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Lichfield Dean

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Everything posted by Lichfield Dean

  1. Yeah, it isn't easy to navigate all the opinions floating about, and to some extent there's no way to please everybody. Obviously, I support the club showing solidarity for Ukraine.
  2. More than support for Russia, I'm seeing a lot of criticism (or whataboutery) of the club's stance on Ukraine being the exact opposite of their stance on Palestine. Some supporters were not allowed to show a flag in support of Palestine because of "no politics allowed" and yet the club are openly supporting Ukraine. I can see that there are some double standards going on here, and to the rest of the world it *really* looks like the West are a big bunch of hypocrites.
  3. Seriously, why would anybody fake a letter like that? It's completely pointless. Did somebody wake up and say, "Hey, I've got a brilliant idea, I'll fake a letter from an executive of a football club writing to another football club asking about a meeting confirmation, what a brilliant jape!"
  4. Bit concerned all these mass protests are going to kick off a big spike in numbers. I know everyone has forgotten about it, but it hasn't gone away. And in Ukraine it could be catastrophic if they have another wave when their infrastructure is in tatters.
  5. Just watched it myself, really enjoyed it. Definitely much more like Star Trek. This time they are actually bothering to do justice to the characters. Other than Lower Decks (which I absolutely love) I'd say it's the best "new" Trek I've seen. Hopefully the rest of the season will continue at this level or even better.
  6. Fun fact: it was two genius physicists at the university of Birmingham that worked out that you could make atomic bombs with uranium. Following the discovery of nuclear fission in uranium, scientists Rudolf Peierls and Otto Frisch at the University of Birmingham calculated, in March 1940, that the critical mass of a metallic sphere of pure uranium-235 was as little as 1 to 10 kilograms (2.2 to 22.0 lb), and would explode with the power of thousands of tons of dynamite. The Frisch–Peierls memorandum prompted Britain to create an atomic bomb project, known as Tube Alloys. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/British_contribution_to_the_Manhattan_Project
  7. A mate of mine worked on our naval submarines at one point, and I kid you not, they were replacing a custom written OS with basically MS Windows For Submarines.
  8. And yet.... The 25-year-old has been speaking regularly to her mother, who lives in Moscow. But in these conversations, and even after sending videos from her heavily bombarded hometown, Oleksandra is unable to convince her mother about the danger she is in. "I didn't want to scare my parents, but I started telling them directly that civilians and children are dying," she says. "But even though they worry about me, they still say it probably happens only by accident, that the Russian army would never target civilians. That it's Ukrainians who're killing their own people." https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-60600487
  9. Don't worry fellas, all will soon be resolved peacefully:
  10. Should have stayed at Coles Lane. It's near where I live.
  11. Seen some good reviews actually. Considering what a mess the first season was I'm quite surprised. Maybe they've worked out what to do with it.
  12. But ... If we're to believe the motivation for this is NATO expansion eastwards, how would doing this resolve that? I still don't fully understand why they have invaded. Sometimes it's because of NATO, sometimes it's because of separatist regions that he wants to 'liberate', sometimes it's because of Ukraine's natural resources.
  13. If only politicians hadn't been taking bribes for the last forty years to keep us dependant upon fossil fuels. We could have had decades of clean energy and massively reduced dependencies on the likes of Russia and Saudi. And now look what's happening...
  14. He's playing pretty well tonight, a bit more like his Villa self. He did sky one effort terribly but he's involved and creating. Admittedly, it is Peterborough though...
  15. Of course, the commentator has to mention Peterborough's last cup upset... Against Aston Villa. Huh.
  16. I've been thinking back to this. Ordinarily, I'm very much concerned about the government making snap decisions, ignoring their own laws, trampling over the law courts etc. In this case, it seems like we want them to be able to sanction the oligarchs immediately. But does that in fact run counter to my previous paragraph? Where in the lines of all this is the distinction between "seize assets of probable supporters of a warlord" and something crazy like "seize all assets from Muslims because there has been a terrorist attack" for instance. I don't really want a government that can act without oversight... But then in times of war... Not really sure how to square all of this. Probably would be easier to process if we didn't have such a bumbling useless oaf in charge.
  17. The law firms thing has been explained away as nonsense by those who have worked in that arena. If the government seriously wanted to sanction them the law firms wouldn't be able to do much. I mean, it's funny how the government are unable to override the "law" when it suits them.
  18. The fact it was read out in the UN General Assembly makes me believe it. It *could* be propaganda but is that really a sensible forum to be spreading misinformation?
  19. Chernobyl: The Lost Tapes is released tonight, a new documentary. The director says the timing is a complete coincidence. I expect it'll be a must-see. It's on Sky and Now TV.
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