever seen
  10. I'm never sure what to make of things like the below. On one hand they could spark the regeneration of run-down communities and make larger areas of town attractive to visit, on the other they risk pushing out the locals who can no longer afford to live there. https://www.housebyurbansplash.co.uk/locations/port-loop
  11. There's a Barry Usland on Facebook... Just saying...
  12. A pair of school scissors would have been a good idea
  13. Watching this I have no idea how Newcastle have picked up so many points recently
  14. They'd behead him during the game. Bolt cutters wouldn't be needed then.
  15. Gordon trying a Kane/Salah special there, but it's never going to be given.
  16. Quite possibly it was. Why can't we just have consistency in the game? It's such a total lottery all the time.
  17. If this is a red... Was it much different to Ollie's challenge in the last game?
  18. Can somebody else chain themselves to a post please?
  19. Hahaha. The largest pair of cutters I've ever seen and they can't cut through a tiny piece of plastic. Just use scissors!
  20. Good lord. Attach yourself to a goalpost, ok, but tying around your neck???? Christ.
  21. The BBC is saying Priti Patel was also the target of a hoax call earlier this week. If so it's even more astonishing that they got through to Wallace.
  22. TNG just gets better and better as the series progress. Once the Borg appear and you hit Best Of Both Worlds it really kicks into life. It also has some of the worst episodes ever conceived (Crusher and the space ghost soft porn episode springs to mind!!!) The Inner Light is a triumph of an episode, so smart and thought provoking and emotional. And the episode Darmok, although slightly laughed at at the time, turned out to be very prescient in predicting the way we now routinely communicate using memes and GIFs. And of course has given rise to endless quotes.
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